Promise Me

Chapter 17

Okay, well... I now give you chapter 17. I hope you enjoy it and I am really sorry that this came out really really late. I am going to make this chapter as long as I can to make up for the many many many months of not posting. As long as I can and as good as I can, I wouldn't just post something that's long but not good quality. I just hope you think this is a good chapter, anyway enough of my rambling, onto the story! Enjoy!


Kagome awoke in a room that she had not seen before. It then came to her that she wasn't at her house or Inuyasha's but in the one known as Bankotsu. She looked around and saw a digital clock by the bed that read 2:14 am. She turned in the bed and couldn't seem to get back to sleep.

She finally gave up and sat, slipping out of the bed she walked out of the room and into the living room where she walked over to the balcony. Slidding the door open she stepped out into the cool night air, it was a change to the hot summer weather during the day.

"So, I suppose you can't sleep."

Kagome jumped as she was startled by Bankotsu's voice. She then turned and looked back at him and then back over to the street below them. At the bottom stood Hiten with his brother Manten and the one known as Tsubaki. She then looked over to Bankotsu with a puzzled look and he laughed.

"They just hangout down there sometimes, they live in this same building. Hiten and Manten are brothers, they lived on the streets their whole lives, that is until I took them in..."

Kagome nodded as she watched Hiten laugh and then Tsubaki punched him on the arm. She guessed he had said something that he thought was funny but at the same time the woman or girl didn't think it was funny at all.

"I... I'm sorry for all this trouble." She said in barely over a whisper.

She knew Bankotsu was there standing right behind her, but he just hadn't answered her. She sighed then turned and looked at him for a long moment then walked passed him and back into the room she was sleeping in for that night. She closed the door behind her without saying a word to the man and then walked to the bed and flopped down into it and once again fell asleep.


Sango awoke the next morning at her house to find her brother and Kagura already up. She smiled at the two and then walked up to her mother and kissed her on the cheek. She grabbed some toast and walked over to the table and sat down and ate silently. Reaching out she grabbed one of the bowls set out in the middle of the table a box of cereal and started to pour some cereal than milk into her bowl.

"Where's Kagome today?" Kohaku asked.

Sango looked at the puzzled look on Kohaku's face then over to Kagura to see her staring at her as well. She shrugged and just told them she had slept over at Inuyasha's again.

Her brother shrugged then began to eat his breakfast once again. But as Sango ate her own breakfast she couldn't help but notice the way Kagura looked at her. It seem as if she knew that Kagome wasn't at Inuyasha's at all.

She ignored the look and looked down at her bowl of cereal and once again ate silently. She didn't know why she was worried about Kagura knowing about Kagome but she just felt as if she really couldn't trust the girl for some odd reason. There was just somthing really suspicous about the girl and she just couldn't come to fully trust her.


Sesshoumaru waited in the airport for Kagome, she would arrive in a few minutes. So far her flight had not been delayed so he hoped it would not be at all. He looked down at his watch and sighed, he was anxious for her arrival. Although it had only been a short time since he had last seen her it felt as if it had been forever.

He balled his fists as he thought about what had been happening to her since she had left social services long ago. He looked up and there standing a few feet from him was Kagome, she was in a black hoodie and a pair of faded jeans. He didn't know what to do or say, which was funny since he had been waiting all this time only to see her.

"Kagome..." was all he got out as he looked at her.

She gave him a smile which seemed forced for her then walked towards him. His heart fluttered but soon dropped as a man stepped up from out of nowhere and stood at Kagome's side. A growl like sound escaped his throat as he stared at the man before him, there was something strange about this man but he just didn't know what it was.

"Who are you?" Sesshoumaru growled as he glared at the strange man.

"I am Bankoutsu and I believe you are Sesshoumaru. Am I correct?"

Sesshoumaru glared at the man and then turned his gaze to Kagome but didn't say anything as he turned and started to walk away from the two. He really didn't care if they followed him or not. Was this how it had been for the years he had left her? Had she found someone else to be by her side? If so why hadn't she said anything to him earlier?

