Another Snake x Some Strange Inatimate Object fic. This one actually came first, but I was too lazy to type it up. If it really matters, this is when he's right outside Bolshaya Past Base, where the guard is on the .20 calibre machine gun thats mounted in the ground, and I believe theres attack choppers parked there... Also, I know that the explanation i wrote for the frog is the explanation Para-Medic gives for the alligators, but I coudnt remember what she says about tree frogs.

AND a big thank you to everyone who commented on my other fics, it means a lot! 33

Happy New Year!

Snake lay patiently in the tall grass, barely breathing. He raised his head just a little to check if the Russian guard was still there. He was. Snake sighed, a little anxious, but mostly bored. He had run out of ammunition for both his MK-22 and his M1911A1, so he would have to wait for the guard to either fall asleep or leave his post before he could sneak by him to the provisions storehouse.

To his right, the grass rustled. Instantly alert, he turned around, only find a small green tree frog looking up at him with round orange eyes. Snake smiled.

"Come here, sweetheart." He whispered and grabbed the frog. It squirmed in his hands for a second and then stilled, its legs dangling. Snake pet it with his finger and then reached over to call Para-Medic, his resource for knowledge on what was edible and what wasn't.

"Snake? How are you?" Her voice said in his ear.

"I'm good. I caught a tree frog." He heard the faint sound of pages flipping.

"Those tree frogs are native to India, but they were taken to Russia for experimental purposes and then escaped. Now there are thousands, if not millions, of them thriving in the forest."

Snake looked at the frog. The frog blinked back at him.

"I…I think it likes me," said Snake, in his usual monotone voice. Para-Medic was silent for a moment. Snake mistook this silence for encouragement.

"It has such…" He struggled with the right word. "…beautiful eyes."

"Uh…Snake?" Para-medic sounded concerned.

"Yeah?" He was distracted. He stroked the top of the frog's head. It was smooth and a bit wet.

"Don't you want to know if it's edible?"

"What? Why would I want to know that?" Did she actually think that he was going to eat it?

"Well…You always ask me that, Snake."

Was she insane? "I ask you that about bad things like snakes and alligators and bees but…but this is a tree frog."

Para-Medic was silent.

"Fine. I didn't expect you to understand." He hung up, muttering to himself. She was a smart girl, but sometimes she really didn't think.

"How could she expect me to eat you?" He asked the tree frog, and kissed it lightly. It blinked again and made a low croaking noise. Snake's eyes filled with tears.

"I…I love you too." He bit his lip to keep from crying. He had found his soul mate—in a Russian jungle at that. He thought of all the stories he could tell his grandkids.

A few feet away, the Russian guard who had been at the post Snake was watching earlier, was sneaking up as quietly as he could on the American soldier hidden in the grass.

"Freeze" he shouted, pointing his gun straight at the soldier's head. The soldier looked up at him with piercing blue eyes.

Smiling, the Russian soldier pressed the button on his walkie-talkie.

"Enemy sighted. Requesting backup." He sneered. "It's Snake. We're going to have some fun with this one."

He grinned wickedly. "Get up. Slowly."

Snake stood up, still holding the frog in his hand. He brought it to his mouth and whispered something, kissed it, and set it down. A solitary tear rolled down his stubbly cheek.

"You can take me," he said, his voice cracked with tears. "But leave my tree frog alone!"