I sat on one of the many red couches of of the lobby, feeding both girls at once, and listened. Each Wellington had a different story to tell of life in the big house. The final story was my favorite. That was the one Hellen told.
"As we were getting out the police, or whatever they're called, were leading in, in handcuffs, the most filthy bastard, the father of your girls! I nearly flipped. I had to beg that guard to tell me what he was in for. And get this, for conspiracy. That was all I got! What do you think he was conspiring to do? I bet it was something horrid! I honestly don't understand how a creature like him could create such beautiful girls." "You know Hellen, sometimes I forget how much you can talk, but then you talk like that an I remember all over again." I commented. My tone was light and casual.
"Are you not the least bit upset or thrilled by this news?" Sky demanded. She didn't ask. She demanded.
"Well, I did have him arrested. I insisted that he either be arrested or murdered, so I'm not all that surprised." I had gotten so freakin' good at explaining things in such a passive way.
"You gave an option!" Jack fumed. Then everyone else joined in about how I should have made sure he was dead or at least wishing he was. I giggled as they yelled at me. The yelling and giggling stopped when the twins got upset and we all went into Mum mode, even the guys.

"I need to talk to you." it was Charlie talking to me. I was waiting with the Wellington's for our car. We were finally going home and I was dying with anticipation.
I raised an eyebrow at him.
"You have to talk to Mum." he instructed. I hadn't seen him that serious since the time when I was ten and Ron told him that he wasn't planning on finishing school. A 'stern talking to' doesn't even begin to describe what Ron got in response.
"Why?" I asked him. My family stood behind me, guarding the twins and ready to spring into action at the first sign of trouble. Like a pack of dogs. Woof.
"Look at her!" he exclaimed, extending his arm to show the doorway of the inn. We were standing in the courtyard but had a clear view of what was going on. Molly was sobbing hysterically on Arthur's shoulder, Ron standing by with a box of tissues and everyone else just watching rather awkwardly.
"And what do you expect me to do?" I asked him. The way I saw it, she should have been crying for a long time now. It's not my fault if guilt is finally catching up with her.
"Make her feel better! She's your Mum! You're a Mum, you should understand this!" He was just full of reasons.
"Yeah, I am a Mum! So I have no bloody clue how she could let me go for so long. No clue how she reacted so angrily the first time she saw me after her first time seeing me in years. No clue how she could do this without even asking me about her grandchildren!" I had answers, too. Charlie just looked unsure. He wasn't sure what to do, I could tell. This was a rare feeling for him. Instead of saying anything he scurried over to Molly and I went to my girls. I swear, despite the fact that they were less than a week old, they recognized me.

"This car or whatever is late!" Hellen snapped for the fourth time in the past hour. We had been standing there in the courtyard waiting for so long. I was the only one sitting, on the gravel. Oh, that hurt.
"Hello." I turned on my bum, which was on the gravel, to see a very puffy eyed Molly, standing with as much dignity as she could. I got up and faced her.
"I'm so sorry." she whispered. She was quite sincere.
"I know." I whispered back. We weren't making eye contact, but we were looking at each other. The Wellington's slowly slipped away. They were good at knowing when to back away.
"Are they healthy?" she asked, and I knew who she meant. The twins.
"I hope so."
"What are their names?" I took a deep breath before answering. Just for dramatic effect. I hadn't forgotten their names or anything.
"Nadiah Sky and Haidan Bell." There. I had said.
"YES!" I heard Sky and Bell both squeal at once. They totally ruined that moment.
"Sorry Hellen, maybe if I had triplets." I told the only other female associated with the Wellingtons. She shrugged it off.
"Will I be allowed to visit?" Molly asked in a very small voice. She was back to being uber maternal towards me.
"If I get a warning well ahead of time-"
"And your father?"
"Okay, maybe."
"And your brothers?"
"And Harry and Hermione?"
"Okay!" Keefer broke in. His eyes looked as if they had gone to a far off place that only he could see.
"Wha'?" I managed to choke out.
"Oh, Ro! Think about it! Sky and my family, they pretty much abandoned us! And now you have a chance to have two families! Think about how much fun we could all have!" Yup. Keefer was long gone.
"You're forgetting a few things." I pointed out.
"And what's that?" he asked, slowly coming back.
"You're all mad and you drive me absolutely loopy!" they did! Every last one of them!
"Oh, Ro, don't be retarded." and then the cars finally came. I left the inn with the last words being my kindly, hippie father calling me retarded.

The end! Hope the ending was good...endings are always so hard to write...Thanks for reading this far. Even more thanks to all those who review. As usual.