Tara Yuki-Uesugi here (I love that name, Uesugi) starting on my first Chapter fic .I am so afraid of writers block its not even funny lol I hope its good. Oh yeah and before you read I thought you should know that Shuichi is either referred to as "Daddy" or "Pop" by the kids and Yuki as "Dad" or " Tou-san".

Random note: Hey I got the Sims 2 for the holidays (I loved the first one I have all the expansion packs) and I made the Shindou-Uesugi house. I made them look just like Shuichi and Eiri except Shu doesn't have pink hair its brown. And they act just like the Gravi characters. When they first got in the house Shuichi went straight to the video games and Yuki went to the books lol it was cute . And now they can write novels and that's all SimYuki wants to do and Sim Shuichi LOVES the radio . Isn't that funny ?. Well today they finally fell in love and they are getting engaged .I plan on having them marry tonight after I'm done typing this . Then they can adopt some kids. I'll keep you updated ...if you even care lol

Disclaimer: blah blah blah ...no I don't own Gravitation...boo hoo ... I wish I did ...waaaaaaaaahhhhh ...but I don't, Maki Murakami does ...lucky her ...but I do own the characters I made up ...YAY!

And on with the show ...


No answer

"Daddy, Daddy, DADDY!"

"Yes, Sweetie" called back Shuichi Shindou.

"Where are you?"

"In the study with dad"

Ten seconds later the door to the study flew open on its hinges slamming into the wall with a loud Bang! At this sound, both men , who had been sitting in the room, snapped their heads in the direction of the door and saw a beautiful girl fuming.

The girl had gorgeous blonde hair that rested about 3 inches past her shoulders. Her eyes were big, round, and the most beautiful shade of purple, though at the moment they were narrowed and shooting daggers at the men in the room. She was quite tall for her age and very skinny though not sickly. For such a young girl, even in her pink bunny P.J.'s with matching slippers (no doubt something Uncle Ryu had bought her) she was breath taking.

"What's the matter Meiko?" Shuichi asked looking concerned with his daughter's anger. Her eyes identical to his.

"Yeah, what is it. I have a deadline to make and your screeching through the house isn't helping. " Yuki said returning his eyes to his laptop." The mortgage doesn't pay itself "Eiri was a novelist.

"Daddy, Keisuke came in the living room, took the remote from me and changed the channel. I told him I was watching something and he said ' too bad, not anymore ' "Meiko said walking up to Shuichi and ignoring her dad entirely." Daddy can I have my own T.V. please, PLEASE! "

Shuichi opened his mouth to answer when...


Both Meiko and Shuichi shot their heads toward Yuki.

"But dad why not?" Meiko whined

"Because one idiot box is enough." Yuki replied

"Daddy will you please talk some sense to dad!" Meiko whined to her Daddy

"Ok hun, go and wait in the living room ok?" Shuichi said to Meiko "Ok": Meiko said and smiled at her daddy. She turned and left the study, cracking the door a bit to eavesdrop.

'Heh Heh the TV is in the bag' Meiko thought to herself ' Tou-san can never deny daddy'

"Yuki, why can't Meiko have her own T.V.?" Shuichi asked

"I already told you, one is enough" Yuki replied still typing

"But she should have one of her own .They boys always pick on her. Let her have something of her own. She is the only girl. It's hard on her" Shuichi said pleading his case.

"No. Let her read a book or something. The Gods only know she needs to after her last report card." Yuki replied.

"Oh Yuki, you know she's like me when it comes to grades. She does try her best though." Shuichi said smiling

"Yeah, well, we don't need another T.V." Yuki said still standing by his words

"But Yuki..."


"Yuki ..."


"Eiri!"Shuichi said dangerously

Yuki looked into Shu's eyes. Unable to resist, he said...

"Fine. But she had better try to pull up those grades." Yuki said in defeat. He had to hand it to his daughter, she knew his weakness.

"Alright Meiko, you can come in now. I know you're there." Yuki said smiling

Shuichi looked up kind of surprised looking at Meiko walking through the door.

"Meiko, you know you shouldn't eavesdrop" Shuichi said smiling

"I know" Meiko blushed "But I couldn't help myself. Is it true?" She asked "Can I really get my own T.V.?"

"Yup, Dad said it's ok" Shuichi said with a grin

"Oh, Daddy thank you. I knew you could talk him into it." Meiko cried while hugging her daddy.

"Hnn" Yuki growled at hearing his daughter say his weakness out loud

"And thank you Tou-san. And I promise I'll work on my grades." she cried

"Yeah, yeah" Yuki said smiling and hugging his daughter back.

"Daddy, can we go now!" Meiko asked Shuichi

"I don't see why not" Shuichi replied smiling at his little girl. "Now, hurry up stairs and get dressed. We'll go to Circuit City" "Ok" and out of the room she ran.

"You spoil that girl way too much" Yuki declared smiling at his husband

"How can I not, she's my little girl" and with that Shuichi left the room to get his coat, car keys and his sunglasses.

Meiko ran out of her parents study and into the living room where her brother Keisuke sat watching T.V... Keisuke noticed his sister's happiness.

