Disclaimer: I do not own anything.


Chapter 12. A Perfect Beginning

I woke up the next morning in a state of abject misery. My head was pounding, and my vision was bleary. I stumbled out of bed, and grabbed my warm winter robe before dragging myself into my kitchen toward the smell of food.

Smell of food?

I never cooked!

The kitchen should smell like nothing. Like cleaning liquid!

How depressing. A kitchen should smell delicious and should have a warm homey feel to it. At least, in my dreams.

It was then that I came to the revelation that someone must be cooking in my kitchen. Some strange man. Someone who had the intent of beating me into a bloody pulp and then stealing my oranges. The oranges I didn't have.

I grabbed a umbrella, and started stalking nervously down to the kitchen. I crept around the corner and swung in, screaming "A HAH! I gottcha. Give me black the bloominbloranges." I blinked. "Oranges."

There was orange, a lot of orange.

"There's two of you…"

"Good morning?" the imposter tried.

"Who are you to say 'good morning' to me, sir? Good morning my foot! In fact, good morning your trousers. Who said you could just charge in here and take my oranges? I'm going to call the bizzies on you!"


"Police you moron!"

"I didn't even know you had oranges."

"Don't you dare judge my kitchen! Who said I don't have oranges? George said it I bet you. Bloomin' good mate he was. Left me in the lurch. Can't even see straight to defend myself. In fact, the only thing I can see right now is your orange hair. And no one has a right to have orange hair except for George. Nice, shampooed, conditioned orange hair. Nice smelling orange hair. Looks so good that I want to eat it. Yum." I stared off into space dreamily.

"I'm glad you think so."

"That voice, that voice! That deep, rough husky voice. That sends shivers down my spine every time I hear "Pansy, pansy!" Though I never say so out loud."

He gave a sharp intake of breath.

I slapped my hand over my mouth, now fully awake.

"Did I just say that? Blast! I just practically confessed to you the fact that I…"

I stopped. Idiot! What was I saying?

"I smell bacon."

"Your eyes are shifty."

"What? My eyes? Shifty? Nah.." I nervously chuckled.

"What were you going to say?" He was looking at me, with an unreadable expression in his eyes.

"Your eyes look like liquid chocolate."
I gasped.

He smirked. "Really?"

I blushed.

"You've never told me that before." He was highly interested, and intent on my reaction.

"Well you never asked for my opinion." I grumbled.

"Well actually I have, and I quote, you said that my eyes were like 'the mud under my feet'. Thanks by the way"

"I never said that!" I was upset that he thought of me like that. "Oh. I did say that, didn't I?" I whispered.

"Among other things…"

"I've been so mean to you! All these years! You never told me you actually cared!" I started to bawl now, throwing myself at my soft, fluffy carpet.

"Pansy!" he sounded miserable.

I cried harder. "You don't have to feel." Snuff "Sad for me…" sniff nosily

"I was the one who was mean to you all this time…"

"I was mean to you, even though to tell the truth, it was just to cover up the fact that I love you…I mean, all those times when I called you names, it was to hide how I couldn't stand how good you made me feel. When you called me 'Viper' I thought my heart would stop…" I continued to blubber.

Suddenly his face was right in front of mine.

Now he didn't look so sad.

"Don't get down here, I haven't vaccumed in months. You'll dirty your robes. Can't you see those dust bunnies!"

He was staring at me.

"What! Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Oh." I said, abruptly realizing what had been right there all along.

"What? I don't deserve that."

He smiled crookedly at me.

"Too bad, it's too late. I think I'm already too attached."

"To what?" I gulped.

"The dust bunnies of course." He replied dryly.

I laughed, then hiccupped. "Well, I'll have to have to say I guess…"

He chuckled. "They always say actions speak louder than words, baby…"

I snorted. "You're probably the corniest person I know."

"You know you love me for it…"

"Come here, you great ugly brute. With orange hair."

"It's red."

"Do you really want to argue that?"

"Anyway, back to the actions speak…"
I smiled as he leaned in for a kiss.

Life was beautiful.

Life is beautiful.



Thanks to:

Samkay, Pansy-Dragon, arrrgghimapiratenow and Weasleygirl89.

For all others:

We have finally reached the end. We may eventually start on a new story later. Until then, expect short one-shot's and maybe a few outtakes from this story.

Thank you for all of your support, and all of the reviews!