Ironic Irresistibility

Disclaimer: ::burns disclaimer to flames:: What more do you want to know? I don't own a bloody thing. . .now leave me to cry in piece in the corner ::runs to dark corner and cries over-exaggerated::

Summary: Never resist temptation, when the first look is all you need. The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. AU, S/S

A.N. ::bows head in shame:: The plot bunny has been eating my soul. . .thus this is what happened when I wanted to go squishy. ::falls::


It was just another ordinary morning. . .

"God! You know. . .sometimes. . .I just want to burn your eye with a really hot French-fry."

"Well, I hope your tires get eaten by acidic snails!"

Yep. Just another normal, run of the mill day. Leaning against the wall of lockers in the hallway was the ever famous Syaoran Li. His brilliant piercing amber eyes were opened half-lidded, and his infamous smirk was present on his face. He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Acidic snails? Honestly Kinomoto, can't you be a little more creative?"

"What about you mister French-fry eye burner?"

Sakura Kinomoto stood in front of the aforementioned boy. Her emerald green eyes burned with rage and disdain for the chocolate haired boy. Her nails dug into her skin as her hand slowly, and painfully, turned into a fist. How she wanted to punch the smirk off his stoned face.

"Mister French-fry eye burner. . .hmm. . .I kinda like the sound of that. Thanks a lot Kinomoto, now I have something else to call myself by," he said, patting the considerably smaller girl on the head.

"What the crap?" she asked incredulously, swatting his hand away from her auburn locks. "You know what Li? You need to stop taking drugs, immediately."

"Ouch Kinomoto, I think you hurt a heart string there! But you should know, I don't do drugs anymore 'cause I find I get the same effect just by standing up really fast."

"Spare me Li. Can you honestly tell me that you're not on crack?"

"Why Kinomoto, I would never do crack. . .I would never do a drug named after a part of my own ass, okay," his lips tilted into a grin watching the girl take a deep breathe before she blew up at him.

"Fuck off Li!"

"I think I'd rather fuck you," he said, moving from his position on the lockers to take a further step toward Sakura. His grin widened as he saw her take a step back from him.

"God your infuriating!"

"And your delicious." He took a step closer, and she took another step back.

"I Can't Stand You!"

"Can't stand me?" he put his hand on Sakura's shoulder, "or can't stand not being near me?"

"Can't stand you period!" She yelled angrily, pushing him and arms length away from her. " Just sod the bloody hell off!"

And on that note, with light pink tinged cheeks, Sakura Kinomoto stalked away from the grinning Syaoran Li.

"Why do you keep messing with her?"

Syaoran turned around only to face the always mischievous eyes of his best friend, Eriol. Syaoran shrugged his shoulders and slouched, putting his hands into his pockets.

"I don't know. . .it's funny to see her get all riled up over nothing." Eriol chuckled and shook his head.

"What was the problem this time?"

Syaoran's mouth twitched up at the corners at the remembrance of the bickering that just took place. "She called me a dreg, I told her I wanted to stick a hot French-fry in her eye. . ."

Eriol laughed full heartedly by this point. Leave it Syaoran to come up with a line like that. It was after Syaoran started to yawn, that Eriol noticed how his eyes looked. They where slightly bloodshot and didn't open all the way. All together with his "Monday" black tee and extremely tousled hair, he definitely looked like he was either high, or lacking sleep.

Giving his best friend the shadow of the doubt that it was indeed the lack of sleep instead of the latter, he began to wonder if Syaoran was up because of his full blown insomnia. . .or if it was because of the reoccurring dreams he has had since they where children.

Just as Eriol opened his mouth to ask such a question, the bell rang signaling everyone dragging behind to get to their classes. . .fast.

"Well, guess this is the part where I'm late to class. See ya tonight alright?" Syaoran gave a half smile and took off slowly down the long corridor, his slouching figure slowly becoming smaller as he got further away.

"Poor guy. . .still hasn't given up those memories. . ." Eriol shook his head and started to his own classroom.


Though the closed door, Sakura could still hear the angry yelling of the teacher to a certain boy. It made her grin madly, and that brought upon frightened faces of her friends.

"Sakura? Did it happen again this morning?"

Sakura sighed and rolled her eyes. She turned to her right only to see the concerned face of Rika. "Sakura, you, like, really need to stop this! It's, like, not cool to fight with that dreg everyday!"

"Rika, it's fine really. He's getting it good now from the teacher. So don't worry about it, alright?" Sakura turned around and made a disgusted face. This was one of the times where she really hated her best friend.

Tomoyo Daidouji had packed up, and moved away to Osaka. All the way to Osaka, and left Sakura alone with the friends that she didn't really consider friends. Tomoyo was truly the best friend that Sakura had ever had. The only one that she didn't feel like strangling every time they opened their mouths. But now, after the emotional day of moving, Tomoyo took a piece of Sakura's soul with her.

Now, she has to make nice with the group of people she really did not want to with. But in this school, being by yourself granted you the category of the Loner. And that was something that you did not want.

So biting the inside of her cheek, her tongue, the bud of her pen, Sakura kept from screaming everyday, just not to blow up at the group of girls she wanted to pour acetate over.

The door clicked open and the teacher walked in looking extremely weary. Following her, was the object of affection for the most percentage of women in the school. Not including Sakura of course.

"I don't know what your complaining about Sakura. I would be totally freaked if Syaoran spoke to me every morning! He's absolutely delicious."

Sakura bit harder on the bud of her pen as she looked to the left of her. There, sitting on the chair with a devious look in her eye was Meiling. She wanted Syaoran for the good screw.

"It's not really something I look forward to Meiling. If you want to switch bodies, I'd gladly take up on that offer. He's not very nice though. . . "

"Oh, he's very nice. I just wanna tie him up and lick him like a lollipop."

Sakura's face was indescribable. Her face was twisted in was looked like horror, disgust, and terror all in one.

"I never want to hear that come out of anyone's mouth. . .let alone yours Meiling," Sakura said, turning back to stare at her desk, "You S&M freak." She whispered to herself.

She looked up to the front of the room, only to see that Syaoran had started making his way to the back of the class to his seat behind her. The teacher and her methods of seating arrangements had made her the most hated person in the room. Getting to sit so close to the hot and spicy Syaoran Li was apparently a privilege that Sakura just could not see.

She would gladly trade places with Shuri Shiozu. She sat in front of the class on the other side of the room. What Sakura wouldn't give to get that far away from the drugged out dreg.

Syaoran sat down and instantly moved forward to be parallel to Sakura's ear. "Don't worry," he whispered, his hot breath moving over Sakura's ear, sending shivers of disgust through her body. Or where they pleasurable ripples? "Meiling is far too foolish. I prefer the wicked rather than the foolish. The wicked never bore me."

With that, he sat back against his chair, put his feet up on the metal holders on the bottom of Sakura's chair, and shook it.

Sakura tried to ignore the queasy feeling in her gut and paid attention to the lecture the teacher was giving, copying the quote she wrote on the board.

'Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.'

Sakura's mind broke down and the only thing she could concentrate on was the foot shaking on the bottom of her chair. And the man sitting behind her.

To Be Continued. . .

A.N. erm. . .::otaku-chan implodes and blows up::