"Oi, Idiot, why are you so happy?" he asked her

Meiko looked at him, stuck out her tongue and blew a raspberry at him, covering him in spit.

"EWWWWWW Moron!"

"Daddy and I are going out"

"Where to?"

"Wouldn't you like to know" she said smugly and ran off to her room to get dressed. Keisuke rolled his eyes and then proceeded to turn to MTV Japan where Shuichi's video was playing. 'Daddy sure has a lot of talent ' he thought

After Meiko finished dressing, she was about to go downstairs to her waiting daddy when she heard Keisuke's twin brother Kaoru banging away on his drums. She made a mental note to ask Shuichi to stop by the music store to pick her brother up some new drum sticks and guitar strings. She was sure he needed them. She also reminded herself that Keisuke needed paper so he could print the story he's writing .Yuki had used it all printing the manuscript for his next novel for his editor.

"Meiko, don't forget your shades and a hat. We don't want to get noticed, do we?" Shuichi called up the stairs to his daughter.

"Ok" she called back running into her room to find her disguise.

Shuichi was downstairs, coat on, shades in hand looking at the key rack on the wall near the front door.

"Which one is the key to the mini-van again?" he wondered to himself out loud

"The one that says 'Ford', Pop." Keisuke answered for him eyes still on the T.V

"Oh yeah, I forgot " Shuichi said sheepishly "I wish your father would stop buying so many cars. We already have seven" Shuichi said counting the car keys on the rack.

"I suppose as long as he's got the money and pretty new cars keep coming out, dad's going to buy then." Keisuke said

"Yeah, your right" Shuichi agreed "Well at least they're pretty cars"

"Yeah" Keisuke said back "So, when do I get my car?"

"No time soon so quit asking " Yuki had just walked in to the living room. He plopped down next to Keisuke and lit a cigarette . " He smokes a lot less since the children have been born but can't seem to break the habit completely.

"Aw man" Keisuke whined

"You're too young now but your time will come soon. So quit asking, damn brat. "Yuki said to his eldest son (by 2 min) while ruffling his pink hair .Yuki turned his attention back to Shuichi. "You guys haven't left yet?"

"Meiko is getting her disguise. I don't want her to get noticed or at least make it that obvious for the paparazzi to find us." Shuichi explained

"Yeah" Keisuke chimed in "Ever since she did that one print ad they've been hounding her everywhere. She doesn't even want to model. She wants to sing."

"Yeah" Yuki added "If any of them hurt you guys in any way tell me. At least then I'd have an excuse ..."

"To what? Kill them?" Shuichi said smiling

Word got around about how Yuki beat one paparazzo into a coma because he knocked Kaoru to the floor once. Then beat another senseless for accidentally hitting Meiko in the head with his lens when she was two. Both times had been scary. Yuki was lucky he hadn't been put in jail. Shuichi lost count of how many times he thanked Tohma for his help.

"So where are you going, Pop?" Keisuke asked

"To Circuit City to get me a new TV." Meiko finally emerged and was now thundering down the stairs

"WHAT!" Keisuke yelled shocked "WHY!"

"Because you guys never let me watch T.V. in peace!" Meiko yelled back

The house was always full of yelling.

"Then I want one too, dad!" Keisuke yelled at his father. "You already have one." Yuki replied calmly "What!" Keisuke yelled back baffled. "Now that Meiko is getting one you can use this one . Kaoru never watches T.V. so ..." Yuki explained.

"Well we'd better be off." Shuichi announced

"Which car are we taking daddy?" Meiko asked "The mini-van." Shuichi answered

"Oi, Shuichi" Yuki called after him, putting out his finished cigarette. "Why do you need the mini-van? The television won't be that big"

"No it won't be. It's just a precaution. Those boxes can be quite large." Shuichi answered smiling


"Well, we're off" Shuichi announced

"Shuichi" Yuki said giving his lover a kiss. "Make sure the T.V. isn't too big please?" "Ok."

"And you ..." Yuki rounded on his daughter "Don't even think about talking your daddy into a bigger television" He kissed her. "Ok dad." Meiko promised, hugging Yuki in return "Bye" Meiko waved and ran out of the house to the mini-van.

"Be safe, pop. Bye, freak!" Keisuke called after his father and sister

Shuichi waved a hand in acknowledgement and then closed the door behind him.

"How much you wanna bet they come back with a 40in flat screen" Keisuke said with a chuckle.

"I'd be a fool to bet against that. Knowing Shuichi he will." Yuki replied while entering the kitchen. "What do you want for lunch?"

End of Chapter 1

Did u like ? I promise the next chapter will delve more into Keisuke's thoughts . And you meet Koaru! I think Kaoru is my fav character .I dunno why . I think its cuz he acts completely different from the way he looks . It's funny to me . I hope to write more with him in it .

Chapter 2 is kool . Some fighting happens and the male parental units start to worry about Keisuke . Chapter 2 will be up after the Character profiles they will be next !

Hope you enjoyed ! Review please! Constructive criticism is most certainly welcomed!