I don't own them.

A/N: This is the last chapter! I want to thank all of you who wrote reviews, you helped me alot, so thanks! Also, i dedicate this chapter to BlueButterflyCSI, this one is for you :)

Fate Chapter 7

"Yes? Is he alright?" She asked rushing to the doctors side.

"He made it out of surgery fine. The bullet just his a muscle, luckily it missed the artery. Hes going to be fine, hes just going to need his rest."

"When can I see him?" She felt so relieved

"Now if you would like, but keep it brief because he needs rest."

She nodded and followed him to Elliots room. She walked in and looked at him lying there on the bed. He looked better, not as pale as before. Although, she felt guilty that she had led Luke to him.

"Hey there" she said sitting down in the chair next to him.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked smiling slightly.

"I should be asking you that."

"I'm fine, but then again I'm on pain killers, and I must say they are working real good!" He said smiling bigger.

"I was real scared I was going to lose you, El." she said starting to tear up.

"No way, I'm not going anywhere, hey could you hand me my jacket please?" he asked pointing to his jacket

She got up and walked to the open closet. She grabbed it and handed it to him. He took something out of the pocket.

"Today, I had this big day planned." He said smiling big,"We were going to see a game, then go to eat somewhere, anywhere you wanted, then go to a movie."

"I'm sorry, its--" she said before he cut her off.

"No it's not and let me finish, just let me get this out before I go insane," "The whole night was planned, eat at the restaurant that you picked out, dance a little, then the best part, I was going to give you this..." he said handing her a velvet box. "Open it Liv."

When she opened it, she couldn't believe her eyes. It was the most gorgeous ring she had ever seen. She looked up at him, with tears in her eyes.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you, please marry me?" He said in a happy yet nervous voice.

She was speechless. She was so surprised, so many emotions running through her head. She nodded and said,"Yes of course, I Love You." She smiled as he put the ring on her finger. He leaned over and wiped away the tears, before kissing her. This was the start of their life together, it was perfect, and they couldn't ask for more.