Chapter Six

A date in Dreamsvile pt.2

As they flew back Robin went over what just happened. What was the point of going back to reality? There would never be any crime to interrupt his time with her nor would he ever have to worry about her getting hurt. Beast Boy could leave if he wanted to, but Robin was staying right where he was. He was staying with the one person he'd always loved, and nothing would ever tear them apart; this was perfection. Even if Star let go of him right then and there Robin knew he would have just kept on soaring, he couldn't remember the last time he even wished to feel this happy. As the two Titans made their decent onto the roof of Titan's tower Robin began to wonder how this evening could get any better.


Beast Boy paced back and forth in his room going over anything that could possibly help them in their present situation. He had been walking around so much it was wonder that he hadn't worn a hole in the floor; thus far he had come up with nothing. The reasons for this was simple; Robin and Starfire. Both of them care about each other very much. 'Care is more of an understatement,' thought Beast Boy. 'Hell they're head over heels for each other.' But there in lies the problem; neither is willing to hurt the other no matter the situation. In this case Robin simply cannot bring himself to talk or even force Starfire out of nothing short of pure comfort. From the moment they heard Starfire was the one they were going for they knew it would not be easy. It is often easier to talk about doing something important than actually going through with the said action. As Beast Boy walked by a small screen it flicked on and Cyborg's face appeared.

"Yo BB what's happening?" Beast Boy turned and gave him a down trodden face.

"That bad huh," joined in Raven.

"Ahhh Man! I have no clue how I'm going to get either of them to snap out of it! Starfire's drunk with happiness, Robin's eyes are popping out of his head, and I'm being left in the dust!" Raven and Cyborg sighed and leaned back somewhat. "How are things back there?"

"Well the clock is still ticking and Brother Blood seems to be holding up his end," reported Cyborg. He eyed his enemy with a suspicious glare. Raven took Cyborg's place in front of the screen.

"Try your best, the one thing Blood hasn't lied about is the movement of time in that place. You still have more time, just be careful."

"What do you mean?"

"Robin and Starfire aren't bound to give up living like that right on the spot, they may even defend it with………violent behavior. I don't think it'll come to that though" she added quickly. "Just be careful okay." She gave her last statement with a note of concern.

"Hey don't worry Rae careful is my middle name. Well so is funny, quick witted, and charming but I think we'll go with careful today," said Beast Boy with a small laugh. This was one of the things Raven really liked about him; he could take a serious situation and make it funny for a moment. Raven took off her hood and put her hand to the screen and Beast Boy put his over hers.

"Please hurry, I don't want this thing to go off and you're still taking a beauty nap," said Raven trying to hide her reddened face.

"Raven, we're all coming back. I promise." Raven swallowed and nodded. "Now can you put Cyborg on for a sec?" She gave him a final small smile and moved away within moments Cyborg came back over.

"Yeah man what's up?" Beast Boy made sure she was not in ear shot.

"Cy, if I can't get Robin and Star to wake up by the time the bomb goes off, get Raven and Blood out and go from there or you can just leave Blood in the building it doesn't matter. Just get Raven out."

"Man don't talk like that. Yall will wake up from this mess, we'll turn this bomb off and we'll all be back in the tower before you can say Boo-Yah!" Beast Boy gave him a half smile. "Don't worry she'll be fine, you just concentrate on why you're there." Beast Boy nodded confidently.

"We'll give you a call when we're coming home," said Beast Boy. Cyborg gave him a nod and the screen went black. Beast Boy sat back in his chair thinking about the position they were in. Were the rest of their dream world friends? Shouldn't there have been another Robin already with Star when Rob and I showed up? And what was with those two other beds earlier today? Beast Boy would have continued questioning himself but he saw Robin and Starfire just leaving the roof and coming back down.

"Well it's about freak'n time," he said irritably. Robin and Starfire had been gone for nearly five hours and were about to come up on six. The two teens came downstairs into the common room and plopped down on the couch; both were nothing short of exhausted. Starfire let out a fatigued sigh and leaned against Robin.

"You okay there Star?" She smiled and nodded.