He glanced over his shoulder to see that the two were indeed following him than he looked back ahead of him. Perhaps it had been for the best she would have needed someone to be there with her through those years of abuse. Only he felt that it should have been him, but how was he suppose to have been there for her when he was but a child himself and had no choice in the matter if they had been seperated or not.

Taking another glance over his shoulder he saw that Kagome was looking at the face of the man by her side and his heart sank once again. He didn't know why he was feeling this way, he hardly even knew the girl and it was as if he had already fallen in love with her. He had looked for her for years only to find her already in the arms of some other guy.

His fists clenched and he gritted his teeth as he walked on, trying not to let the thought of the other man touching his Kagome bother him. After all she wasn't really his Kagome to begin with. She was his friend and it was all she seemed to want...or was it? They had kissed on one or two if she was with this guy why had she allowed for it to happen?

Taking out his cell phone he dialed the hotel and when he heard someone on the other line he started to make arangements for the two behind him. The hotel he had called was about an hour away from his own which seemed to be the best for how could he think with Kagome so close. He knew that it would only make matters worse if she were around that man all the time.

"Yes, two beds..." he waited while the woman searched the computer for available rooms. Finally the woman confirmed that she had a room and he booked it then hung up.

"Kagome, if your friend doesn't mind I would like to talk to you alone." Sesshoumaru said as he turned around and looked at her.

"Of course, I don't mind at all," replied the man with a smirk.

Sesshoumaru glared at the man then took Kagome's hand and walked with her to on of the many stores in the airport and looked around at all the many things for sale before he started to talk to her. It was pretty hard to do this, his heart was beating quickly and it felt as if he could die right then and there but he was better than all that. He didn't need her, never did and right now he was thinking that it had been a mistake to befriend her when they were children back then.

"I will be busy all week so I won't be able to see you that often. If you don't mind I have a room for the both of you about an hour away from my own hotel."

He watched as she nodded her approval and he saw that she didn't mind at all. His heart dropped at her reaction to his news, what had he been hoping for? That she would beg him not to make her stay that far from him? He sighed and then looked around at the many things before picking out a book and buying it and handing it to her. He stood before her then after a minute stepped around her and started out of the shop towards the other man.

While waiting for Kagome to catch up to him he took out his cell once more and called a limo. After making more arrangements he hung up and turned to Kagome and stared at her for a bit. He had been caught in her beautiful eyes but after shaking it off he spoke.

"There will be a limo waiting outside for you but I must be off now. So I will see you in a week or so...perhaps even sooner. Good-bye Kagome."

With that he turned on his heel and strode off out of the airport to his own waiting limo. If he had turned he would have noticed that Kagome stood there with the slight glimmer of tears in her eyes, but he hadn't. He had merely strode away and gotten into the limo.


Kagome watched as Sesshoumaru left her alone with Bankoutsu. She had hoped that she would be able to spend some time with him but it seemed he was to busy. She bit her lip to keep the threatening tears at bay and sighed as she looked up at Bankoutsu.

"Well...shall we be off then?" Kagome asked sadly not really able to hide the tone of her voice very well. But right now she didn't care if she hid it or not, she only wanted to leave and get back to the room as fast as possible.

"If it is what you wish." Bankoutsu replied to her question.

"Then...we shall be off then." Kagome said as she picked up her bags and started out of the building. She didn't pay attention to things and had almost bumped into many people. She didn't hear the curses muttered and she probably wouldn't have cared if they called her anything or not. She was used to the rough cruel treatment.

Once outside she saw a limo parked and waiting, walking towards it she threw her bags into the car and got in. Bankoutsu came in after her and sat on the seat across from her and looked out the window as the car started to move. Both were silent neither wanting to speak nor break the silence. It really wasn't one of those awkward silences, so they just sat there.

Kagome stared at the man before her and knew that he was indeed a dangerous man to be around but after spending a few days with him she knew that once his friend he would look after you. That was unless you double crossed him and did something to wrong him. She could sense that but she had also been fairly warned by Hiten.

With a sigh she looked at the book in her hand and then out the window. Why was he acting so different from the last time she had seen him. She had thought they would be in the same hotel as Sesshoumaru but it seemed that they were about an hour away from him. She had also hoped that she was in the same room as Sesshoumaru for when she was around him she felt completely safe from all harm.

