Disclaimer: You know everything. :o)

Author's note: Enjoy it.

Rennjenn: And this comes from the one, who uses the word "penchant"! Why don't you simply say "propensity"? Lol… :o)))

Faerlas: In fact, these "illogically constructed words, and a childs handful of "grammar" rules" was what I meant under "theoretical materials". :o) And again – why should I cringe? That sounds pretty good and I'm still very interested in your work. :o)) It's not everyday that one meets somebody who invented a language.

Deana: :o))))

Tatiana: Pretty thanks.

Elvnchic9:Well, actually the bride is Rexia. :o)) So, I guess you are right, he is going to get back with her. :o)))

Chapter eighteen.

Stop falling.

It all seemed to be happening in a slow weird dream. Voices echoed in her head, indiscernible like they sounded from under water. Before she knew it she was in front of Legolas, who was looking through her, as if she was made of glass. He was perfectly calm.

… and there was an elegant wreath of silver in her trembling hands, and she had to stand on her tiptoes to put it on the head of the elven Prince, because he didn't take pains to lean at least a little.

A smaller wreath, gemmed with sapphires, appeared from nowhere. Legolas carefully crowned her, holding it with his fingertips only, removing his hands earlier than she managed to feel them. Then he bent forward and kissed her, his lips those of a complete stranger. Cold, impersonal touch…

Tongues of mist twisted with the rays of scant sun, cloaking her in the lightly sparkling, foggy net.

The King was saying something in melodious Sindarin, yet she saw nothing but those cool blue eyes and heard nothing but her rapid heartbeat…

…and she was walking along the shadowy passage, hand in hand with the one she loved. With the one who now avoided her glance, being unaware of whose fingers were clutched in his.

The door shut behind them. In the same second Legolas released her and moved away, his figure dissolving in the warm half-darkness of the large room. Rexia remained standing, and doubts were gradually creeping in to wash away her previous determination.

May be it was not such a good idea after all…

It hurt her that he agreed to bind himself to an unknown girl so easily, without any apparent hesitation. It was as if she had stopped existing for him. Out of sight, out of mind… If it could have been said about her, whom he had never even seen.

Yet, what else did she expect after her foul escape?

She undeniably made a mistake, letting Ralon talk her into this. She had no right to come back and act like nothing had happened. Forcing Legolas to marry her blindly, leaving him no choice…

Compelling him to accept her without having ascertained that he was still able to love her… The deed of a coward. Now, sick of the ringing silence of the room, she understood it too well.

The elf stirred and looked back at her.

"Would you sit down?" asked he politely, pointing at the comfortably-looking armchair near the bed, which was canopied with waves of soft green silk. Rexia involuntary blushed and immediately got angry at herself for this weakness. To hide her foolish disarray she nodded, wending to the offered sitting.

The crown pressed her temples – she took it off and paused, not knowing what she should do next. A smile ghosted over Legolas's face.

"Let me take it," said he, approaching Rexia.

She timidly held the crown out for him. His fingers stroke hers in a casual movement – before she knew what she was doing, she caught his hand, squeezing it so tightly that he cast her astonished glance. For a heartbeat they were immobile. Then Legolas pulled back, as if her touch had burnt him.

"I'm sorry…," muttered he, whirling back, "I'd better leave… Forgive me."

Three steps separated him with the door. Rexia sprang up, feverishly thinking about something to say, and feeling inappropriately dumb. She had three elvish steps to stop him.

Two… One…

"How did it happen?" asked she in a shaky voice. His back flinched and he came to a halt.

"I beg the pardon?" whispered he hoarsely.

"How did you become blind?"

The elf turned round, slowly, like every movement caused him pain. His eyes were stormy with mixed emotions – surprise, unbelief, doubt, and something else, sharp and fiery, something she couldn't recognize.


She barely nodded, though it didn't matter for him already. His mind was reeling. In several mad steps he covered the distance between them and folded her in his arms, crushing his eager mouth against her lips, wincing of bitter delight, when she yielded to his fervent caress. He was drinking her smell off her skin, breaking only to whisper her name, which tasted for his tongue as sweet and airy as her kisses.

For a second she managed to escape his lips.

