Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

Warnings: This is a fic revolving around male/male relationships so if you are not comfortable with this please leave. This also includes incest relationships. This is quite an AU fic and Harry and Draco in this fic is OOC so beware!

A/N: I'm not making any money out of this. Hope you enjoy. Reviews are welcome. Flames do not get the welcome mat. I was absent and suddenly the original post of this fic was deleted. What happened? I didn't do anything wrong did I?


Second-year Hogwarts student, Harry, craned his neck excitedly, trying to spot Draco among the crowd of first-years who had just entered the Great Hall. He picked out the 11-year old blond and waved frantically. Draco waved back, albeit with less excitement due to the nervousness that made his stomach feel like jelly.

When Professor McGonagall called his name, he stepped out and allowed the old and ragged Sorting Hat be placed upon his head. After several seconds of silence, the Hat declared him a Gryffindor.

Draco practically ran to the Gryffindor table and into Harry's open and waiting arms. Harry hugged him with one hand and welcomed him to Gryffindor and his friends. Draco acknowledged the Gryffindor table with a polite nod of his head before throwing all his attention at Harry once again.

Harry and Draco.



Four years later...

It was common knowledge in Hogwarts that the brothers, Harry and Draco, were inseparable. They did everything together - from homework to Quidditch to hanging out with friends.

Not only that but Draco's devotion towards his older brother was definitely not a well-kept secret in Hogwarts. The young Draco practically fawned over his older brother with admiration and love glowing in his eyes.

So you can imagine everyone's surprise when Draco turned up at breakfast one day, taking a seat several seats away from Harry and refusing adamantly to discuss his big brother. When everyone asked Harry if he had wronged Draco in any way, Harry replied with a confused raised eyebrow and saying that he didn't even know that Draco was mad at him.

At the end of the day, after being questioned about Draco's odd behaviour by no less than six people, Harry cornered Draco in the common room with everyone looking, leaving Draco no chance of escape. "Draco, is something wrong?"

"No," lied Draco.

"You know that's not true." Harry laid a coaxing hand on his brother's shoulder. "Tell me."

Draco immediately flinched from Harry's touch like he had been burned. "There is nothing wrong." With that, he fled to the privacy of his four-poster bed, enchanted with a shielding charm. From that point on, Harry and Draco's relationship went from bad to worse.

Monday was never a good day for fourth-year Gryffindors. Double Potions with Slytherins on their first period; also known as a Gryffindor's hell on earth, except for Draco, of course. Everyone knew that Harry's blond younger brother was the only Gryffindor in history who had gained the privilege to be in Snape's good books. Some even say that Snape favoured him more than his own house students.

And of course, Snape's favouritism in Draco was not unfounded. Draco was the best student in Potions in his year. Which was why McGonagall saw it fit it upgrade Draco to fourth-year Potions, despite him being a third-year. And being able to attend fourth-year Potions also meant that Draco could have Potions with his big brother, Harry.

To Draco, having class with his older brother was heaven. Or at least it used to be that way. Now it was more like a prelude to hell. Even though Draco enjoyed Potions immensely - largely due to the fact Snape never laid a harsh remark upon him - he didn't think he could stand going through two whole period of having eyes boring holes into the back of his head.

Draco knew that Harry would stare at him. Harry would stare at him at any given opportunity. It was as if he believed that staring would repair his relationship with Draco. But, of course, it wouldn't. Things were never that simple.

There was a reason why their once flourishing relationship had now fallen into disrepair. There was a reason why Draco refused to love his older brother outwardly any more. And Draco blamed it all on the dreams - no, nightmares - he had at night. Those nightmares were something he did not wish to discuss with anybody. Not even himself.

It was wrong. So very, utterly, terribly wrong. What kind of sick bastard would have wet dreams about his own brother?! Which person would be begging for his older brother to ravish him inside out in his dreams?! The more Draco thought about it, the more Draco hated himself.

He hated the fact that he was so utterly in love with his big brother. And he hated it even more that his hormonal teenage body agreed so readily. And so, Draco reverted to the only solution he knew: avoid Harry.

Heaving a heavy sigh, Draco dared himself a peek at Harry who sat several seats away at the Gryffindor dining table, happily pushing cereal into his mouth while trying to explain something to Ron and Hermione at the same time. If there was anyone who was unhappy about how his relationship with Harry had turned out, it was him.

He wanted nothing more than to love his brother. But Harry would never accept the type of love Draco wanted to shower on him. Harry was the world's best big brother. He deserved a pretty girlfriend who would become a pretty wife who would bear many good-looking children for him. Unlike Draco.

'Look away, Draco,' he told himself. 'Look away.' But his eyes refused to listen, concentrating on Harry's moving mouth, his lips forming words that Draco could not hear. And suddenly, without warning, yesterday night's dream jumped to the forefront of his mind.

"N-no, not there," pleaded Draco .

"Shh, don't speak," Harry whispered before running the tip of his tongue over the entire length of his erected manhood. Draco bit his lip to silence the groan that was building in his throat. "Why are you so silent, little brother? You know I like you loud." Harry swooped down and swallowed Draco's cock whole.

Draco raised his hips of the bed and screamed.

What the hell was he doing?! Draco peeked under the table and saw his excited manhood making a tent in his pants. He gripped the edge of the table so hard that he was sure his fingernails had left imprints on the wood. Now was hardly the right time or place to be thinking about his dreams. What if Harry noticed?!

Draco gulped in some air and willed his erection to go away. He had done this so many times that he was getting good at it. His dreams were always like that. In his dreams, Harry would always call him 'little brother' instead of his name, as though to forever rub in the fact that they were brothers and that any intimate relationship between them would just be wrong. And in his dreams, Harry would always have this soft look in his eyes that Draco would like to think was love.

'Snap out of it, Draco!' he snapped inwardly, before releasing the breath he held. He looked at his brother one last time before leaving the table, not trusting himself to be this close around Harry any longer. He had made a vow to rid himself of these horrible dreams and by hook or by crook, he will do it!

Harry watched Draco leave in silence and could not help but sigh in longing. Not even a 'good morning'. In the good old days, Draco would be sitting next to him at breakfast, stealing his food and trying to convince him that Snape was a prejudiced, cranky, old bastard. Now, Harry couldn't help but feel sad at how his relationship with Draco had developed.

"You can't expect him to follow you around for the rest of his life," said Hermione when she noticed what Harry's eyes had been focusing on for the past few minutes. "Maybe he wants a life all by himself."

Harry could see the sense in Hermione's words. But he really did not want to entertain the possibility that Draco did not love him anymore.

We always hurt the ones we love most.