I'm back! Well an enthusiastic hello to anyone who remembers me

(which I'm assuming is pretty few, but oh well). If you do remember me, you're

probably one of the few that read "Commodore Sparrow", for which I must

apologize PROFUSLEY for. I feel terrible that I had never finished it. A little

thing called college happened, and it was pushed way to the bottom of my

priorities list. I considered trying to finish it several times, but it took a

review in my inbox just the other day to actually realize there were people that

still wanted the ending and to get off my butt and start on the last chapter

(big thanks to Mrs. Captain Jack Sparrows).

So to let you know, if you ever read the story, the last chapter is on it's way! In the meantime, enjoy this little conversation between Jack and Elizabeth on the deserted island.

Disclaimer : Don't own 'em

"Come on."


"Come on."


"What if you were drunk?"


"What if I was drunk?"

"You ARE drunk."



"What if I pretended I was Will?"

"Absolutely not!"

" I could do it really well."


"Good Afternoon, Miss Swann! Lovely day, Miss Swann. I'm the biggest bloody

stick in the entire Spanish Main, Miss Swann. Drinking is bad. I can't accept

the fact that my daddy was a pirate. I'm almost prettier then you are. I

practice with my sword three hours a day because I'm too scared to talk to you

because I'm a eun-"


"What? The voice off?"

"No! Actually the voice was pretty good..."



"What if I swore not to tell anyone?"

"Jack, we're on a deserted island in the middle of the Caribbean. Who would you


"Ah, right...well?."


"What if I was drunk?"


"I'm sorry I didn't listen to Jack, Miss Swann. I'm sorry I'm so bloody stupid,

Miss Swann. I realize now that Jack is brilliant and a strategical genius, Miss


"Jack, I said no!"

"I know. I just like doing it."


"Come on, love."

"The answer is no, Jack. And for future reference, the next 237 answers will also be no."


"What if the question was, 'Miss Swann, will you stay as far away from possible from me?' "


"…What if I was drunk?"

Keep your eye out for the last chapter of "Commodore Sparrow" And let me know if you liked this!