"What's the matter Kagome? Did you think maybe you would be closer to the great Sesshoumaru than an hour away?"

Yes, this man was indeed good at reading her thoughts. But instead of answering him she ignored his question and stared out the window. The same question running through her mind over and over again. Why had she let Bankoutsu come along with her?

"How is it you know this man anyway? That was one thing you failed to mention in your story Kagome." Bankoutsu said in a low tone of voice. Was it a mocking tone? Or merely a curious one?

Kagome shivered at the tone of his voice but turned to look him straight in the eyes. Yes, this was indeed one man you would never want as your enemy, for his eyes burned with hatred at that very moment but for what reason Kagome could not tell.

"I knew him when...I was smaller. We were at the same shelter for a few months and he promised that we would someday meet again."

"I see..."

Kagome frowned as she looked at the man and then shrugged it off as he didn't seem to have anything more to say to her for now. Reaching up she took the ring in her hand and held it, her thumb stroking at one side of it. Once again she struggled to keep the tears at bay.

"Sesshoumaru..." she whispered under her breath.


Sitting down at his desk he looked at all the papers and documents. He had finished them all so that he could spend the week with Kagome before his presentation the following Monday. But it seemed that he would have a lot of time on his hands to fill in.

"Kagome...why didn't you tell me you had someone in your life..." Sesshoumaru whispered to himself as he looked down at all the papers and documents.

Growling to himself he slammed his fist on the table and stood up quickly. Here he had kissed her when she already had someone by her side, how could he have been again he slammed his fist on the table before standing up again.

He took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair. But why had she kissed him back that night? Why would she do that to him? He had searched for her for that long...why couldn't she have waited for him?

It was something he wouldn't understand and wouldn't even bother to question. He would leave her alone from here on out, but one thing he would do for sure is get her out of that home she was in. He owed her that much if nothing else...


Sango walked down the halls of her school Inuyasha and Miroku following close behind. Miroku was silently listening while Inuyasha ranted on and on about how dangerous it had been to let Kagome go off by herself like that. She looked over her shoulder to see Kagura catching up with them and for once Sango was happy to have the exchange student with them.

"So do you think Kagome will be okay with that Sesshoumaru character?" questioned the red-eyed girl as she walked along beside the group.

Sango raised her eyebrows at the question Kagura asked then nodded her head. She was fully aware that both Inuyasha and Miroku's eyes were on her but she ignored that and continued on her way to her class. Miroku left and soon after Inuyasha for they both had different classes than she. Kagura however shared her Phys. Ed class and it seemed that she was going to hangout with her for a bit.

"I'm sorry if I'm being a bother to you Sango. I can leave if you like." Kagura said as she looked over at her.

"Oh no it's fine I was just wondering if Kagome got there safely is all." Sango said as she looked over to Kagura and gave her a reassuring smile. Looking away once more they headed towards the was going to be a long day.

Both went silent and for the rest of the class the two merely stood close by each other. In a way it was unnerving and yet in another way it was good to know that she had made another friend she could talk to while Kagome was gone. But for some odd reason Sango just couldn't shake the feeling that Kagura wasn't really someone to be trusted.


Kagome had gone out for a walk and while she did he pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number. He waited for a while before someone picked up. The voice on the other line was familiar but there was no need to be all familiar at all with each other.

"Ah, Hakudoushi good to talk to you again my friend. Now listen closely I need you to find out all you know about Sesshoumaru...oh and another thing find all you can find on Naraku if you will." Bankoutsu then hung up his cell phone without another word and merely looked out the window at the city below.

"Yes, we shall see who comes out on top..." said Bankoutsu with an evil grin.


There was a knock on his room door and he frowned as he stood to answer it. As he opened the door he was met with the form of Kagome. He raised a brow at her but let her in anyway. He hadn't even remembered telling her what hotel he had been staying at. So how was it that she knew where to find him at all?

"Is there something wrong Kagome?" Sesshoumaru asked casually as he shut the door, turning to follow her into the room.

