Disclaimer – I do not own any of the characters from the movie Troy, or Homer's works.


Chapter One – Predictions

Paris of Troy nudged his brother Hector's arm as the older prince took a seat next to him at the head banquet table. Amid the adulating cheers of the guests present, Paris leaned over and whispered to Hector.

"You really just HAD to come up with another way to prove you're the better son between us, didn't you?" the thirteen year old mumbled, pretending to look truly cross. He was of course, referring to the toast their father King Priam just made in honor of the noble prince. At the age of twenty-three years old, Hector had been officially named general of all Troy's armies. It was for this reason and occasion that a grand feast was currently being held that evening at the royal palace.

Hector laughed at Paris's comment, knowing fully well that his light-hearted brother was merely jesting him. "Now what ever made you think I would do such a deed?" he teased back, giving the teenaged prince a light punch on the arm.

Paris shook his head and grinned. "Just you wait, oh mighty Hector. One day! Someday I shall be able to find a field wherein I can surpass you, even on just one occasion."

Hector gave him a smile that reached his warm brown eyes. "I'm sure you will, Paris." he said sincerely. "But until then, would you mind passing me one of those platters? All this fuss over nothing has only made me hungrier."

Paris chuckled as he obliged the request. "Only you, Hector, would have the gall to dismiss the privilege of being named General as 'nothing'." he admonished. "Did you even stop to consider the hundreds of soldiers who would give almost anything to claim that honor as theirs?"

Hector shrugged and smiled unaffectedly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound so ungrateful." he said. "It's just that I have never dealt well with being the center of attention. While I appreciate the show of approval over my appointment, I would have rather we celebrated in a simpler manner."

Eventually, the brothers fell silent as they resumed eating their dinner, but for a few moments Paris furtively contemplated his older brother's face.

The young prince frowned as he observed the expression Hector unconsciously wore. Was that sadness he sensed and saw lurking in his eyes? But why should the great prince harbor such an emotion when he had everything any man could wish for?

Paris had always both admired and envied Hector as his idol and role model. But perhaps the high son of Troy was not as perfect as he had always thought.

It was past midnight when the feast finally ended and the palace fell into the peaceful silence of privacy once more. Hector sighed softly to himself as he stepped out into the courtyard, where he intended to get some fresh air before retiring for the night. He soon discovered he was not alone in that idea when he noticed a solitary figure seated at one of the stone benches underneath the swaying line of trees.

"Cassandra?" he called out gently, finally recognizing his sister when he came closer. He smiled at the young woman as the moonlight lit up her face, and he sat next to her.

"You should be in bed." he chided gently. "What are you doing still up?"

Eighteen year old Cassandra looked up at her older brother briefly before letting her gaze drift once more. "I could not sleep."

"I'm sorry." Hector said, placing an arm around her frail shoulders. "Did the noise of the festivities keep you awake?"

Cassandra shook her head. "It's the visions." she said, her soft voice tinged with a pain that wrenched Hector's heart. "They would not stop this evening."

Hector frowned, unsure of what there was to say. He knew no words could comfort Cassandra, or ease the burden of the prophetic visions she has been having since she was just a child. Often he felt just so helplessly sorry for his sister. Though everyone in their family did their best to treat her as normally as they could, it was often difficult to deal with someone who had visions, usually of dark events that lay in the future.

Finally, Hector leaned over and simply planted a kiss on the girl's temple. "Come." he said gently but firmly as he took her by the arm. "I'll escort you to your room. You need your rest."

Cassandra didn't protest, but allowed the prince to lead her out of the courtyard and back into the palace halls. They walked in silence for some time until the girl broke it abruptly with one of her impulsive questions.

"Why are you sad, Hector?" She did not turn her head to look at him even as she spoke.

Although he was used to Cassandra making such unexpected comments, Hector was for a moment taken aback by her query. What followed was a feeling of discomfort when he realized that the visions Cassandra were having lately were probably about him. But he knew better than to ask her what had been seen.

"What makes you think I'm sad?" he asked in returned, carefully keeping the tone of his voice light. "It has just been a long day, and I myself am tired."

