Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.... Although I wish I did....

TJ: Well... Hello beloved readers. Im actually doing a story with absolutely no songs! A miracle? YES. lol. Please just read and review.






Kagome: 17

Inu: 21

Kikyo: 20

Sango: 18

Miroku: 19

Summary: Inuyasha... In one of the most powerful gangs in Tokyo. His Girlfriend, The most successful business woman in tokyo... Things are good right..? Nope! Things just got more complicated.

Chapter 1:

Kagome sat in her room with her radio on full blast. Trying to drown out the nasty sounds Kikyo was making while she was being screwed.

'You'd think Yasha would let her know she sounds like a dying cat.' She thought. Five minutes later, the sounds stopped. "THANK GOD!" Kagome said, walking down the stairs to the kitchen. Soon after she got into the kitchen, Kikyo and Inuyasha emerged at the door way.

"Hello dearest sister." Kikyo said sweetly.. A little TO sweetly.

"Hello nearest and dearest to me.. You slut bucket." Kagome said.

"Boy aren't you just a big bowl of fun." Inuyasha said sarcastically.

"AHEM! Children, please. I need to tell you both something. As you know, mother and Souta are gone for the month. Leaving me and Kagome. Well... Im going to New York for two weeks, On a business trip. Inuyasha, I need you to house sit. Kagome, I need you to treat Inuyasha with some decency. Understood?" Kikyo finished.

"Yes." The pair grumbled.

"My plane leaves in an hour. Im off to the air port. I'll call when i get to New York. Yasha, make yourself at home." And with those last words, she left.

Later That Night

"Kag. I have a meeting with the gang tomorrow. You gonna be ok alone?" Inuyasha asked.

"I ain't a little girl Yash. I'll be fine." Kagome said, taking a seat on the couch next to Inuyasha.

"Just making sure."

Inuyasha flipped through the channels. Finally, he decided on watching "Buffy The Vampire Slayer"

"Never knew you liked this wonderful show." Kagome smirked.

"I like Spike. Bloody brilliant he is." Yasha replied.

"I think Buffy should get over herself.. And I wish Spike would be the badass he was,," Kagome said. When she said that, Inuyasha looked at her. Actually looked at her. For the first time ever.

She was wearing black hot pants, and a tight fitting white wife beater. He noticed her full breasts and her long legs. He looked at he chocolate brown eyes and her long black hair. Her hair was slightly wavy with a blue tint. He blushed when he felt his jeans tighten. All of this did not go unnoticed by Kagome. She watched him check her out. And while he checked her out... She did the same to him. He was wearing a tight red wife beater that showed off his six pack, and black baggy jeans with a noticeable bulge. He had beautiful amber eyes and long silver hair with cute doggy ears.

When they noticed they were staring at each-other, Kag offered dinner.

"Uh.. You hungry?" She asked. Ignoring the wetness between her legs.

"Yea..." He said, following her into the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen, Kagome rummaged through the cabinets.

"You like Ramen?" She asked Inu..

'Why am I feeling this way towards her? Kikyo is her older sister! Plus she's a minor.' He thought.

"EARTH TO CRACK HEAD!" She yelled, as she waved her hands in his face. Despite his better half telling him not to do it, he grabbed Kagome and pinned her against a wall. She could feel his breath in her face and his "male parts" against her stomach... And it turned her on even more. Without thinking, she kissed him. The kiss was full of passion... Everything she wanted and needed.

"Gods Kagome... I need you." He whispered. He picked her up and took her to her room. Her room was painted black. In the center she had a nice big bed with red silk bed-sheets and a huge red blanket. At that moment they weren't thinking of what could happen if Kikyo found out.. They only concentrated on the pleasure.

Inuyasha lifted off Kagome's shirt and took off her shorts while she worked on getting his clothing off. Ironically they both decided to go commando today. "Inuyasha." She moaned softly.

He kissed, licked, and nipped at her neck. "Inuyasha please!" Kagome said. She was already worked up enough, she wasn't gonna wait anymore. She guided his manhood into her opening.

"Uhn!" She moaned as he thrust forward. She was a virgin and had never experienced anything like she was with him. She wrapped her legs around his waist and they built a rhythm together. Inuyasha grunted and fucked her harder and faster. He loved every little noise she made. Her moans only turned him on more.

"Oh Kagome! So... Tight.. Wet.. All mine." He felt possessiveness wash over him. He didn't know what it was about her. Kagome felt a little ball form at the pit of her belly. She felt as if she was gonna die from all the pleasure he was giving her.

"Inuuuyyyyaasssshaaaaa!" She screamed as they came together.

They both lay in a comfortable silence. Only heavy breathing could be heard. They both were in deep thought.

"What... The fuck just happened...?' Kagome thought. 'Kikyo's my sister.. I may hate her with a passion.. but not enough to betray her. But I did.. and all it took was a little kiss.'

"What are we gonna do?" Yasha thought aloud.

"I... I don't know."

"I... Don't wanna hurt Kikyo.. But Im just so attracted to you. I have been for a while." He said to her.

"Well. Two weeks.. We'll have two weeks together. But when Kikyo comes back. We'll pretend it never happened. And it won't ever again when she's here. Enjoy it while it lasts.