Title – Soul Charming (Part One of Three)
Author – Spaz141
Rating – PG13
Category – Romance/Fluff
Warnings – none
Pairings –

Summary - I believe that a person can fall in love more than once in a lifetime and this is basically what this story is about. The main plot is borrowed from an episode of Sabrina the Teenaged Witch. Do you believe in soul mates? This is a Hermione based story from her point of view.

A/N – Many great authors influence me so I thank AmyNoelle, CheeringCharm, MisCard, AprilGrey, Rilla, WendyNat, Holden, Shiv, Snapesflower, FlyingEgg, Azazello (whose influenced me more than I ever wanted her to – death to my inner fangirl), Selened, and last but not least Ebony (Angie J) whose amazing Paradise Lost series got me hooked on fan fiction in the first place.

Special thanks to MisCard and Selened for their beta work and comments, and to Andy and Red Writing Hood for encouraging me to finish. (And to Kiki for taking the time to point out some pesky errors I'd missed.)

Disclaimer – I own nothing, not the characters, not the plot, not even original characters – I have "borrowed" it all. I have read and been influenced by so many stories if you recognize something belongs to you let me know and I will acknowledge you accordingly.


Here I am sitting on the back of a motorbike with my arms wrapped around him. How can this even be possible? I never in my life thought we would be together…

18 months earlier – Flourish and Blotts

I'm standing in the personal health section of Flourish and Blotts when this incredibly dashing man with short dark hair and an oh-so sexy demeanour approaches me.

"You're Hermione Granger." he offers. He is Scottish too!

"Yes, I know that." I reply smartly; I recognize him but not quite sure from where, must be Hogwarts. Ugh that seems like an age ago.

"Oliver, Oliver Wood," says the handsome man as he holds out his hand.

My expression changes to one of recognition; I smile as I take his offered hand, "Yes, of course, Oliver Wood. Quidditch Captain. Yes, I remember you." Suddenly, I realize what book I have in my other hand and quickly move to put it behind my back. Too late, Oliver glances down at the embarrassing title "How to Make Yourself Desirable – a comprehensive guide to catching the right wizard" and the giant shiny gold star with the words over 1,000,000 copies sold to satisfied witches worldwide flashing. I open my mouth and out fumbles, "Ahhh, just doing some research." as I quickly return the book to the shelf wondering if I could be any more embarrassed. Why is Oliver Wood looking at me like that? Oh Merlin, he must think I'm a freak or worse…a crazy cat-witch. Wait I do own a cat…my beloved Crookshanks. Oh Merlin, let me die right now, please.

"Hermione…Hermione," I snap my head up and look into those charming hazel eyes, he is smiling at me and asks, "Would you care to have a bite to eat with me, that is if you don't have any plans." He looks…what is that? Hopeful. Holy Merlin!

"That would be lovely," I coolly reply, at least I think I coolly reply. Oliver Wood then gives me a sexy grin, yeah that's right gives me sexy grin, takes my hand and leads me out of the book store. I can't help but smile; I'm going on a date, a lunch date, with sexy intense former Hogwarts Quidditch Captain Oliver Wood. Wait, I'm on a date. I haven't been on a date since…Oh Merlin; don't let me make a complete arse out of myself.

So here I am fifteen minutes later sitting down to luncheon with Oliver Wood. He doesn't seem as intense as he was in school; I don't think he is as obsessed with Quidditch anymore either, because he hasn't mentioned the subject once. I'm not really paying attention to what he is saying, I'm lost in thought – I wish Harry and Ron were here to witness this, hell I wish for any one I know to witness this. I sigh; bookworm Hermione is out with a handsome wizard who just happens to not be named Harry or Ron.

"…Hermione, what have you been up to since finishing Hogwarts?" inquires my future husband…I mean Oliver Wood.

"Uhh, yeah…" I respond snapping out of my trance, "Well, after taking that summer off, I started at the Ministry, on a two year Potions Apprenticeship. I completed my Field Work at Hogwarts with Professor Snape and then… What, why are you making that face? Oh bother! He's not that bad, besides he is an excellent teacher and mentor; I learned a great deal. If it wasn't for Severus I'd still be –"

"Stop, I don't think I can handle it. You didn't…you know…with Snape?" sputters Oliver as he raises his hands in an effort to shield himself from any further thoughts of Snape.

I groan, "Why does everyone assume I shagged the man? No, we are friends." Oliver raises his eyebrow at me. "Don't look at me like that." I say playfully and emphasize, "Just friends. Yes, Severus Snape is capable of having friends besides, he does have a lady friend and they have been together for years, decades even." That's right 'the greasy git' is getting laid…on a regular basis.

