Chapter 3 - Dead sons, plots revealed and Bianca gets her first case of morning sickness

Piper and Leo lay in bed that night, them both silent. Piper's silence is do to the fact that her second born was expecting and her husband had no clue. Leo's silence is do to the stress he had endured the past 3 weeks with all the missing, vanquished and striking whitelighters. Demons had been attacking the whitelighters and they had been refusing to go to their charges. It was about to send Leo over the line.

"Leo, sweetie. We need to talk." Piper said, thinking better now than never.

"What?" Leo replied groggy.

"Remember Bianca?" Piper said in her casual nervous voice.

"Um, she stuck her fist in adult Chris's chest and almost killed him and ended up getting killed herself. Adult Chris's fiancée. Yep, rings a bell." Leo said sarcastically.

"Well, Chris met her." Piper said fast.

"What?" Leo almost screamed.

"Shush! I just got Melinda to sleep." Piper shushed Leo.

"Is he ok?" Leo asked concerned about his son.

"He's fine. But it gets better." Piper said.

"It gets worse." Leo asked, disbelievingly.

"Yep. She's… pregnant with… our grandkid. Chris's child." Piper said uneasy.

"WHAT!" Leo screamed, but not before Piper blew him up, which muffled the outburst.

"I said shush." Piper stated.

Next door, Cole and Phoebe have a similar problem. They are both giving each other the silent treatment. Phoebe was trying to explain, and decided to veto the part about Chris was gonna be a daddy. But the problem was, when Phoebe mentioned Bianca Perry, Cole recognized her as one of his clients. One of which he had been informed was pregnant. Later that night, Cole hinted around and Phoebe still refused to come clean. So that now leads to the silent treatment.

Paige and Richard were discussing important matters of money all night and decided to fund the baby with about $500.00 a month in college intuitions.

Aunt P. and Andy talked all night and found out how much they'd enjoy to have a great niece or nephew. They both decided to throw a couple hundred dollars in on college intuitions.

At Bianca's condo, there was a problem at hand. Bianca couldn't keep out of the bathroom all night and she had a trial coming in a few hours. She was very worried, and Chris was streched out on the couch, asleep from all the commotion going on at the manor.

"Come on, baby. Just let mommy relax. Just a few hours. Please." Bianca pleaded her child.

"It won't work, he has both of his parents stubbornness." Chris announced his awakening.

"I though you were asleep." Bianca changed the subject.

"I was, until a little child started to feel nauseas, which makes daddy nauseas." Chris said.

"He's nauseas?" Bianca questioned.

"She wouldn't enjoy you saying that." Chris teased and informed.

"You mean…" Bianca said excitedly.

"Yep!" Chris said as he pulled Bianca over and kissed her passionately.

Back home, at the manor, Piper is having a minor problem.

"YOUR DEAD!" Piper screamed as she threw a vase towards a man standing in her hallway.

"Sort of." the man said, revealing (F) Chris stepping out of the vase's path "It's kind of hard to explain."

"Well, you had better start explaining if you want to live." Piper said, throwing a lamp at (F) Chris.

"It's kind of hard to kill a man who's already dead, mom." (F) Chris said.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Piper screamed in rage throwing a pillow, the only thing she could reach.

"Well, do you want me to call you Piper." Chris said, trying to make her see it is really him.

"No, I'd like you to get the hell out of my house." Piper said then concluded "You shape shifter."

"I'm not a shape shifter, Piper. I'm Chris. The one who died here almost 14 years ago." (F) Chris said.

"Is that how you demons get your kicks. You took my son, now your shifting as him to worm your way into my broken heart." Piper said whole heartily.

"Mom, listen to me. Remember the fantasies. Only you knew the truth. I sent you there." (F) Chris said, trying to talk some sense into her.

"Chris?" Piper asked in a half sad, half relieved voice.

"Yes, mom. Its me." (F) Chris said, slightly smiling.

Piper runs over to (F) Chris and hugs him so tight that he turns slightly blue.

"Um, mom. Could you… loosen the grip." (F) Chris said, gasping "I might be dead, but I can feel everything that happens to me."

Piper loosens her grip "Oh, sorry."

"Its ok, mom." (F) Chris said. "Oh, god, I've missed you so much."