"Yes, I am just feeling the need to slumber." Robin nodded and put an arm around her shoulder. "I had a wonderful evening Robin, thank-you." She cuddled closer and rested his head on hers.

"Thank-you Star, today has been just great, that's really all I can say." Starfire put a finger to his lips.

"You need not sat more." He smiled and slowly brought his lips to hers kissing her warmly and passionately. He then began tickling her leg and she broke away laughing.

"R-Robin….stop," she staggered between bursts of laughter. He continued his tickle attack until she playfully smacked him on the arm. "Robin you do not play fair at the tickling."

"All's fair in war Star," relied Robin with a wink. She stood up and tugged at Robin's arms to get up also.

"Come Robin we must say goodnight."

"Awww but that means I have to get off this comfy couch, besides we're both here can't we just say goodnight." She looked at him for a moment then giggled.

"Robin I am referring to Ryand'r and Mary." Robin quickly stood up in surprise.

"Who are they?" She reached up and felt his forehead.

"Oh please tell me you are not still experiencing memory loss; Cyborg, Raven, and Beast Boy elected to take them to the park of amusement so we could be free tonight." Robin decided that whomever she was talking about had to be good so he played along.

"Never mind Star I remember now, let's go." She nodded happily and led the way. They walked down the hallway and came to none other than the room he and Beast Boy had come in trough. They went on to find two children, the girl five and the boy eight, fighting with each other. Starfire gasped lightly and went to break up the fight.

"Please children do not bicker with on another; Mary do we need alone time?" The little girl looked down and shook her head. "Ryand'r do you need to be restricted from your toys?"

"No Mommy." Robin eyes turned to dinner plates. 'Did he just call her… Mommy?" Ryand'r then gave his sister a grumpy look. "But she started it!"

"Did not!"

"Did to!"

"Did not!"

"Did to!" Starfire darted back and forth franticly between the battling siblings. She then gave an imploring look to Robin who by that time had had enough of the all the bickering.

"ALL RIGHT THAT"S ENOUGH!" All went silent. Robin gave the two an angry look then calmed down. "Please stop giving each other a hard time and quit with the back and forth arguing."

"Yes Daddy," they said in unison. Robin's mouth opened slightly, these were his children; these were his and Starfire's children. He unnoticeably shook his head in disbelief then held out his arms. They're faces brightened and they ran forward into his embrace.

"We're sorry Daddy."

"We won't do it again." Starfire smiled down at Robin and their children. Ryand'r finally broke off and stood between his parents.

"So where did you go?" Mary leapt around her brother.

"Yes what happened did you kiss Mommy?" Robin looked up at a blushing Starfire.

"Course I did." Mary put a hand to her face and silently giggled.

"Alright it is time for you two to sleep," said Starfire. She herded the two over to their beds. Robin was taken by surprise when he saw Ryand'r front flip into his bed and Mary glide into hers. He thought about it for a while then understood, his and Starfire's traits and abilities were split up among their kids. Ryand'r apparently retained Robin's agility, and Starfire's eye beams. Mary on the other hand inherited more of her mother; developing flight, starbolts, and super strength. From the different colored belts on the wall Robin deduced both took a natural liking to martial arts. Mary had Robin's jet-black hair while Ryand'r was given Starfire's emerald eyes. Starfire finished tucking them in and bestowed on them a kiss good night. Robin did the same and they walked out of the room quietly. Robin turned back to the door and peeked in a bit.

"These are mine," he said quietly. Starfire came up behind him.

"Is there something troubling you Robin?" He turned around and shook his head quickly.

"No, no everything is great."

"I am glad, I am also quiet fatigued so I will retire." He nodded and she began walking off. When he didn't follow her she turned back. "Are you not coming to bed?"

"Oh I will I'll just be a minuet." She nodded and walked off to their room. Robin entered the common room and stared out the large window. It was more than a dream come true, it was Heaven on earth. He couldn't count how many times he had wished for something like this; it was incredible.

"So, how was your night out?" Robin turned and saw Beast Boy standing behind him.

"WOW it was fantastic!" Said Robin jumping down back to the floor. "Did you know I have kids?!"


"Try and guess their names."

