Brat Child2's challenge. "An angsty/fluffy (more angst than fluff) Cartman/Wendy." I didn't do too well, but... here it is.

Lost and Loved

She's just a stupid whore. Just like the rest of them. Think nothing of her. She's just a stupid girl! No matter how many times I repeated the words in my mind, my eyes couldn't be torn away from her. Her long black hair mesmerized me, her ocean blue eyes were enchanting, her always perfect words made me dying to hear more. I was crazy about Wendy Testaburger.

But she'd never like the fat kid, would she?

I tried to block out the insults I put upon myself by humming, but you can't tune out your own thoughts. I was in algebra, seated next to Wendy, and she looked over at me with a slight frown.

"Could you please not hum, Cartman? It's distracting me...."

I looked over at her paper, and sure enough, there she was, doing all of her work. I looked guiltily down at mine... I hadn't done a single problem.

She doesn't want a dumb kid, either.

When she'd had her thing for Gregory... he had a 4.0 grade average, as he frequently reminded us. Tolken and Stan were both smart, not amazing students, but next to me they were. Anyone was an amazing student next to me.

Ten minutes I spent reflecting on her love life, trying to think if I was better than any of her past boyfriends. But the truth was, no, I wasn't.

What could anyone see in you?

Nothing... nothing... I hated the truth. I ran out of the classroom before the bell even rang, oblivious to the teacher's angry yells down the hall after me, I was running to Stan's uncle's house.

Jimbo looked down at me in surprise when I arrived at his door.

"Hey, aren't you Eric, the little fat kid?"

Just what I wanted. More reminding that I'm fat. But it didn't matter now. Nothing mattered now. Because it was all going to be over.

"Can I borrow a gun?" I asked, trying to sound casual, but I doubt he would've cared even if he knew why I was asking.

"Sure thing, going hunting?" He asked as he left to go get one. He didn't even wait for an answer, but he came back shortly with one.

"Uh... yeah, thanks."

"Have fun!" He called as I made my way home, and I was unknowing that a certain black-haired girl had also run out of the classroom before the bell. I made my way back home, grateful that my mom wasn't home.

I didn't want to say goodbye to anyone. I had no friends. I cared for no one except for a girl who didn't think of me as anything more than the fat kid who got on her nerves. Maybe my actions were too drastic, but I was just fed up and tired.

I walked up to my room, smiling softly. It'd all be done soon. I'd be in peaceful death in a matter of moments.

"Are you there, God?" I asked quietly, staring at my ceiling. "I want this to be quick and painless, so please grant my final prayer...." I raised the gun to my head, not hearing my door fly open, not seeing terrified blue eyes widen as I pulled the trigger. I'd never hear the scream that followed my death. I'd never feel the tears that fell onto my body as I was descending to Hell.

I'd never know the girl I admired loved me the same way I loved her. I'd never know she planted a kiss on my dead lips as a final farewell to the heartache that could've been spared if I hadn't been so stupid.

But that's me, Eric Theodore Cartman. Stupid.