Nobody's Listening
by Shadowesque13
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst
Summary: Listen. Can you hear those around you crying for help?
Dis: YGO! is (c) Kazuki Takahashi. The song "Nobody's Listening" is (c) Linkin Park.


Why wouldn't they listen to him?

Seto had been pondering this for quite some time. Nobody listened to him anymore; nobody cared.

He had told them all in his own subtle ways. He figured they would have been smart enough to realize; had he been so wrong about them? He always thought he was quite clear, voicing his intentions and thoughts in one way or another. But maybe it wasn't that they didn't understand—maybe they just didn't care.

Even his own brother didn't seem to listen anymore. The one person who knew him better than everyone but himself couldn't piece it together.

He supposed he should have realized this would happen. Why would anyone want to listen to him, anyway? Why would anyone dare come to his rescue? His life was dangling before their eyes, but they were blind. He screamed out for help, but they were deaf. And the more he thought about it, the more he realized that this is how it always was.

He would make them listen. He would finally make them understand. But then they would be too late.

He sighed sadly and popped a CD into the stereo, having it loop one song constantly. Who knew these mainstream, overly depressing emo bands actually knew what they were talking about? It had been in his head all day. He would make them listen for just once. He leaned against the desk for a moment, closing his eyes, and softly he sang along. "Called to you so clearly," it went, "but you don't want to hear me…" He chuckled hollowly. The whole song fit him perfectly. Opening a bottom drawer now and reaching inside, feeling for the chilled, smooth metal, the song kept on, repeating it's solemn mantra again and again. 'I got a heart full of pain, head full of stress, handful of anger, held in my chest…'

He slipped out his prized object, it shining in the dim light. He handled the gun as if he had owned one all his life, although that wasn't the case. He slowly loaded a singular bullet in and switched off the safety. They would all listen, and they would all understand in due time.

"Nobody's listening," he echoed sadly along with the song. Had it always been so true? "Told you everything loud and clear, but nobody's listening…" Who would be the first to find him? Most likely his little brother. Or perhaps one of his secretaries. Maybe after all had left the tall office building, work hours over, a maid would come in and discover him. It didn't matter, so long as everyone knew the truth. They would all listen.

With ease and without hesitation, he lifted the barrel of the gun to his temple, blinking back the few tears that were forming. It dug past his groomed brunette hair and was placed against his skin, frozen metal to take a frozen heart. The song soared onward, repeating for the umpteenth time, and was still as true as ever. Hopefully, they could finally listen to what he'd been trying to tell them all this time. Hopefully…

"Nobody's listening…" His voice had turned into a whisper, soul crying out what he'd felt for so long, too long. Not just a soul crying now; his crystal blue eyes bled silent tears.

The trigger was pulled.

Wasn't anybody listening…?