Oliver looks at me gob-smacked and I carry on, "As I was saying, if it wasn't for Severus I'd still be trying to decide what to do with my life…At the leaving feast, he approached me and suggested I consider potions work; he said I had a knack for it."

"Snape said that?" asks a stunned Oliver.

"Yes, I asked him if he'd gotten into the spiked pumpkin juice or perhaps he was ill. He was highly affronted and insisted that he really meant what he said. So I took the summer off and started with the Ministry that September."

"So you're a Potions Specialist?" inquires Oliver.

"Yes, I currently work in the Experimental Potions Department at the Ministry, it is really interesting work. I really enjoy being at the forefront of new discoveries, maybe a little too much at times as I tend to bury myself in my work. Harry and Ron are always on me about working too much saying I should get out more…meet a nice wizard and settle down." Did I just say that out loud? I start to blush and look up at Oliver.

"Hey, how is Harry? I thought for sure he'd play professional Quidditch…waste of talent that is…shame really," voices Oliver.

I'm a little bit disappointed that he didn't react to my last comment, but I am grateful for the topic change; I positively do not want to discuss my non-existent love life. "Harry is good." I respond, "I talk to him practically every day. He's an Unspeakable."

"Really?" Oliver responds clearly impressed.

"Yes. He seems happy enough. The 'Saviour of the Wizarding World' moniker still bothers him. Oh, he and Ginny Weasley were engaged, Fred and George's little sister."


"They broke up, about two months before the wedding. Mrs. Weasley was more upset than they were. It's for the best; Ginny is dating Neville Longbottom now and Harry is playing the field."

"Okay," he smiles, "Fred and George, have you been to their shop? Brilliant those two, I knew they'd go far, however, I'm surprised they decided against playing Quidditch."

I'm starting to re-think my 'not obsessed with Quidditch thought'. "Ron Weasley plays professional Quidditch for the Chudley Cannons but I suppose you already know that." I offer.

"Yeah, Ron, he's a very good Keeper, the best thing to happen to that team, they may just make the finals this year. He and his wife recently had a baby didn't they?"

"That's right," I respond impressed, blokes don't usually keep up on those things, "Luna gave birth to their daughter, Celestia about two months ago."

"That's great, good for him…so how come you and Harry never -"

"Oh please, that's right up there with me shagging Severus – simply ridiculous. Harry and I are just friends; he's never fancied me and I've never fancied him. So, what have you been up to Oliver?" I ask quickly changing the subject of my love life.

He smiles, "Besides playing Quidditch for Puddlemere United? Not much really, I have spent the last ten years devoted to the team. My mates keep telling me I should get out more, take advantage of the Quidditch groupies or find a nice witch and maybe settle down." Is he flirting with me? Oh Merlin, I hope so! My blush deepens.

"So no girlfriends?" I ask shyly. Oh what am I playing at? I look back into those gorgeous eyes to await his response; maybe he fancies me a little.

Oliver chuckles, "No, no girlfriend."

I reward him with a big smile. "Brilliant." I respond, then immediately drop my face into my hands blushing even harder than before. Oh yes, I am making an arse out of myself.

I feel a strong masculine hand rest on top of mine. "Hermione?" He pulls my hands away and asks, "Are you free for dinner tomorrow night?"

I am free every night. "Yes." I answer simply.

"May I take you to dinner then, say seven o'clock?"

"That would be wonderful." I respond, my heart pounding in my chest; I think I might faint.

Before we know it two hours has past; we exchange floo information and make arrangements to meet the following night. Oliver gives me a quick chaste kiss on the cheek then we go our separate ways. I watch him walk away. Is that a spring in his step? I gently caress my cheek where he kissed me.

I rush home. What a Saturday this has been; I can't wait to floo Harry I hope he's home.


Damn, Harry isn't home. Dobby advises that Harry was called out on assignment suddenly, but that he would be back in time for our dinner scheduled for next Monday.

I'm bursting, I must talk to someone so I floo my only female friend. "Ginny, Ginny you there?" I call out, I hear sniffling, "Ginny? Are you okay?" I hear a muffled sob. "Ginny, I'm coming over. Right now."

I pull my head back from the fireplace and immediately apparate into her sitting room thanking Merlin she hasn't put up her anti-apparation wards. I am very worried as I frantically scan the room where I spot her sitting in a heap on her sofa. "Ginny." I say softly, "What happened?"

"Neville," she chokes out. "He-he chucked me."

"What? Why?"