"No, nothing...why are we seperated? We were seperated once before and I forgot about you but I waited for you. You were there in my thoughts. I can't help but notice that although we are here in the same city we are seperated once more...Sesshoumaru."

What was she doing? Why wasn't she with that man Bankoutsu? All this and more ran through his head while he stared down at the girl before him. She was confusing him and yet this was the girl who had melted his heart before it had even the chance to freeze over. Though it was frozen solid he kept her as the only person allowed to come behind his carefully built walls.

Other's knew him as the cold hearted bastard and yet here she was asking why they weren't in the same hotel. Why they were seperated again? He clenched his fists thinking about the many things she had lied about. Like not telling him about her boyfriend Bankoutsu and letting him kiss her while she had someone in her life.

"I'm sorry Kagome, I only wanted to make sure you were happy. I also had work to do and was in the middle of going through some documents when you knocked." Sesshoumaru lied.

He watched as hurt entered her eyes and she nodded and stepped around him and left the room. He let her go not wanting to deal with it at the moment. Sighing he walked over to his laptop and started it up so he could really go through some documents in order to get her off of his mind.


Tears streamed down her face as she walked out of the hotel. She hadn't expected Sesshoumaru to act that way, she had hoped he would have been happy to see her but he had merely told her that he had work to do. He had brushed her aside as easily as anyone else had throughout her life.

She stood there outside the building in the warm morning and yet a shiver ran through her body. Perhaps she shouldn't have gotten involved with Bankoutsu or Sesshoumaru. She should have just obeyed Naraku and taken him the package. What would he do to her when he found out she wasn't going to show up? Was it too late to try and head for him and take it to him now?

She turned around and looked at the hotel building and let her tears fall freely as she turned and started to walk away from the building. No she wouldn't take him the package, she would remain here in this city with either Bankoutsu or Sesshoumaru.


Turning around she saw Sesshoumaru coming her way. She looked to the ground and waited for him to catch up to her. What she didn't expect was for him to wrap his arms around her and pull her close to him and hold her there close to him in the middle of the street.

"Please Kagome please don't go out with that man Bankoutsu anymore."

She stepped away and looked up into the eyes of Sesshoumaru and smiled as she realized what he had thought. She wiped her tears away and wrapped her arms around him once more and hugged him tightly not wanting to let him go. She should have known but Sesshoumaru wasn't the easiest of people to read.

She gave a giggle against his chest before looking up into his eyes. She smiled as she stared into those golden eyes of could she have forgotten about him? She sighed and stood on her toes, pressing her lips firmly against his in a kiss. She felt him hesitate but then he started to kiss her back.

Pulling away she looked into his eyes once more and she could feel a blush covering her face, "is that what you thought? No I merely met Bankoutsu a few days ago...I know I shouldn't be around him having only met him...but for some odd reason I think I trust him."

She looked up to see a frown on Sesshoumaru's face. She knew he disapproved of what she had just said but what else was she suppose to tell him? That she really was dating a man she had just met? No! She wanted to be as close to Sesshoumaru as possible and she hoped that he didn't mind.

"I will send for your things and they will be brought back to my room. You will be staying with me Kagome, in my room..."

Kagome frowned but didn't argue. She was just happy that she would be closer to Sesshoumaru than what she had been. She felt him take her hand and gently pull her. He was walking back in the direction of the hotel, probably back to his room.

The ride in the elevator was quiet and neither spoke to the other. He still hadn't let her hand go but she didn't mind at all. She glanced up at him and kept her gaze on him for a while before the door beeped signalling that it was now their floor. The two of them exited the elevator and made their way down the hall towards his room.

Okay, once again I am sooo sorry about this chapter coming out really really late. I had just almost lost inspiration again, but have now gotten a bit of it back. I really hope you liked this chapter. I made it extra long to make up for how long I left you guys waiting. I truly am sorry and I know I said this before but I will seriously try my hardest to get the next chapter typed up and posted for you guys. Thank you so much for sticking with me to this point though I may have lost many of my reviewers. Many many thanks to those of you who have waited for me!

Celestial Demoness