Disclaimer: I don't own anything to do with the movie.

…Ana Maria had brought back my ship to me… but she wanted even. And not just with the ship I took from her…

I have to admit, being back on my beloved ship, with a crew I could trust, meant the world to me. And even more because of who had handed to me this second chance. She didn't have to, I'll never understand why she did, all I know is that she didn't leave me to die like she should have after all I'd done, but she gave me my ship and demanded I repay her with a new ship of her own.

I did of course; I couldn't not buy her a ship. I promised her one and she got one. I managed to delay it for as long as possible though. All my crew could see how much tension there was between us. She never acknowledges me unless it was for orders, to answer a command or to demand I get her a ship. Whenever I tried to talk to her, she'd walk away or stay silent. I couldn't threaten her, because we both new they would be empty threats. All in all the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow, the man that could woo any women, was a lost cause on the one woman I wanted to woo.

Now by saying I bought her a new ship, doesn't automatically mean she took it and left. She did. But that's not the point. The last night she was to have on the Black pearl she knocked on my cabin door. She was finally ready to talk to me properly after 10 years. This delighted me. Then I made big mistake number 2…

"Ana…" I could hardly say anything when I saw her standing in my doorway. I had no idea why she wanted to talk, not now. But maybe coming to talk when she knew she would be leaving me for good the next day was a better idea then talking to me when she had weeks left on a ship with me. I don't know. I'll never understand the mind of that woman.

"Jack… 10 years ago… I don't understand I want to understand. You never gave me a reason. You gave me enough money to last me until I found a job, but no reason why you did what you did. I just… how could something so perfect go so wrong? I just… let me understand." She'd babbled on longer then she probably meant to, not being able to get the words out, that she had most probably practiced before coming to see me. She wanted an explanation. I'd stayed silent for a while, and then decided as she was leaving anyway I might as well tell her.

"Cant you see? What we were doing was wrong. I mean you're my baby sister! We shouldn't have been… it isn't right. I shouldn't have fallen in love with you." Ana Maria stayed silent for a few minuets, and then she did something I hadn't seen her do in a very, very long time. She exploded into a fit of rage.

"That's completely and utterly untrue all of it is! And you know it! I'm not your sister Jack Sparrow. I never have been and never will be, unless of course I married your brother or your parents adopted me. Both of which are completely and utterly undoable. I may have felt like your sister at one point but that was a long time ago, way back before my father arrived on the scene. He too is dead so that wouldn't stop us. There is nothing to stop us but you and you being a coward… nobody knew we were even almost related at one time. Ill tell you why we can't ever be together. It's because you're afraid of happiness. You haven't had it in such a long time, so whenever it approaches you run away from it." Ana paused for breath and when she began again she had a much softer tone of voice. "I tell you why you shouldn't have fallen in love with me. It's not because of our past, and it's not because you're a pirate. It's because you can't handle love. You can't handle being responsible for another person, caring about them, putting their lives before your own. Jack you can't handle the feelings it brings. And that is why I'm leaving."

I watched her turn and leave my cabin. I had nothing to say and yet I had everything to say to her. I needed to tell her what she said made sense. That I was a coward. That some nights I wish I'd never met her once again in that bar, because then I wouldn't have all of the feelings she brought out, mixed up in the pit of my stomach. Then I would be able to enjoy life without having to wonder why she made me feel like she did. But I also had to tell her that I knew she would never be my sister, she would always be something more to me then that. I needed her to know how much I loved her, how much I needed her, and how much I no longer wanted to run away from that fact. But by the time I realized all this it was too late…

She'd left, set sail hours earlier, gone a different way to the course I had set. I figured she meant to do that. Get as far a way from me as possible so that she would never have to see me again. I can't say I blame her, after the way I treated her and acted towards hers.

I spent a long time searching for her. I was desperate to tell her how much I loved her. Then I got news one day that she had been killed, gone down with her ship in a storm like the captain should do. I felt like my life ended right there. I showed no emotion, got drunk just to get rid of the pain. Didn't work very well, but it was better then when I was sober. The infamous captain went down the pan so to speak. Then it happened.

I had been captured by Commodore Norrington. No matter how hard they tried Will and Elizabeth Tuner could not get me free. And I didn't want to be free. Not until I saw a smiling face comes to rescue me once again. She caused a commotion that day. She'd stuffed her dress so it looked like she was pregnant. Then as they were about to kill me, she pretended to go into labor. She made such a deal out of it that my crew managed to get me away and free before they even noticed. Then she came to me.

As I write this, I'm about to set sail on a new adventure. One completely different to anything I've ever done or dreamed about. I was wounded and physically unable to sail not long ago, so now I'm living on land, in a big fancy house… married and about to start a family…

And you should no by now who with.

A/N weird ending. I hadn't intended it to be like that. It just wrote itself! Please review. Suzy