1Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me. But I wouldn't mind if they were given to me for a birthday present!

Pairings: YxU

Rating: PG

"Great job guys," Jeremie said into the microphone as Aelita walked into the tower. Odd plopped down onto a rock and began to play with his tail.

"No problem Jeremie, it was fun," Odd replied. Ulrich stood next to Yumi, both intent on the tower. "Say, how far back do you think we'll go? Hopefully to Mrs. Hertz's class, I need another hour of sleep..." Odd rambled. Everyone began to tune him out as the waited for Aelita to finish the code.

Ulrich walked out of the school and stretched. It had been another boring day and he was tired. All this time travel really was starting to take a toll on him. He saw Yumi and Odd sitting on the bench already, Yumi glanced up and caught him staring at her. She grinned and waved a little as Odd pulled out a CD player and inserted a CD.

Ulrich just stood there for a moment, staring at Yumi in silence. She really was breathtaking. Everything about her was beautiful. The sun shone through the tree branches at just the right angle to make it seem like she was glowing. You really have it bad.... he thought to himself as he walked over to them. "Hey Yumi, hey Odd."

"Hey Ulrich. Great fighting earlier, er later, on Lyoko," Yumi muttered her cheeks turning red. Odd was oblivious as he jumped up and bounced around the bench, listening to his CD. "I noticed one mistake though...I thought I could help you with it later today at the park?" she asked.

"Yeah, sounds good."

Jeremie appeared from around the corner. He was wearing his ear piece and muttering quietly to seemingly no one. When he got to the bench he pulled it off and smiled at them. "Hey guys...uh...what's Odd doing?"

"His attempt at dancing," Ulrich answered sarcastically. "How's Aelita?"

"Fine, I was just, uh, checking up on her," Jeremie answered blushing slightly. Ulrich and Yumi exchanged smiles and then shook their heads.

"Keep talking to her and people will start calling you crazy," Yumi put in. The song finally ended and Odd glanced up, seeing Jeremie, Ulrich, and Yumi talking.

"Hey, when'd you get here Einstein?" Odd asked as he pulled off the head phones.

"About three minutes ago." There was a beep from his laptop and he quickly put the ear piece back on. "Aelita? Yeah, I'm here...You did? Alright, I'm going to go over there now. I'll see you in a few...Got to go guys, see you later," he turned and ran off towards the dorms. The other three exchanged glances.

"Well, I'm gonna go and work on my video," Odd added. "And, Kiwi needs to be taken out too."

"You wanna head over to the park?" Ulrich asked Yumi. She nodded and the two walked off in the direction of the park while Odd followed Jeremie to the dorms.

Author's Note: There, the end of part one...what do you think? Please Review and I'll Review you!