Note- i own nothing related to Harry Potter. that all belongs to teh brilliant J.K. Rowling. the character Arianna is mine though.


"Congratulations Mrs. Weasly. It's a girl," the Healer gently placed the baby in Hermione's outstretched arms. Hermione looked down at her baby with a smile. "I'll leave you two alone a while," the Healer quietly left the room.

"Hi baby," Hermione whispered softly touching her baby's nose. "You are so beautiful, you know that?" Hermione's voice began to crack. "You look just like your father," which was entirely true. Her daughter's red hair poked out from under her little pink hat. Hermione noted that her green eyes sparkled exactly the way her father's did. Faint freckles dotted the baby's face. "Your father would have loved to meet you. He would have loved you a lot. I know he's watching us right now and smiling at his beautiful baby girl." Hermione finally couldn't hold it in and began to cry. "I love you my sweetheart, I love you Arianna."

Then looking up at the ceiling Hermione whispered, "I love you George."

Half the continent away, lying in a hospital bed in Germany George Weasly opened his eyes. "HERMIONE!"

Author's Note - I hope you like it. The idea just sorta popped into my head. i know this isnt much but i needed a prolgue. Please review and let me know how i'm doing.