"You're lonely." Cassandra went on matter-of-factly, ignoring Hector's attempt to dodge the conversation. "You feel that you will never find someone willing to share in your life—a warrior's life. More so now that your duty to the army is greater than before, and you cannot turn away from it. You're afraid your dedication to Troy will cause you to be alone."

Ignoring the sharp stab at his heart caused by these words, Hector shook his head. "You're wrong Cassandra." he said with all the resolution his will could muster. "Nothing is more important to me than serving my country. If sacrifices must be made along the way, then so be it. I am not afraid."

The young seer turned to face him as they came to a stop at their front door. Then she looked straight into her brother's eyes and smiled at him, something he did not expect.

"There is no need for you to fear solitude, dear brother." she said softly, reaching up to touch his cheek. "One day, you shall find her. She will be beautiful and kind, and brave and strong like you, and she will care for you with a love not even the horrors of war can shake. You will find her soon, Hector. Someday."

With that, Cassandra leaned over and kissed Hector's cheek, then turned around and entered her room before her surprised brother could say another word. The Prince of Troy was left staring at the heavy chamber doors, his heart suddenly filled with an indescribably wonderful ray of hope he had never experienced before in his life.

Podes of Thebes frowned and placed his hands on his hips as he stared around at the room he had just entered. The drawing room seemed to be void of occupants, but he was nonetheless certain the one he was searching for was right there, simply out of his sight.

"I saw you come in here Andromache, so you may as well come out of hiding now." he called out sternly, as he moved further into the room. "You know I will find you eventually anyway. Come on, let us just talk."

There was a moment's pause before he overhead an exasperated, but very feminine sigh from behind one of the chairs. Podes smiled and quickly strode over to where the sound had come from. He looked down at the downcast face of a beautiful girl sitting on the floor, her knees pulled up to her chest.

He sat down on the floor beside her and was silent for a moment before he started to speak.

"You should not have just run off like that." he said gently, looking at the girl next to him. "Father is not going to be pleased. This meeting was important to him. He meant for it to be important to you, too."

Andromache sighed again. She lifted her head from her knees and rested it against her older brother's shoulder.

"I'm sorry." she murmured. "But I could not stay there. All those strangers…those men…looking at me as though I were game. Some prize to be won."

She cut herself off and hid her face once more. Podes listened to her muted sobs and felt his heart go out to his young sister. She was only fourteen years old. It was only natural that it would be difficult for her to understand arranged marriages.

"I know this is not easy for you." Podes said slowly, rubbing his hand on her back to comfort her. "But please Andromache, you must trust our father. You are the his only daughter. He would never wish ill fortune towards you. Arranging your marriage to a good man is his way of protecting you."

"But why must it be so?" Anrdomache wailed. "Why must I marry according to Father's wishes? Why can I not choose my own husband?"

"Because that is how the way things are, and have always been." Podes answered simply. He took his sister's hands and squeezed them reassuringly. "Kingdoms are strengthened by their ties to strong allies. Your bond to the right prince or king may secure a prosperous future for our people."

Andromache fell silent for a long while after that. Her voice was barely more than a whisper when she spoke again.

"Am I being selfish?" she sniffed. "Is it so wrong of me to want to marry for love?"

Podes sighed and reached over to wraps his arms around her in an embrace. "No, Andromache. It isn't wrong. But neither is it a privilege you have. You are a Princess of Thebes, and that means having to fulfill obligations."

He kissed her forehead and tenderly wiped her cheeks dry. "But I see no reason for you to be afraid." he told her. "You are a beautiful woman with the kindest heart this kingdom has ever known. The goddess would not leave you to a man undeserving of your virtue."

Podes smiled and affectionately tousled her hair, causing the maiden's face to brighten up somewhat. "I have faith that somewhere out there is a good, honorable man waiting for you. One day he will come, and you will fall so deeply in love nothing could keep you from each other."

"Just have faith, sweet Andromache. Have faith."

Coming Up: Chapter Two – Someday Has Come

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