Albus Dumbledore stood in an area off of the main hallway, watching the reunions that were going on in the other room. He saw the way that Harry pulled away from his friends when they insulted the Americans, moving closer to them as if they would protect him against the words being flung. And Brian and Justin looked to do just that. While the Headmaster had sent Harry to Brian in the hopes that the older man would take Harry under his wing because of their shared childhood experiences, when he heard that Brian was gay and had insisted that his young lover be allowed to accompany him to Hogwarts, he was worried about what kind of influence he might have had on Harry. And it looked like Dumbledore might have had a reason to be worried if the way Harry was pulling away from the other children was any indication. There was a reason that Dumbledore encouraged his friendships with the Weasleys and the Granger girl and it wouldn't do for Harry to suddenly start to not need to depend on them, or him.

Harry's meeting up with Sirius and Remus was the happy reunion that Albus had figured it would be, but that was another relationship that would have to have an eye keep on it. No matter what they thought, Albus was well aware that they had no problem with Harry spending the summer with two gay men. In fact, the only problem the two marauders seemed to have was that Harry had been sent to America by himself. It might be time for the two of them to go out on another mission out of the country. At least until Harry is back at Hogwarts and I can keep a better eye on what he does.

Finally it was time for the reunion that Albus had been waiting for. Molly and Arthur Weasley had been so excited when they heard that Albus had sent for Brian. They had always loved him like he was one of their own sons and it had broken their hearts when they were told they couldn't have any contact with the young boy when he was kicked out of school. It took Bill two months before he would talk to his parents again when they told him that he couldn't have anything to do with his best friend.

He hated doing it to the young boy but knew that, no matter what the Weasleys and his professors wanted, Dumbledore couldn't risked his position as Headmaster and Head of the Wizengamat to help one abused boy from a Muggle family. He had worked too hard to get where he was to allow himself to lose those positions. The aged wizard knew that, despite his best efforts, he would not have been able to defeat Voldemort and that the prophesized child had yet to be born. And he had to be in a place that would insure his influence over that child and his parents. It was the only way to make sure his power was absolute. But now, Voldemort was back and his t. Death eaters were lining up to support him. The attack that took place during the Quidditch World Cup was just proof of that. Dumbledore was just glad that he had talked the Weasleys out of inviting Harry to the event, keeping him safe from the happenings there.

Dumbledore's attention was brought back to the hallway as he heard the Weasleys try and explain to Brian why they left him in the care of his parents and knew that it was time to make his presence know so he stepped out to join the crowd.

"Now Brian, there's no reason to be so angry," the Headmaster admonished his former pupil.

"And now the gang's all here," Brian replied sarcastically. "Justin, meet our esteemed Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. Also known as the man who left me in the loving hands of Jack and Joanie without looking back."

"Brian, I only did what I thought was best for all concerned," Dumbledore sighed, using his best grandfatherly tone. The one that he used on all of his students when he wanted them to think he was looking out for their best interest. "I'm sorry if making you leave the school hurt you, but at least you were home with your family and away from the fighting."

"I wouldn't exactly say I was away from any fights," Brian told him, not wanting to dig up his past with the Kinneys. He knew that Dumbledore was aware of his life growing, no matter how he was acting. "It just happened in a different arena."

"Yes, well," the older wizard coughed. "Be that as it may, you are here now and I am glad to see you, no matter what you may think. Why don't we go into the other room and we can discuss why I had Harry bring you here."

"I think that would be a great idea," Brian said, grabbing Justin's hand and heading in the direction that Dumbledore was indicating, wanting to get the meeting over with so he could get some alone time with his lover. He didn't miss the grimace that graced the Headmaster's face, before smoothing over, when he saw their hands together.

"I think it would be best if your young friend stayed out here," Dumbledore said, holding up his hand to stop Brian from interrupting. "I know that you want him with you, but for now I think it would be better if we could talk privately about what we need you for."

"And I think you need to stop with the bullshit."

"Brian," Mrs. Weasley exclaimed. "That is not appropriate language to use, especially in front of young children." Brian just rolled his eyes.

"And I could give rat's ass what you think, but somehow I don't see that stopping anyone from telling me what I should do."

"Hey, you can't talk to my mum like that," Ron shouted. "Who do you think you are?"

"Ron, hush," Mr. Weasley told his son. "Brian has every right to be angry with us. We did leave him on his own, knowing what his life was like at home."

"Be that as it may, Brian if you will follow us." Again Dumbledore tried to separate Brian and Justin but the brunette was having none of it.

"Justin comes with me, and Harry as well since I have a feeling it concerns him too, or all three of us are out of here," Brian told them. "And we won't be coming back."

"Harry's just a child," protested Mrs. Weasley. "He's too young to be listening in on these kinds of talks. Besides, what right do you have to think that you have any say in what happens with Harry? You aren't his guardians."

"Neither are you Molly," Sirius reminded the red head.

"And actually, just so you know, as of two weeks ago, and with full acceptance of both his Aunt and Uncle and the British and American government, I became the legal and magickal guardian of one Harry James Potter." And with that announcement, all hell broke loose.