"Why? If you died, why didn't you join me." Piper asked.

"Well, I went back to the hell world. But don't worry, I'm not alone." (F) Chris said.

"WHAT!" Piper squeaked.

"Yeah, that's what happens when a future being dies in an attempt to change his/her future. Its kinda like a consequence of the soul. Like they say, you can't have something for nothing." (F) Chris answered.

"Who are you with?" Piper asked.

"Wyatt and Bianca." (F) Chris replied "Wyatt caused the hell world and Bianca helped me execute my escape to the past which started my quest to change our future."

"Oh, why are you here and where is your child at?" Piper questioned.

"Well, I was summoned here by some bimbo and Brian, Brittany and my other kids are in the new timeline with the other us. Our counterparts." (F) Chris explained.

"Brian AND Brittany?" Piper questioned, surprised.

"Yeah." (F) Chris answered "Why?"

"Are you… Is she… Are you saying… Twins!" Piper yelled/rambled.

(F) Chris blushes.

"Oh god! I've missed you so." Piper changed the subject.

"Me too, mom, me too." (F) Chris said as his eyes watered up.

"So, Bianca's with you." Piper stated/questioned.

"Yes, she is. But she's good." (F) Chris said with a smile.

"Is Wyatt good to you in the other timeline?" Piper asked.

"Sort of. Ya see, me and Bi moved to the heavens, which he can't reach. So we haven't seen him since I was 24." (F) Chris stated.

"Oh." Piper simply stated.

"I had to, he had lost the last marble. He decided to keep me instead of kill me like he supposed to. But the only problem is, he's bisexual. If ya get what I mean." (F) Chris said with a frown.

"OH! Are you ok?" Piper said after realization hit her.

"Yeah, but I can't say the same thing for my innocence." (F) Chris said, sheepishly.


William is pacing in his lair. Trying to decide what to do.

"Ok, Mother! I told you to not summon him. This is your fault. I have to revenge her death. Wait… Hell, I'd be joining her. I'll just let them be." William said, as he flames out.

Lynn's Condo

Bianca is gathering Evelyn's and her stuff together before Lynn gets home from an assassination attempt.

"Evelyn! We have to hurry! Get what you need and lets GO!" Bianca yelled.

"I'm comin', I'm comin'." Evelyn replied as she descended the stairs. (A/N: I'm not sure if there are stairs in Lynn's Condo, but just go with it.)

"Hurry up, slow poke." Bianca half joked, half pleaded.

"Ok, lets go." Evelyn declared.

"Your not goin' anywhere with my baby, Bianca!" Lynn announced in a hard voice.

"Evelyn! Get out, NOW!" Bianca pleaded her younger sister.

"No! I won't leave you!" She answered back.

Bianca, taking her eyes off of Lynn for 2 moments, shimmered both Evelyn and her belongings out.

"HOW dare you!" Lynn announced "Actually, how could you?"

"Do what?" Bianca asked, nervous.

"Shimmer her and her things out? You don't have that kind of powers, Bianca." Lynn stated confused.

"Its simple actually, I'm Chris's Time-traveler helper." Bianca said, not noticing her mistake.

"That means you are either in love or pregnant. And if it is one, it is both." Lynn said, concluding her information about TLT's "Actually, you have to be pregnant. It's the only way to tell."

"NO!" Bianca said fast, giving herself away to Lynn.

"You are!" Lynn said, stepping close to Bianca.

Lynn knew that Bianca was pregnant. She had to be. So when she is like that, she could actually confront Bianca. Lynn was terrified of Bianca actually. When she was just a small child coming into her powers, she kicked Lynn's ass. The embarrassing part, she was just 6.

"What are you doing, you know I could take you." Bianca said, scared for her child and even her life.

"No, actually, your pregnant. You wouldn't risk the child." Lynn stated, powering up an energy ball "Goodnight Bianca and my darling grandchild." She releases the energy ball.

Lynn watches the ball hit Bianca square in the stomach and she fires up another one, she releases it and it hit Bianca square in the chest.

Bianca screams out in pain and fear for her child, then passes out.

"Now Bianca, you don't think I'd kill my own heir. I just can't allow it to be raised by you and that charmed one." She holds her hand out and the grimoire appears in her hands. "So I'll just have to raise it myself." She laughs and starts to flip through the book.

