1Disclaimer: Don't own anything...It's a real shame...

Pairings: UxY, JxA, OxS

Author's Note: Yeah...it seems like a pretty big jump, but...It was the perfect place to end it last chapter, however, I did tell you to review to get a new chapter, so I'm going to give you one. This is the last chapter. No more after this...Honest!

Yumi sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror. Her mom and Aelita were busy adjusting the veil and her other bridesmaids and female relatives stood around crying. She clenched and unclenched her hands repeatedly before reaching over and nervously twisting the ring. It was the same one Ulrich had given her almost ten years ago. Gods, was it really ten years? It seemed like just yesterday, she thought.

Her mom smiled up at her through her tears, dabbing at them quickly. "You look beautiful Yumi, you look perfect. He'll be very impressed," she said.

"Yeah, you really do Yumi," Aelita replied. Sydney nodded, blinking her eyes rapidly to keep from crying.

"Thanks guys," Yumi replied. She was wearing a white gown, that in just the right light looked almost blue, with a long train behind her, her cousins' two twin girls, Rose and Lilly, were carrying it. One of Ulrich's cousins also had a set of twins, these fraternal. The little girl, Amanda, was the flower girl, and the boy, Aaron, was the ring bearer. The dress was made of silk and the corset was beaded lace that came off the shoulder. Her hair was gathered into a fish-tail before coming loose at the end, white gems glittering in her hair.

"This is it..." she whispered, "my last minute as an unmarried woman." She laughed nervously and Aelita and Sydney hugged her.

"Well, I'm the next one in line for the alter," Sydney said. "Remember, my wedding's in December, that's only six months away!" They laughed a little, looking at Aelita.

"Haven't set the date," she said. They nodded and then there was a knock on the door, another or Yumi's aunts entering.

"It's time," she said.

Her mother handed her the bouquet of white roses and some sort of blue flower that smelled nice. "Here Yumi, hand me the ring," she said. Yumi shook her head, taking it off and hooking it on the chain Ulrich had given her all those years ago. She never wanted to not have it with her.

They all took their places and the music started. Yumi stood at the back of the line, looking down the long aisle to the alter. No time to chicken out, just think of what it'll mean tomorrow, she told herself silently. The flower girl and ring bearer made it down, then the bridesmaids. She took her father's arm and they walked slowly down the aisle.

Ulrich stood at the end, looking better then ever. And he was in a tuxedo. That in itself was amazing enough for her. Even on their own prom, he hadn't worn one. Her stomach somersaulted and she swallowed hard. Odd and Jeremie stood beside him, grinning. Ulrich looked as nervous as she felt.

At last her father let her go and she hugged him before taking her place next to Ulrich. The priest smiled at them kindly. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join these two people in holy matrimony," he called out. Yumi smiled nervously at Ulrich and he returned it.

She could remember everything over the last ten years like it really was just yesterday. Sissi had eventually found the ring of course, realized what it meant, and in a way realized that she'd lost her chance. She'd moved on, and left them alone - after making a fuss over it. Her parents had also seen the ring, and guessed it's symbolism, but that wasn't until much later. Surprisingly, Ulrich managed to pull his grades up and all six of them ended up in the same university, they had intended on buying a small house together, and had. However, now only Odd and Sydney lived in that house. The others had gotten their own places, all on the same street, and right next door to each other.

"Do you, Ulrich Stern, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and health, and not to stray from her side, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Ulrich responded calmly, the complete opposite of how he looked.

"And do you, Yumi Ishiyama, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, and not to stray from his side, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"Then with the power invested in me by both the courts of France and the courts of Heaven and God, I pronounce you both man and wife," he said. "You may kiss the bride."

They were vaguely aware of people crying, Odd yelling something - probably scandalous - and Jeremie laughing at whatever Odd had said, as they leaned in and kissed. When they pulled apart Odd grinned. "So, what are you going to name your first kid?" he called out teasingly.

They both glared at him, laughing, then looked at each other. "For your information Odd, if it's a girl then it'll be Kaleigh, if it's a boy, Kevin," Yumi answered. Odd stared at them, open mouthed and they laughed again.

Some things can't last forever, but other things never change.

Author's Note: Yep...that was the last chapter. Sorry folks. Anyway, review if you want...I'm currently writing a new fic, so be on the look out for that. Not telling you what it's about though until it's out. No spoilers, sorry. It was a bit rushed...but I think it turned out alright...don't you? Review and let me know!