The Mountains Win Again

Chapter Twenty-Two - Finale

A/N: Okay, so this is the end. I've been working on this fic for so long, it's become a part of my life. Once it's all over with, I just might cry. Either way, I'm looking forward to finishing this up and starting anew. I originally intended to write out an elaborate SeeD exam, but I figured I'd half-ass it to an extent. I just wish I could finish this while you were all still following it. I'm going with a simple epilouge this time around. I know it's a disappointment, but I'm afraid my writing skills hav diminished to the extent that I didn't have what it would take to write what I originally intended.

I'd like to extend a special thanks to druggo-frog, Daniel Wesley Rydell, Verdanii, xXxTifa LockhartxXx, QueenAdreena, Jasmine32, Leonhart17, Draven Nightly, and everyone else who has contributed to this fic through reviews, and anyone at all who has offered encouragement. I love and appreciate you all, and hope to see more of you.


The sun was shining bright in the small Timber neighborhood Seifer and Quistis had made their home. It had been five years to the day since Seifer had been betrayed by Squall and SeeD during what was supposed to be his final exam. After washing up on an Esthar beach and making his way back to Balamb, he engaged in a tearful reunion with Quistis before getting a small apartment in Balamb and filing a lawsuit against the Garden.

It had taken two years, but they eventually won their case and were awarded several million Gil by the Balamb government. The Garden was disbanded, and it's members scattered. Most of them left for Galbadia. Some went to Esthar. Still some, such as Zell Dincht and Selphie Tilmitt, opted to stay in Balamb town. Meanwhile, Squall and a few other SeeD involved had been indicted and subsequently imprisoned. Rinoa hadn't been heard from since, and was supposedly somewhere in Esthar. Cid was also indicted on charges of conspiracy to commit murder, but was aquitted after testimony from Quistis supporting the idea that he had no knowledge of the attempted murder.

A car slowly pulled up, coming to a stop in front of the modestly-sized house. The driver's side door opened, and out stepped Seifer. His old trench coat had been ruined in his ordeal years before, and so now he often wore a brown turtleneck instead. He smiled faintly, releasing a sigh of satisfaction as he turned the doorknob and stepped inside the house. Quistis was nearby on the couch, about to dose off into an afternoon slumber.

"Hey." She smiled, looking up at him with sleepy eyes.

"Hey yourself." He replied, sitting next to her. Wrapping his right arm around her shoulders, he pulled her closer, kissing her gently on the temple.

"How was work?" She asked, resting her head on his shoulder, while keeping her eyes trained on the television.

"Oh, it was fine." Seifer scratched his head, before tucking a stray lock of hair behind his ear. Although he didn't need to, he had been working at the broadcasting station for nearly three years now. He only had part-time hours, but a the little bit of activity kept him healthy. "When will our guests be arriving?" He asked.

"They left Balamb this morning. They should be arriving any-" Before she could finish, the doorbell rang. "Speak of the devil." She laughed.

The couple lifted themselves off of the couch, heading over to the door in order to greet their guests. Quistis opened the door briskly, revealing the familiar faces of Zell and Selphie. The two immediately stepped in, an invitation being unneccessary. Zell, as usual, greeted Seifer with a huge bear-hug, laughter filling the room.

"Wow, it's been years." Seifer said, releasing his smaller friend from his grasp. "Way too long."

"Damn right." Zell replied. "And from the looks of it, Quistis has been feeding you a little too well." he followed up, pointing out the small amount of weight Seifer had gained.

"Watch it, you." Seifer put on a deadpan expression, before cracking up.

Still laughing, the group headed into the living room, each taking a seat.

"So Selphie..." Quistis began, crossing her legs as she sat elegantly on the sofa. "What's new?"

"Zell and I are considering moving to Timber for good!" Selphie squealed in response.

Quistis' eyes widened in surprise. "Oh. That's great."

Meanwhile, Zell and Seifer had engaged in a political conversation, covering various topics. As the afternoon wore on, and the evening wound down, it became clear that although things would never be the same as their old Garden days, they could still look forward, to the future. And although circumstances weren't always encouraging... At least for today, that future looked bright.