"He asked me to marry him," her chest is heaving as she chokes out the words, "I turned him down." deep breath "So he chucked me." Bastard!

"Oh Ginny," I sit beside her and pull her into a hug – wait a minute…she turned him down? "You said no?"

She sighs heavily, "We've only been together six months…I thought it was too soon to make such a big commitment. I'm not sure, I just wanted some time, I didn't' want things to end but I just didn't want to rush into anything either. He looked so hurt…but after Harry…" she collapses into a full out sob. I rock with her, I really don't know what else to do. What is it with her? Two marriage proposals in one year and I'm only just now going on my first date in ages? Enough! Distraught friend, remember!

She and Harry never discussed with anyone why they called off their wedding all they would say was that the marriage just wasn't meant to be. They are still friends, good friends actually, probably closer than when they were dating. I could see her point in not wanting to rush into another engagement. What was Neville thinking? What a prat!

After a long while and many tissues later, Ginny pulls herself together. "You flooed. Did you have some news?" she asks wiping at her eyes.

"It doesn't matter it can wait."

"Hermione, spill it I could use some good news. It is good news I hope?"

I smile and trying to reign in my glee I announce, "I met someone…today in Flourish and Blotts."

"Oh my God!" Ginny squeals.

Okay, good distraction. I continue, "Do you remember Oliver Wood?"

"No way!"

"Yes. He took me to lunch."

"He is so shaggable."


"Well, he is!"

"Yes he is isn't he?!" I'm squealing now. "And he asked me to dinner for tomorrow night!"

"Oh Hermione!" she throws her arms around me, "I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks Ginny. I was wondering, would you…if you are up to it that is…would you help me get ready?"

"Are you kidding me? MAKE OVER!!!" she shouts, throwing her head back in a laugh. I am a bit reluctant about a make over, but I'll indulge her. It will take her mind off Neville, at least for a little while.

"It's been so long since I've been on an actual date I'm terrified that I'll make an arse of myself and scare Oliver off, I want to make a good impression."

"You'll be fine. Remember he asked you out." counsels Ginny as she nudges me in the arm. "Be yourself, have a good time and have little or no expectations."

"You're right. So will you come over at five o'clock then?"

"When's dinner?"


"Make it four, I'll bring some of my sexy outfits for you to try." Ginny's sexy outfits collection is quite extensive.

"Ginny, thanks for being such a good friend."

"Hermione, thank you." And as silly witches do, we hug and start crying all over again.


Second Week of January – The Three Broomsticks

I bound up to the front door of the Three Broomsticks; I can barely contain my excitement. I glance around and notice Ron right away. Oh good, he's brought the baby!

"Hello handsome."

"Shhh, my wife might hear." Ron teases, "So what are you so happy about? You're grinning like Malfoy in a mirror shop."

I look around, "Is Harry here yet, I didn't hear from him all week."

"No he's not here yet," shrugs Ron, "I haven't heard from him either."

"I'll wait then." not so subtly changing subject I ask, "Where's Luna? In the loo?"

"No, I left her at home." he chuckles, "She fell asleep on the couch; she looked so peaceful I thought I'd give her a break."

I'm about to voice my concerns when he cuts in "I left her a note, do you think I'm daft?" he pauses, "don't answer that." he grins. Looking up he announces, "Harry's here."

I look over in the same direction as Ron. There he is, he looks dishevelled. I guess he always looks dishevelled with that unruly hair, but there is more, something's wrong, I can see it in his eyes. I glance back at Ron; he's noticed it too. Oh this cannot be good.

"Hey mate, tough week?" Ron asks.

"You don't know the half of it," offers Harry.

"Anything you can talk about?" I ask. Harry shakes his head while resting his face in his hands. I reach out and begin massaging his shoulders while shooting Ron a worried look.

"I'll get you a Firewhiskey mate," says Ron as he passes the sleeping Celestia over to me to hold and heads off to the bar, "What'll you have Hermione?"

"Butterbeer's fine, thanks." I instinctively start to sway back in forth with the baby in my arms. Harry looks up and smiles at me; I love his smile "What?" I smile back.

"That" he points to me swaying with Celestia, "Looks good on you." I blush and give him a bigger smile "We just need to find you a worthy wizard to make it happen."

"Harry, I don't need a wizard to make me feel…" I start but Ron returning with the drinks interrupts me.

Ron passes out the drinks then raises his glass, "Cheers. So Hermione, what's the big news?" Harry looks at me questioningly.

"Well…" I start again, "I went on a date."

"With who?" asks Harry, while Ron at the same time asks, "with a bloke?"

