Let me know what I can fix! I do want to know!


No. Nothing is wrong. I didn't do anything. Nothing.

What are you talking about? You always do something. Fiend.

What would you know about it, Galahad? Your facial hair is pathetic! My beardish thing is, of course, brilliant. You'll end up balding in your thirties. Muh ha ha!

Galahad has now gone off to sulk. I love it when that happens. It's always so much more peaceful. I suppose you want to know what happened in the woods with, you know, that Tristan fellow. Nothing, that's what. Nothing.

Vanora's pregnant again. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you Lance my boy?

Ah, finally facing facts, eh. I know everything. I deserve my own mountaintop. I'm sure Vanora'd agree. (Seductive Grin)

Whatever. I was going to ask your opinion…Should I name this one? I mean, I know it's a big step. I'd have to remember it. And then they'd expect me to remember their birthday. I might even have to spring for a friggin' present. I mean, what's with this- this responsibility thing? It's hard!

Perhaps you should just stick with numbers. Or perhaps you could consider naming them all Eduardo. I think it's a rather charming name. You'd only have to remember the one.

True. But I think I'd prefer Eliza. It's prettier.

So? Eduardo sounds quite dashing. What if they enter the business world at some point? Who's going to hire a guy named "Eliza"? At least a girl named "Eduardo" could pretend to be a guy pretty easily. It may even help her climb the corporate ladder.

Wow. I never thought you put that much thought into these things.

I'm pretty deep. I also have my own corporate dreams.

Don't tell Gawain. It might kill him- well then, perhaps you should.


Gasp (faints and falls off horse)

That was fun. Good thinking Bors.

I do what I can.

Wow. I've never felt such a deep respect for the brute. How strange. I hope we won't sing kumbaya. That would just be creepy.

We have to talk.

About what? You don't talk. We don't talk. There is not talking. None.

We talk.

I have not idea what you're talking about. Go and scout, you strange man.


Humph. Fine. Then I will.

And he says I'm strange.

Where did Lancelot go?

He went off to join the circus, Gawain. He's going to train seals.

Oh, good. I don't have to persuade him not to join a corporation. I don't think I could handle that. But circuses are cool!

You are and idiot.

That's so sweet! I know you don't mean it.

Oh, but I do. And I was lying. Lancelot left to seek a job at Exxon. He's going to spill oil all over the seals. Muh. Hah. Hah.

Cries out in Anguish and promptly faints.

That boy will have brain damage one day. It's probably already started. (Chuckles manically)

I think we should play truth or dare.

Arthur. No. Absolutely not.

It'll be fun!

No. It will be horrendous. It will not BE.

Oh, but it will.
