Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters, they do, however, belong to the talented JK Rowling. But I do own the plot… and the new sorting song.

Hermione Granger sat alone in the Heads' compartment on the Hogworts Express waiting to meet Head boy. She was not yet dressed in her school robes but in a turquoise open neck shirt and a pair or super low rise blue jeans. Her beautiful, wavy auburn hair was up in a half pony. As for make up, she wore a blue-green eye shadow and clear lip gloss that smelled like vanilla.

She was reading Hogworts, A History when the door slid open. There, before her, stood Draco Malfoy. He had grown a few inches over the holidays and his platinum blonde hair lie loosely over his forehead. He too was not in his robes. He was wearing a black wife beater and dark blue baggy pants. This all made him look somewhat of a thug, but Hermione couldn't help thinking that he looked really hot. Not the hot little girls think of when they see a picture of Chad Michael Murry, but he was sizzlin'!

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Hermione asked very irritated that she was interrupted from her reading.

"I'm Head Boy, and I suppose you're Head Girl. Of course, the know-it-all Mudblood has to be Head Girl, for she knows all," said Malfoy looking rather upset.

"Well, I won't talk to you or bother you if you do the same for me. Deal?" said Hermione.

"Deal," Malfoy agreed.

They spent the rest of the way doing something to entertain themselves and when there was twenty minutes before they reached their destination, Professor McGonagall came in and said that they'd better go into the special changing compartment, made just for the Heads, and put on their robes. The nodded in agreement and went and changed. Hermione came out before Malfoy and she got back to reading, she didn't even try to notice when he came back in. They spent the rest of their time left on the train ignoring each other's company.

When the train stopped, Hermione waited for Harry and Ron. When they finally showed up, Hermione told them about Malfoy being Head Boy and all.

"When Percy was Head Boy, he had to share a common room with Head Girl, Penelope Clearwater," said Ron as he was eating a box of Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans.

"Well, let's hope you don't have to, Hermione. Ron and I are sure to miss you," said Harry a little worried.

"Yeah, and there won't be anyone to help with our homework or to remind us to do it," Ron was very concerned about this because since their first year at Hogworts, Hermione had always helped them with homework.

"I'm sure you guys will manage. And anyway, you lot can come and visit anytime. Or you can use Floo Powder to contact me through the fire. I'm sure my common room will have a fire… don't all common rooms?" said Hermione.

When they got to the Great Hall, they found a place to sit at the Gryffindor table. As Dumbledore cleared his throat to tell everyone that the Sorting Ceremony would begin soon, the new first years came in following McGonagall.

She produced a wooden stool from her wand and set a battered looking hat on it. Then it began to sing.

Another year has started

And new first years have come

I will sort you into houses

For shortly I will be done

Will you be in Gryffindor

Brave and loyal to all

Or will you be in Ravenclaw

Those witty and always ready when called

Perhaps maybe Hufflepuff

They're nice and kind you know

Or maybe Slytherin

Those sly and fast to grow

(A/N: sorry the sorting song sucked!)

Then Professor McGonagall came out and read from a piece of parchment thenames of all the new first years. There were 12 new to Gryffindor, 9 new to Ravenclaw, 18 for Hufflepuff and 11 for Slytherin.

Dumbledore then stood up and said, "Welcome back to a new year at Hogworts. I'm sure that you all have emptied you brains for more learning. I would like to remind you all that the Forbidden Forest is out of bounds to every one." At this, he shot a look to Harry, Ron and Hermione. "And Mr. Filtch, the caretaker, has asked everyone not to throw Dungbombs in the corridors and not to duel in them either. I would also like to introduce you all to our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Sweeny."

Professor Sweeny sat up and he was a tall balding man with tan skin and he was rather lanky too. His robes were a dark shade of green and his shoes were a light orange. He obviously didn't know how to color coordinate. His hair was a dark blonde and his eyes were cold and gray. He said hello quickly and sat down so Dumbledore could finish his speech.

"Now before we eat, I would like to also introduce you new Head Boy and Girl, Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger. And now I have a few last words to say to you all, and here they are: git, prat, and gibberish. Tuck in!"

The gold plates filled with food and they all helped themselves to something to eat. Hermione grabbed some chicken and mashed potatoes and quietly listen to Harry and Ron talk about the Quidditch season.

When they all finished Dumbledore asked the new prefects to lead the first years to their dormitory and Hermione got up with Harry and Ron to head towards the Gryffindor tower when she was stopped by McGonagall with Malfoy.

"You two go ahead, I'll see you later," Hermione said as Harry and Ron started walking away.

"Hermione, Draco, as you might know, you two must share common rooms and now I will show you the way." She led them both to the second floor and stopped at a picture or a woman and man named, Stephanie and Joseph. McGonagall told them that the password was firecrab and left them to themselves.

Together they said "Firecrab" and walked through the portrait into a large room with beige walls and maroon carpet. It was really warm and welcoming inside their common room. They had a mahogany book case and their fireplace was covered with a glass shield. And they had white furniture with a very detailed rug.

"Night Granger," said Malfoy.

"Whatever," said Hermione and walked off to her bedroom which was decorated scarlet and gold; Gryffindor colors. She supposed that Malfoy's room had green and silver.

She took a look in her bathroom which was really big with a hot tub and a bath in it. It also had his and her sinks, she didn't really know why though. She had soft fluffy scarlet towels with the letter 'H' sewed onto it in gold. The same goes for her shower curtain too.

After exploring her room she decided to hit the hay and fell asleep almost as soon a she lay down on her soft king size bed. She had the weirdest dream that she was flying on a broom with some boy she couldn't recognize but she had her arms wrapped around him tightly. He had blonde hair and a tone body. Even though she couldn't see his face she knew that he was probably really attractive.

A/N: I hope y'all liked this chapter. It took me maybe two days to finish it! Well read more and R&R please! Natisha :D)))  Double chins! Lol. Don't worry! I have only one chin!