"Ron! Yes with a man." I shake my head but continue, "And you know him."

"Who is it?" they both ask.

"Oliver Wood." I announce triumphantly, Harry looks stunned and Ron looks angry, "Ron? Something wrong with Oliver?"

"He's, he's the enemy Hermione. How could you?" Ron responds as I stare at him. What is he on about?

"He might be using you to get to me…because we are friends."

I feel like the wind has been knocked out of me. But why would Oliver be using me? "But why Ron?" I ask.

"One word. Quidditch."

Clarity finally dawns on me but before I can say anything Harry says, "Ron, you are an utter prat! Oliver Wood would not use Hermione to steal your Keeper strategies. What a dumb arsed thing to say!" Harry…my hero.

"So Ron, you're telling me that only reason a wizard like Oliver Wood could fancy me is because he was after something…like your Quidditch plays? Thank you Ron, thank you for that vote of confidence." I spit out and just then his beautiful baby daughter starts to stir, the moment is sobering to say the least. I quickly hand Celestia back to her prat of a father, brush the tears from my eyes and announce, "I'm leaving."

"No, Hermione don't go. He didn't mean it. Did you Ron?" says Harry, "Did you Ron?" he repeats more firmly. We both stare at Ron waiting for his response; but none comes so I turn and storm out the pub.

Once I'm outside I immediately apparate to my cottage. Well, that didn't exactly go as planned. I reach in my robe to grab my wand so I can set my wards, I don't want to talk to anyone right now. Before I even get started Harry appears before me. "Go away Harry!" I turn my back on him, but he doesn't leave. Instead he comes up behind me and puts his arms around me in a comforting hug.

"Ron didn't mean it Hermione."

"Why isn't he here telling me that?"

"I told him not to come. I told him to go home. He is going to floo you later. He realised after you left that he was being stupid." Harry says and I turn around so I can face him. "So…you and Oliver Wood? When did this happen?" he asks and motions for us to move to the sofa.

"Last Saturday at Flourish and Blotts. We went for lunch and then Sunday he took me out for dinner."


I happy sigh and respond, "We had a really great time. I wore that black dress of Ginny's, you know the one." He nods knowingly and I continue, "He took me to that small Italian restaurant beside Madam Malkins. We laughed, talked about Hogwarts. He told me all about his team mates and some of their antics. It was fun. I really like him Harry." I cast my eyes down and whisper, "Do you think he could be using me?"

"Hermione." He pulls my chin up and continues looking me in the eyes, "the Oliver I knew would not do that, its ridiculous. Really Hermione, Oliver Wood has been playing professional Quidditch as a Keeper for ten years. He has been the captain of Puddlemere for the last four. He has taken them to the league finals every year for the last six years and taken the cup the last three years in a row. Do you really think that Ron has anything on him?"

"I think that I need to brush up on my Quidditch stats." I try to joke but Harry is being serious.

"Hermione, you are beautiful." He states and I look away, "No, look at me." I turn back to look into his compassionate green eyes. "You are beautiful, intelligent and funny. What bloke wouldn't want to spend time with you?" I open my mouth to protest but he cuts me off, "Oliver is a lucky man." he pauses, " When do you see him next?"

"He's on a road trip for the next week. We have plans to go to the shore the Saturday after he returns."

"Glad to hear it."

I invite Harry to stay for a supper. We eat and talk some more. He tells me what he can about his assignment. It doesn't sound too pleasant. Just as he is about to leave, Ron floos. Harry gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and lets himself out, so I can talk with Ron in private.

Ron apologises and says basically the same thing about Oliver that Harry did. Ron adds that he is probably a bit jealous. This disconcerts me, but he clarifies, jealous of Oliver's Keeper skills. I should probably still be angry with him, but he is Ron after all, so I forgive him. We laugh before saying our good nights.

I am just about to cast the Nox spell before turning in when an unexpected head turns up in my fireplace. "Oliver?"

"Hello Hermione."

"What a nice surprise. How is the road trip going?"

"Good, good. We won this evening."

I hear whooping and hollering in the background. "I can tell." I smile.

"I can't talk long. I just wanted to say that I miss you and I can't wait to get together when I get back. Oh and don't make any plans for the fourteenth next month. Okay?"

"Why?" I ask a little puzzled.

"Just don't okay?" he smiles.


"Excellent." he says and gives me a big sexy grin. I hear more yelling at him to get back to the party and then he hastily adds, "Damn, I've really got to go now Hermione. I'll floo you again in a couple of days. Bye."

"Bye" I say and his head disappears. What was that all about? I can't help smiling as I go off to bed.