"Ryand'r and Mary. You and Starfire have been married for nearly nine years and you call Ryand'r Ryan when you're in public," said Beast Boy flatly. Robin narrowed his eyes for a moment.

"You been eaves dropping?"

"I haven't been dropping any eaves, but there's something you need to drop."

"What's that?"

"This, all of this," said Beast Boy waving his arms around. "We're in a world created just to keep us under control, or have you been experiencing a loss of memory," mimicked Beast Boy. Robin's look of perplexity faded into a frown. He had forgotten completely where they were. He turned on his heel and headed straight for his room. Beast Boy gazed after him open mouthed. "Unbelievable!" He stormed after his friend and followed him into his room. "Robin…"

"I don't want to hear it Beast Boy!"

"But Robin if we don't leave soon then we're all going to DIE!"

"THEN LEAVE!" A long silence passed between the two of them.

"Then why did you even bring me along? If all you were gonna do is smack me in the face when I try to do only what you told me to do, why am I here?" Robin said nothing but turned back to his closet and began removing some night clothes. "I know it's hard."

"You can't know."

"You think you're the only one with hopes and dreams? People like Brother Blood look at us and say 'Hopes….dreams…..those bums'. You and Star are just getting played here; you're not really living your life's dream." Robin gritted his teeth and gripped a lamp next to his bed. "You need to wake up and face reality." Robin took the lamp, threw it against the wall and it smashed into a million pieces.

"BUT IT'S NOT FAIR!" Beast Boy swallowed somewhat. "We never get what we want! We're always too busy saving the world! What's the world ever done for us in return, just cause more problems for us to fix!"

"No one said life was fair Rob."

"Please don't start down that road," remarked Robin shaking his head.

"If we're going to get Starfire to expect the truth about this place I'm going to need you behind me. She'll only believe so much that I tell her, but to her coming from you it will be more concrete."

"But-But what about my kids?"

"What kids Robin?" Beast Boy gave him a sorry look.

"I've only just met them Beast Boy, and now I love em' so damn much."

"But they're not even real," persisted Beast Boy. "I know they may sound, feel, and look real but they're not. Didn't you ever wonder why there isn't another you here like there was with me and Raven?" Robin paused for a moment and Beast Boy noted his silence. "Because Blood wanted nothing to come between you and ultimate happiness, no competition to remind you why you were really here."

"Mary…..Ryand'r," muttered Robin.

"Not real," said Beast Boy. "At least not yet." Robin looked up at him. "We really don't know what's going to happen to us in the future." Robin ran a hand through his hair and shook his head; he wasn't sure what to think. He walked over to the shattered remains of his lamp and began cleaning it up. He picked up a large chunk and found a open book under it; undoubtedly knocked off when he threw the lamp. He picked it up and saw that it was act 3 scene 1 from Hamlet. He picked it up and couldn't help but read out loud.

"To be or not to be, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And, by opposing, end them?-To die,-to sleep,-No more; and, by a sleep to say we end the heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to,-'tis a consummation devoutly to be wished. To die,-to sleep;-To Sleep! Perchance to dream; -there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When have shuffled off this mortal coil, must give us pause." Robin set the book done and sighed. Beast Boy stared off into space and nodded.

"Wow, that was….beautiful. No idea what you just said."

"It means do we go on living in a fantasy or do we face reality for what it is and try to do something about it," translated Robin. He took a deep breath and turned toward the door. "This ends now."


Starfire walked out of her bathroom dressed in a green night gown with flowers laced on it. She couldn't quite explain it but she felt absolutely content. She patiently awaited Robin as she climbed into bed and nestled herself under the covers. She closed her eyes and felt herself drifting off into a peaceful slumber. She hadn't gotten far when she heard the door open. She squinted a single eye open and spied Robin coming into the room. She smiled and turned on her side pretending to be asleep. Starfire then felt the other side of the bed sink down somewhat and knew he was next to her. She turned and saw him not lying down but sitting straight up, with his uniform on.

"Robin?" She sat up. "What is wrong, is there some dire need forcing us to return to the fighting of crime?"

"No Star, but there is something wrong." She crawled over to him and took his hand.

"Please what is it? Is there anyway I can help?" He turned to her and rubbed her cheek.

