Chapter 1

Madeline sat at her desk in her room. It had been three months since Jack and JJ had departed for their grand voyage. She thought of them every day since. Especially Jack and his parting kiss and words to her. James, bless his heart had been nothing but loving and gentle with her. Giving her space when she needed it. Although she enjoyed his company and his lovemaking, she couldn't bring herself to be in love with him. She did love him. But her heart belonged to Jack and he knew it.

She hated hurting him. She closed her journal and began to dress for the day. Her maid came to help her with her corset. She clutched her stomach as Tess began to tug on the stays.

"Tess, must you pull so bloody hard?" she asked.

"Sorry ma'am." She apologized. Madeline had never had a problem with her corsets before.

"Stop. I won't wear one today." She said. Tess helped her with her dress over her head and began to button the back. Madeline glanced down and saw suddenly how tight her dress was around her abdomen. Her tummy had a slight bulge to it. Panic set in. Oh God she thought. Please no. Her mind began to race. She hadn't had her monthly flow in close to four months.

"It's a little tight ma'am." Tess said.

"I know." Madeline said as fear shot through her. "Just finish up." She snapped. Tess helped her with her hair and she left the room.

Madeline grabbed her parasol and headed down the stairs and out into the town of Port Royal. She headed straight to Dr. Williams' office and hurried inside. He was with someone and she had to wait. She waited and paced.

"Ah Mrs. Skye. What can I do for you today?" Dr. Williams asked as he came from the back room. He ushered her into his office.

"I need you to examine me." She said hurriedly.

"Are you ill?"

"I believe I might be pregnant." She said.

"I see." The doctor said looking at her. "Come then, let's go see." He said and ushered her into the examining room. He began his examination and asked her some vital questions. Madeline felt the tears threatening behind her eyes.

"Well, Mrs. Skye, I would guess you to be about four months along." He said looking at her. He knew she was a widow and he knew that she hadn't remarried. And she knew that he knew she had been spending a lot of time with the Commodore. She looked at him. She knew what was going through his mind.

"Thank you Dr. Williams." She said as she gathered her things.

"Mrs. Skye."

"Yes Dr. Williams." She said as she straightened her dress.

"Are you going to be alright?"

"I'll be fine. Thank you." She turned to leave. Her mind was reeling. What was she going to do? She knew it was Jack's child she carried and not James's. Oh God this was too much. She knew she needed to get in touch with Jack? But how? His trust in her would lessen ten fold if she didn't tell him about this baby. She was so deep in thought she wasn't paying attention to where she was going and ran right into someone.

"Madeline!" she turned to see James Norrington standing in front of her. He took a hold of her arm.

"James. Oh I'm sorry." She exclaimed.

"Are you ill Madeline?" he asked, seeing that she was coming from the doctor. "What's wrong?" he asked hurriedly. His heart swelled every time he saw her and was with her. He only wished she would return his love.

"No, I'm fine James. Thank you." She said hurriedly. "I really need to go." She said pushing away from him.

"Madeline, wait. Something is wrong. Talk to me." He said pulling her towards the side of the street. "What's wrong?" he asked again. Madeline looked at him. He was a handsome man. She knew he was in love with her as he told her all the time and he knew she couldn't return his love.

"I'm fine James. Truly, I must go. Please." She said pleading with him. He took a hold of her hand and held it gently in his.

"You're shaking. Come, let me take you home so you can sit down."

"James, please. I'm fine." She said snapping at him. "I'm sorry. Please, I will talk to you later alright?"

James eyed her. He had been in love with her since he laid eyes on her. He knew that she had a past with that pirate Jack Sparrow. That she shared a child with him. And he knew that Jack had hurt her terribly. But he still wanted her. Wanted to marry her. "Maddy." Her eyes flew to his. No one but Jack or Will or Elizabeth ever called her by her nickname. "I'm sorry, Madeline. Have dinner with me tonight."

"No James, I'm sorry. I can't." she said and walked away. James watched her walk away.