Author's Note: This chapter can be placed anywhere in the future for Severus and Hermione, whether a few months or a few years, that's your call. Anyway, thank you for reading and reviewing, I hope that you've enjoyed my story as much as I've enjoyed yours!


A dark figure that could only be the often-cantankerous Severus Snape made its way up the walk towards the large estate. It was his family home; generations of Snape had lived within its walls. Generations past and generations sure to come.

His wife was inside the great house, waiting for him.

There were times when he found it hard to believe that he, the sallow-skinned, hook-nosed, greasy Old Bat potions master had stumbled upon this bit of luck in his life. A marriage, a union that had come about by accident, had turned into something of a blessing for him. Hermione was a beautiful young woman, more than capable in her magic and constantly surprising him with her vast knowledge in all subjects, both academic and artistic.

She truly was a know-it-all.

Had it truly been her, that knobby-kneed girl in his classroom, all those years ago? The idea seemed ludicrous to him now. Severus held the small item in his hand as he continued the brisk walk toward the house. He had been in town to replenish his ceyleaf supply when he came across something even better.

"Master is returned, please allow Dolly to take your cloak sir," the House Elf pleaded once he stepped in the door. Severus shrugged off the inky black cloak, revealing a silk dress shirt in a flattering shade of emerald green underneath.

"Thank you Dolly," he told her, "Now, where is my wife? I have something to show her." Severus asked, the wrapped item still in his hand.

The House Elf nodded happily. "Yes Master, please follow Dolly!"

Severus obliged and followed the scampering elf out into the gardens. It was late autumn now, the air was brisk and the leaves that still clung to the tree branches were now bright gold and red.

Dolly ran out ahead of him in search of Hermione, but Severus had the height advantage and could see her already. Dressed in dark jeans and a warm royal blue sweater, Hermione seemed content to be wandering through the gardens, lost in her thoughts.

She turned at the noise that Dolly was making with her footfalls and smiled happily once she saw them approach. Severus gave a small smile and kissed her quickly on the mouth. "How did you sleep?" he asked.

He had left her in bed that morning so he could finish his shopping more quickly.

Hermione shrugged, "It was all right…what's that in your hand?" she asked.

Severus raised an eyebrow and unwrapped the small package. Hermione's eyes widened and she broke a large smile. "Severus, you didn't!"

"Perhaps it's too early, but I couldn't resist it." He said.

Hermione shook her head and kissed him. "It's a little early, but better now than never," she said.

Severus gently put a hand to her stomach.

"You won't be able to feel anything yet, I'm not even showing!" she said as she playfully shooed his hand away. Hermione took his gift, a jade carving used for the protection of the unborn, and grinned at him wildly.

He nodded, "I know, but I'm beginning to get impatient for the arrival of our child," he said.

Hermione smirked and raised an eyebrow, "You're beginning to get impatient? Patience is a virtue, Severus, you taught me that, or don't you remember?"

He sighed. "Seven months is a long time to wait,"

"It'll go by before you know it. Do you want a son or a daughter?" she asked as she held his hand while they walked through the garden.

"I'd be happy either way, but I hope for a son." He admitted.


"A son I could teach to duel and make potions." He said slowly, as if he could see them in his mind's eye.

"You could do that with a daughter too."

"Well, yes, but if the child is a daughter, in addition to dueling and potions, I would have to sit in on tea parties and dress-up. I haven't changed my ways completely, Miss Granger."

Hermione swatted his arm, "Severus, please! You'd be a wonderful playmate for a daughter," she said.

"Until it comes time for her to be married, that is. Then it would be me giving our future son-in-law black eyes over dinner." He said with a playful smirk.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Can you ever move past that?"

"You know I'm famous for the grudges I hold," he replied.

Their walk came to an end and they went inside. It was late September already, and the air was becoming more and more chilly as the day wore on. Severus didn't want to risk his wife and unborn child catching a chill on his account.

"Truly, Hermione, I will be happy with a daughter or a son." He said once they settled into the library. The House Elves brought in a light supper for them to share before the fireplace.

"I know…what if it's both?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

It took a moment for her comment to sink in. "Both…you-twins!"

A wild smile broke out on Hermione's face, "I went to the town medi-witch a few days ago, and she confirmed it."

Overwhelmed, Severus rose from his chair on shaky legs and swept her in to a fierce hug. He gave her a fierce kiss and then just as quickly released her. "I must go," he said, his voice carrying a jovial tone.

"What, now? Where are you going?" Hermione asked.

"To town, I will need another protective charm," he replied as he replaced the dark wool cloak over his shoulders. He turned to his wife with a stern eye. "Hold onto the one I gave you earlier and don't leave the library, I will be back very soon."

Hermione grinned. "Anything you say, professor."

Severus shook his head and left the estate again, thankful to see that the clouds had parted, and the night sky was clear. He could see the full moon and a star cluttered sky. For the first time in Severus's life, he was truly happy.