"There is something I need to tell you."

"What is it?" Robin slowly got to his feet and stood before the bed.

"Starfire you know the last thing I or any of our friends would want is to hurt you."

"What are you trying to say?" Robin stood her up and held her shoulders.

"Starfire this room, this place, this life of ours; not one bit of it is real." Starfire's mouth fell and tilted her head at him. "I know it sounds like I've gone completely insane but it's the truth. We're not really here."

"T-Then where are we?" She glanced down at the floor.

"We along with the other Titans are in some warehouse with Brother Blood." She looked up quickly. "He some how captured all of us and he's been creating these dream worlds for all of us; to either keep us out of the way or at some point recruit us for school. Again I'm sorry Star but none of what you think we've been through is real; not our retirement from crime fighting, our marriage…….or our children." Starfire put her hands to her mouth and began backing away from him. "Starfire…" He took a step toward her and she moved away of to the door. Not taking her eyes off him she fumbled for the panel and opened the door. Starfire ran out into the hallway with Robin close behind. "STARFIRE COME BACK!"

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" She ran into the common room and found Beast Boy in the kitchen area. "Beast Boy!" She quickly flew down to him. "Beast Boy you must help me, Robin has become exceedingly dangerous!"

"What did he tell you?" She explained what just happened and Beast Boy nodded his head.

"I'm sorry Star, but he's telling the truth." Starfire's eyes widened madly and she began moving away from him also. She backed up until she bumped into someone. She went stiff and gulped heavily. She turned around to see Robin with a concerned face. She suddenly felt an urge to run as fast as she could; but the look he had on his face told her that she didn't have to. He took a step closer to her and held her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Starfire." She looked up at him and wiped her eyes.

"Robin, I"- she stopped suddenly. The giant screen behind them came on and Blood's face appeared.

"Hey there, so how's the party?" Streams of tears rolled down her face and Starfire fell to her knees.

"So it is true," she whispered.

"Oh don't worry dear," said Blood. Robin and Beast Boy stood in front of Star. "I wouldn't dare leave you without a purpose in life. I've got an idea, why don't you join my other students?" Starfire stopped crying and began gripping the sides of her head.

"STARFIRE!" Robin spun around and picked her up. She turned her gaze toward him and her eyes began flickering back and forth from their normal color to red. "Don't let him win Star! Fight him off and we can leave and forget about this place!"

"IT'S NO USE BIRD BOY! She's been mine from the start!" Starfire clung to Robin for support feeling weak at the knees.

"R-Robin, I am sorry." Robin fought against his own watery eyes and shook his head.

"Nothing to be sorry for Star, as usual," he added with a smile.

"I-I wish to-to leave now." With that she fell forward into his chest and was out like a light. Robin gently handed Starfire off to Beast Boy and turned back to an angry headmaster.

"YOU HEARD HER BLOOD! WE'RE OUT OF HERE!" Robin shouted out at the large screen and it along with the rest of the tower faded away and everything went blank.


Robin blinked his eyes open and his world came back into focus; standing all around him was Cyborg, Raven, Beast Boy, and Starfire. Robin sat up and with their help got to his feet. He looked around at the room they were in and the villain who remained tied to a chair in the corner. Robin then laid eyes on his explosive and smiled.

"Just the way I left it." He walked over and punched in the proper key code; the timer stopped at two minuets and three seconds. When he turned around he saw all of his friends giving off looks of shame. "Guys, what's the matter? We did it."

"No Robin, you did it," corrected Starfire.


"Man if it weren't for you, we would still be here laughing and playing in Never Land. We'd end up as Blood's pawns and not even realize it."

"Without you, we would have never come to our senses," said Raven.

"Dude we so owe you one," chimed in Beast Boy. Robin laughed silently.

"A lot of that was done by you guys actually. In order for me to get you out, you first had to want to leave. It was mainly all up to you, I'm just glad you chose right." Robin walked on over to Brother Blood.

"That brings me back to present," he stood Blood up against the wall. "Cyborg have you called the police?"

"You bet, they're waiting outside right now." Robin nodded and turned back to Blood.

"Then we'll just go and let the police take it from here."

