Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own any of these characters, they belong to Masashi Kishimoto.

Authors Notes: If you like Sakura, leave now. Also, this is not my best writing, but my friends wanted me to upload it, so I did. Happy now?

Enter Sandman

How annoying is pink? Well, if you ask me, it's really annoying. But that's beside the point. See, once upon a time in the greatest place of all, which will remain nameless for the sake of the inhabitants, for they do not want an influx of immigrants and American idiots walking around in their cities. So, back to the story. There is this girl. Her hair is pink. She is annoying. But that doesn't matter. So, one fair starry night where the clouds were sinking low on the city and the stars streamed through in little lines, peeking very little starlight upon the town. So, two ninja bounced along the rooftops of homes… boing, boing, boing. They quietly slipped into the room of a house because some one left the window open. One of the ninjas was lugging around a massive sword like thing and the other… was… hmm… well, his eyes were glowing in the dark. It was kinda eerie. They were glowing blood red. Pffft, ok not eerie, kinda cool. So anyway. The glowy dude bent over the bed of some breathing foreign object.

"Ugh, stinky breath!" he thought to himself. He reached behind him and withdrew a kunai. He grinned. Not noticeably, but enough to tell whatever he was thinking about was making him all happy inside. Well, not happy, but… It's not important. So, the dude with the big sword flipped on a light and the other guys' eyes stopped glowing. He was crouched over the figure of a sleeping girl with annoying pink hair. Her eyes fluttered open and wham! Bang! Splat! He stabbed her in the forehead with the kunai. There was blood trickling down the side of her face. Some of her blood made a cute little design; three little rings that looked a lot like a target. And on the very center circle, the kunai was implanted. They two guys slipped out the window as her parents rushed into the room.

And that is the end.