The Faust VIII Gazette

A/N: …Hheh, what happens when our favorite necromancer/doctor/gentleman/guy with kewl pants turns into a news journalist and keeps a diary with some of his articles in them? Ruling the newspaper with an iron fist over his two little assistants, how long can Faust put up with this new job? As long as I want him to, for I am the ALL- MIGHTY abusing authoress powers AUTHORESS OF THE NETHERWORLD!!!!! - Nheh, well, me hopes you like it.

Disclaimer: I DO own the Faust VIII Gazette idea, I do not own anything else, not Shaman King either…I also own a bad case of carpal tunnel, bless this little ficcie…


NEWSFLASH!!!- Diaries of Missing News Journalist Found In Bog!! –An Article by Random Journalist Guy

As of late, the news journalist, Johann Faust VIII, has been missing for over three months, and a search party for him has been sent out numerous times, only to fail and usually stop for a bite of food…The Funbari City Police Department is confounded, and had presumed the matter a double homicide, for, as of late as well, his wife, Eliza Faust VIII, has also gone missing around the same time as he had.

The couple were last seen at an airport boarding the 611 flight to the Greater Antilles and heading the Bahamas…However, we are not sure of the source's truthfulness, as it was a pirate with scurvy, the wonderful disease, showed up at our doorstep proclaiming he had seen them there.

A while later after the hubbub had died out, he and his wife were presumed a cold case by detectives, forensic specialists, and police, and left to the jurisdiction of Detective Kyouyama Anna.

And now, thanks to her brilliance of deciding to search their home, we have found the coveted diary of the last days leading up to his disappearance.

You are the first to read it, and the police force and nobody at the actual newspaper is going to, because we have been proclaimed Royal Retards by Neko-Neko Faust VIII, the authoress, and we do not know anything, not even how to wipe ourselves. (A/N: Eew…-)

Both Faust and his wife Eliza's safe recovery may be based on your reading of these chapters, I am the only one at the newspaper who has read it. I read one sentence and I feel proud, I did it for a candy bar, except now I accidentally dropped it in the cat box…and there is so much candy in there that it's hard to tell which is mine…

Cordially, Random News Journalist Guy

A/N: - Yes, a bit gross, ne? Well, next chapter we get to look into one of Faust's journalist diaries, a short note left by his two assistants, and a news report he had written that day…- Don't you worry your intestines out about it, this is a humor story I think I shall do Aisubeki Dearest another time, and I am sorry Satine89 and KagenoKatana, but you have to wait… I hoped you liked this chapter, and now 'tis time to review! Come on now, don't be stingy!

Ja Ne

Neko-Neko Faust VIII (who is too lazy to start typing Aisubeki Dearest and wanted something easy for a vacation before she attempts it.)