"Pretty nice tactic with the bomb," grumbled Blood.

"Oh yeah about that," said Robin. He took out a small remote and pressed a button on it. The clock not only started again but also sped up to just ten seconds.

"ROBIN!" The Titans and Blood said in unison. Robin simply stood there and with a small smile. The timer promptly reached zero and they all ducked for cover. The machine however didn't explode but opened up and shot out an array of streamers and party favors. "I've been wanting an opportunity to test that out. By the way thanks for the help Blood." They put an inhibiter on Blood's head to keep him from using his powers and took him away. The whole time he had on a look of pure shock, anger, irony, and embarrassment. Robin looked around at each of his friends and nodded.

"So, who's ready to go home?"


Life had pretty much returned to normal at Titans Tower. The next morning Beast Boy and Cyborg were fighting over who actually won their video game tournament. Raven had started on her new book; Riding the Bullet by: Stephen King. Robin walked into the room and greeted just the sight he wanted to see…only he didn't. He looked around curiously.

"Hey guys where's Starfire," asked Robin.

"She's......CUT IT OUT CY…..she's on the roof," said Beast Boy. Robin nodded and walked up to Raven.

"So, how you doing?" Raven lowered her book and closed it.

"I'm okay, we both are," she added looking over at Beast Boy.

"He was really worried about you," said Robin. She showed a small smile and looked down. "You sure you're going to be alright?" She up her head.

"Actually I think I'm going to just fine."

Out on the roof the new morning sun was shinning brightly over the water creating billions of shinny glints in the waves. Starfire sat staring out at the ocean intently, her red hair billowing softly behind her. She looked out at the sun set and thought to herself, 'I wish Robin were here right no"-

"Morning Star." She turned and saw him sitting right next to her.

"Robin! I-I did not see you please forgive me for not noting your presence."

"It's alright Star," laughed Robin. "You looked way too relaxed to disturb."

"I am never disturbed by you Robin," she replied.

"That's good to hear," he said joining her view of the water. They sat in silence for a while just watching the water beat against the rocks on the shore. Robin stole a glance at Star and saw her with a sad look. "I really am sorry Star." She looked up at him. "You know….," he found it difficult to find the right words.

"You need not offer any apologies Robin."

"Is it the fake bomb cause I'm sorry if you guys didn't take it all that well."

"No I am thankful you went to such lengths for our freedom. I suppose what is really troubling my mind is what we left behind." Robin edged a little closer to her.

"Ryand'r and Mary," he prompted. Starfire lost her balance and fell into Robin's shoulder. She wet his uniform with silent tears.

"Oh Robin, it felt so real and now it feels as if they have been taken away from us."

"Don't think of it that way Star, when you think about them try to do so as a beacon of hope." She looked up from his shoulder.

"What hope?" Robin smiled warmly and gently held her face.

"That someday, we will see them again………for real." Starfire sniffled and nestled deeper into his arms. "We really have a long way to go before we have to worry about that sort of thing. I think right now we should just enjoy the time we have and deal with our current responsibilities."

"You-You think such things are possible?"

"Hey Blood managed to open the door for Raven and Beast Boy, anything is possible."



"Even many years have passed, you will remain with me?"

"Starfire, I can't even picture going to bed without saying goodnight to you first." Starfire smiled brightly and hugged him tight. Robin leaned down and as she looked up at him placed a loving kiss on her smiling lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened it. There was something different about it this time, different from when they were in Blood's world; it was real. They broke away and just stared at each other.

"I, I think we should get inside and get some breakfast," said Robin. Starfire nodded happily and they rose to their feet. As they walked back inside tower Starfire had something to ask him.

"Robin if you are not engaged tonight by other matters, perhaps you would dine with me at the Isaac's." Robin walked along side her and put an arm around her waste.

"Starfire, that sounds like a dream come true."


SO did you kike it? I hope you did, cause I really like it when people like my stuff. I hope you can catch my next fic and if so I hope you like as much as this one. Thanks for reading my story. LATERS!

ultraviolet4ever:Thanks for all the mashmallows,I haveenough here tomake me a years supply of s'mores. LOL. Thanks again for reading.