Okay, my first attempt at writing with code, kinda random… remember the purple button if you make it to the bottom of the page.

Some Random social event, when the Dragons, Jack and Katnappé are standing in a circle. A slow song starts.

Omi: I am a fan of, as I believe they call it, Kimomi? (He makes eyes at Kimiko)
Kimiko: If that's your way of asking me to dance, Omi, sure.
Clay: (to Ashley) May I? (Bows and takes off his hat) br Ashley: Why not? If I don't then Jack will ask me.
Jack/Rai: But I was gonna ask Ashley/Kimiko!
Jack looks at Rai, who shrugs.
Rai: Wanna dance?
Jack: Meh, whatever. br They slow dance.
Wuya pokes her head through the shrubbery. Kimomi are still dancing, despite the height difference, Ashley and Clay have their arms around each other, and Jack and Rai are a bit too close.

Wuya: What? How will I conquer the world and have my descendants rule it if those two are gay? Fine, I will start my plans all over again!
She spins a globe, jabbing a finger on the country on the opposite side to America.
"Japan! Golden Tiger Claws!"

In Japan…

Wuya: Bwah-ha-ha-ha!
Onlooker: That sounded like an evil laugh!
Wannabe#1: Please be my evil nemesis!
Wannabe#2: No, be my evil nemesis!
Wuya: No.. Thank you…
Wannabe#1: I need an evil nemesis, because without one I can't be a good guy!
Wannabe#3: Stand down, you, I will save the world from this evil witch!
Wannabe#2: But I'm an ordinary kid that's about to have a grand adventure!
Wannabe#1: I'd just be a super-muscly guy!
Wannabe#4: Join my evil team!
Wannabe#5: No, she want's to join my good guy team as the-one-that-was-evil-but-became-good!
Wuya: Are you crazy?
Wannabe#1: And super-powers!
Wuya: Go away!
Wannabe#2: What's your name?
Wuya: (escaping) Golden Tiger Claws!
Wannabe#2: Hear that, Golden Tiger Claws ismy official evil nemisis!
Wuya arrives via slash back at this fancy do, which, incidentally, has a crystal punch bowl.
Wuya: Not Japan! Too many wannabes like Jack! Now… What is far away from both America and Japan? And China too, I don't want those Xiaolin brats on my tail… Though I don't have a tail, technically.
She spins the globe again.
"Austrailia? If you say so, oh magic globe… Golden Tiger Claws!

In Australia, a trundle-weed blows past on the desert wind.

"Perhaps there is not enough… anything … here for world domination… I will go home to Eire! For, in fact, I am Irish! If you had not guessed, Heylin is in fact an Irish family name! (transforms so that everything turns green) Golden Tiger Claws!

In customs…

Customs guy: I'm sorry, but if you do nae have a passport…
Wuya: Could anyone thns green not be from Ireland?
Customs guy: Aye, a fair point, lassie, I supposed you'll be wanting a one of these? (holds up a leaflet)
Wuya: (reads) The Leprechaun Support group, or LSG, would like to help you… What?

Back with the gang…

Jack leans in for a kiss from Reimundo,who turns back to his friends without noticing. Jack looks disappointed. Katnappé just walks away from Clay as hedoes the same,she takes Jacks arm to walk out.
Rai: So…
Kimiko: Sorry that I didn't save you the last dance Rai…
Rai: (acting nonchalant) Oh, no worries, I just danced with Jack…
Kimiko: (flustered) Oh, okay then. (pause) Wait, did you say Jack?
Rai: What?
Omi: You were fraternising with the enemy!
Rai: So was Clay.
Omi: (to the others) He plans to betray us… Again!
Rai: No I don't… At least, I don't plan to…
Kimiko: are you gay?
Rai: Wha? No! uh.. Why do you ask?
Kimiko: No reason… (pause) But you and Jack were dancing awfully close…
Rai: So were you and Omi, does that make you a Lesbian?
Kimiko: Never Mind...