Manor - kitchen

"So, you and Bianca had 6 kids?" Piper asked.

"Yeah, freaky actually. I can only remember 1." (F) Chris said.

"How's that possible?" Piper asked.

"Well, when I left for the past, we had a daughter and a miscarriage. After I returned back to the past when Bianca returned for me, when I thought she died. Well, she didn't. Wyatt healed her. Should've seen that one a coming. Well, she was pregnant, and it multiplied." (F) Chris answered.

"So the miscarriages came back, you already had a daughter and then she had triplets. Man, that's a lot for a 22 year old." Piper stated.

"Really, if you look at it, I was only 21." (F) Chris corrected "When she had them, I was still 21."

"Wow!" Piper simply stated.

The front door opened and we hear it close. Then Phoebe's voice could be heard, announcing her presence.

"Piper! I'm home!" Phoebe yelled.

"Hey Pheebs, come in here. I have a surprise. Actually we both have." Piper yelled back.

"Who is "we both"?" Phoebe asked, hanging up her jacket in the living room.

"Me and Chris." Piper said, barely able to contain her excitement.

"Oh, Chris! I haven't told Cole yet, actually. So I'm sorry, but I will. What's the surprise, have you found out what it is?" Phoebe said, laying down her keys and walking towards the kitchen.

"Well, actually we have. Twins, one boy, one girl." (F) Chris answered, but they are the same boy so Phoebe could not tell the difference.

"Twins! I don't know to congratulate you or pity - you…" Phoebe said, slowing down her sentence when she stepped in the kitchen and seen it was Chris, but not the one she had expected. "Chris?"

"Yes, Phoebe. Its me." (F) Chris answered.

She runs to him and hugs him very tight and starts crying.

(F) Chris trying to soothe her "Shh. It's ok, Phoebe, I'm ok."

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't there. I'm just so, so sorry." Phoebe rambled.

"Hey, it's ok. You couldn't stop it anymore that Paige or dad could." (F) Chris said.

"Maybe, you didn't know. Hey, your warm." Phoebe started to apologize but realized something.

"Yeah, well I'm not alive but I'm kinda not dead either. Ya see, I'm in the hell world, but don't worry, I'm actually happy." (F) Chris blended information.

"How could you be happy, you were the one who came back to change it." Phoebe said in sad disbelief.

"Because, Wyatt and Bianca are the only ones in the whole world. Wyatt's on earth, I'm in the heavens with Bianca so I'm happy." (F) Chris explained.

"Oh, so she's good I presume." Phoebe said.

"Yeah." (F) Chris simply stated like she had lost her mind.

"Hey! Don't talk to your aunt that away." Phoebe teased.

"Hey yourself! I'm dead, so let me be." (F) Chris joked right back.

Paige comes running down the stairs and into the kitchen, but she notices Chris, just don't realize he is the adult.

"Chris! Where have you been, mister. Professor Caldwell is expecting you!" Paige declared.

"Hey, don't look at me, I'd rather go be with Wyatt then be with him." (F) Chris said, holding up his hands in defense.

"Oh, I know you would and I will look at you…" Paige stated then noticed something "Hey, have you gotten bigger?"

"No, just gotten older." (F) Chris smiled "Or actually you could say, you got the wrong Chris."

"What?" Paige said, something starting to piece together but her hearts in denial.

"Paige, I'm Chris Perry…"

"Yeah, Halliwell." Paige said answering his sentence, but not what he was saying.

"No, the one from the future." (F) Chris stated.

"No, no, no! You DIED! You sick bastard, is this how you want to take me out, by a BROKEN heart. Well you aren't gonna get it." Paige said Frantically.

"No, Paige. Wait, don't go there, I'm ok." (F) Chris said "Sure, I died, but I'm happy."

"NO, NO, NO! Shut up! Stop playing with my head. If you are really Chris, then tell me what happened with Sheridan?" Paige continued to frantically ramble.

"Well, she came in and looked at my wound. She said that it was fatal and I'd die soon… real soon." (F) Chris said.

"What!" both Phoebe and Piper yelled in unison.

"How do you know that?" Paige said, still in denial.

"This will get you. I said after that if it wasn't fatal, it is now." (F) Chris said.