"Forgive me," murmured she, trying to make him listen.

Forgive? For what? Legolas had already nodded assent and leaned to her again, when the memories rushed back to him. He gave a start. Forgive me… She probably spoke about Edwen. How could he forget? Oh, Eru…

He had just married her…

He wanted to make her able to be with Edwen, but instead of that bound her with this wedding. Oh, Eru…

"It was a mistake," said he out-loud. What must she think about him?

"A mistake?" Rexia raised her brows.

"I shouldn't have married you," confessed the elf, "I didn't want to marry you. I didn't know it was you!"

What was he saying? He must have gone crazy to tell such things to his only love. She was deadly pale, her grey eyes almost coaly against this whiteness.

"Do you wish me to leave?" her voice was no more than a breath.

"I do," forced he, blood shooting in his ears.

But when she moved away, his determination shattered. It was more than he could bear. He wasn't able to be strong and generous anymore.

"Rexia, no!" he caught her hand and pressed it against his chest, his heart seemed to cling to her small palm, "Please, stay! I'm nothing without you, calad nin… I know there's Edwen… I didn't want to impede you, but please… If you want me to be like him I will, just stay…"

Rexia frowned, bringing her free hand to cup his cheek.

"What are you talking about?" inquired she uncomprehendingly, "Legolas, I love you. There is no one but you, and there never was."

"But… Your neighbour…," he halted, realizing what she had just said. I love you. She uttered these words for the first time.

"Eru, she always concocts something," Rexia sniffed scornfully, "Don't tell me you believed her jabber… So that's why you didn't come to the dungeon, when your father and Ralon…"

She suddenly cut off and blushed deep red.

"To the dungeon?" echoed Legolas, "Valar, how could I fail to see it! I'll kill him…"

"Just forget about him, all right?" she smiled at him. It was a sweet smile, soft and tangibly tender, revealing two small dimples on her chiselled cheeks.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you," he brought her to his chest and kissed her temple.

She looked up at him and he got lost in her glance, her every feature engraving itself on his heart. He was whole – again. Now and forever.

"I'm too human for you," stated she a little shyly.

"You are perfect, calad nin," whispered Legolas, "But if you doubt in my eyes, blindfold me again. Just promise you won't forsake me after that."

"Never," said she seriously.

He rested his chin on the top of her head, smiling at the feeling of her smooth hair against his skin.



"Tell me you love me again," asked he hushfully, "Please."

The girl in his arms chuckled and rose herself a bit, her lips teasingly close to his.

"I'd better try and prove that," purred she as he stared in her sparkling eyes, finding it hard to breathe of the keen perception of her nearness and his own kindling love and desire, "You don't mind, do you?"


A/n: Well, that is all. I want to thank all my readers for staying with me, and all my reviewers for their support and their cheering comments. Now – a line of special thanks and then some notes on our future. (I hope so) :o)

Thanks to Deana, whose reviews I knew would be the first ones in my mailbox when I checked it. :o)

Thanks to Inwe Tasartir, who made me feel like Galsworthy of writing fics. :o)

Thanks to Blackrosemystic, who bravely fought with her computer to send a couple of lines. :o)

Thanks to X-jacqui-x for being always kind and thoughtful. :o)

Thanks to Faerlas for the inspiring enthusiasm and energy. :o)

Thanks to Escape5 for the stylish comments. :o)

Thanks to Nautica for understanding and letting me know that I have at least one more reader. :o)

Thanks to Ara, Goddess of the broken for a single, but a big praise. :o)

Thanks to HyperSquishy for being interested in the plot twists. :o)

Thanks to Rennjenn for the keen observation and pleasant reviews. :o)

Thanks to Legos-r-Hot. It feels nice to be praised. :o)

Thanks to Xerena for being impatient for the continuation. :o)

Thanks to Tatiana, since, I guess, we are countrygirls. :o)

Thanks to Elvnchic9 for her anxiety about Rexia. :o)

So, if there are any comments, ideas, questions, calls for help – my e-mail is always working for you. I'll be more than glad to be useful. Now I'm thinking over another fic, but it's still very vague. I guess I'll try to make something out of it. Good luck to you all! It was a real pleasure to write for you.

Adamanta. :o)