"Chris?" Paige said.

"Yeah." (F) Chris also said.

Paige runs to him and starts to hug him and apologize.

"Hey, no one could stop what happened, it was fate." (F) Chris said.

"No, I could've stopped them. They hurt you, I can still hear your screams. They haunted me. That with you telling me you were disappointed in me and I was the reason you died." Paige said frantically.

"Hey, you did no such thing. I have never, will never nor saying you were the reason." lifting her chin so she could look him in the eye, (F) Chris concluded "Got me."

"I got you." Paige sadly laughed then hugged him again.

"Ok, now if memory serves me right, there was another person involved in the attack against my children." (F) Chris said.

"Who?" Piper asked.

"Her son, William. Now, I'm gonna kill him." (F) Chris said, then orbed out.

"HEY! Get back here right now, Christopher Perry Halliwell." Piper screamed and then Chris showed up, just not the one she wanted.

"What? What did I do now?" Chris said in defense "I was just touring Caldwell. This had better be important cause I can't leave him like that. That anaconda will eat him."

"Oh, you had better not." Paige said orbing out and then orbing back in and concluded in a scared voice "He did."

"Can I go back now, I can't let that anaconda get heartburn. Mrs. Jameson will kill me." Chris said.

"Yes sweetie, but don't hurt Caldwell." Piper said.

"I won't… much." Chris started to orb out but as they say curiosity killed the cat "If it was not me, who was it?"

"Um, um. No one." Piper said.

"Mom, I know you, you don't scream out my name like that for nothing." Chris said, irritated.

P. walks in the room and seeing his eyes she announces "Oh no, he's irritated. Look at them eyes: Blueish, greenish, grayish."

"Hey Aunt P., they won't tell me what they are up to, will you?" Chris said.

"I don't know, but I guarantee I will." P. said.

(F) Chris orbs in.

"Oh, that's what their hiding." Chris announced "What are you doing here?"

"Well, nice to see you to, mini me." (F) Chris said.

"Hey!" Chris said.

"What, mini me." (F) Chris.

"Call me that one more time…" Chris warned.

"Oh, what are you gonna do. I've seen more in my 13 years then you have and now I have another 13 years to add to that, so if I want to call you mini me I will cause I have seen more scarier things then my 13 year self. Not many, but still." (F) Chris said.

"Ok!" Chris said unhappy.

"That's my boy." (F) Chris said, rubbing his hair.

"Now that's it." Chris said as he charged (F) Chris who just held up his hands and all Chris's bones went limp.

"Can't do much with no bones, huh mini me?" (F) Chris said.

"Chris!" Piper stated.

"Sorry, but I can't stand that." (F) Chris said as he returned his bones.

Leo orbs in to see little Chris.

"Hey there, buddy." Leo said, rubbing his son's hair.

"Dad!" Chris said "I just got tortured by him" Chris said pointing to (F) Chris.

"Chris?" Leo said to his long lost son.

"Hey, dad." (F) Chris said sheepishly.

Lynn's condo

"Let the little children come to me, for the kingdom belongs to such as these." Lynn started.


"Chris!" Evelyn screamed shimmering in.

Lynn's condo

"The rose circle represents nature, desire, fertility. Give me strength, and give me might, to steal a child in still of night." Lynn continued.


"What is it, Evelyn?" both Chris's asked.

"I need one of you, either will do." Evelyn said frantically.

Lynn's condo

"Darkest forces let it be, here my plea, bring life to me." Lynn finished enchanting.


"It's Bianca. She's in trouble." Evelyn stated.

Lynn's condo

"Now the child is mine." Lynn said as she shimmers out.


"She's with mother… alone." Evelyn said near tears as both Chris's orb out.

Lynn's condo

Bianca is lying on the ground, bleeding.

"Bianca!" Chris screamed as he laid next to the love of his life "DAD!"

Leo orbs in

"What happened?" Leo asked as he started to heal her.

"I don't know…" He said, but Bianca's wound wouldn't heal.

"What's the matter, what's taking so long?" Chris asked frantically.

"I'm… I'm so sorry Chris. I can't heal the dead." Leo said near tears for the pain he would put his son through.

End of Chapter 3 - Dead sons, plots revealed and Bianca gets her first case of morning sickness