AN: Sorry, I'm writing another story that uses the present tense… So I'm going to have to switch to present tense here because it's damn confusing to me now when I keep switching stories. :D

Seifer enters the room and sees Quistis is still unconscious on the bed. He walks towards her and looms over her. He'd always had a crush on his teacher since the first day of class. Now he stares at her soft face and hopes that she wasn't too hurt during the kidnapping.

Quistis stirs a little before suddenly sitting up and gasping. She sees Seifer and she looks around for her weapon.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Quistis."

"Where am I?"


"What am I doing here?!" Quistis is now fully awake and feeling really angry.

"I needed to gain the upper hand against Squall."

"Why are you doing this, Seifer?" Quistis asks softly. She remembers Seifer's first day in school. She had known then that he looked like he got into lots of trouble, but she thought it was just because he was lonely. Like most boys orphans that find their way into her class.

"Because Squall stole the only girl I've ever loved!" Seifer says, his eyes seething with rage.

"You mean Rinoa? This is all just about Rinoa?" Quistis looks annoyed at this information. "Why didn't you just kidnap her instead?" Quistis raises her eyebrow at Seifer.

"Because then she would just get mad at me. I needed a plan that would make her come back here because of her own will." Seifer admits. He really wasn't sure why he was telling Quistis this. But he had really great respect for his teacher. She had always gotten him out of trouble when he was always close to suspension. He wishes there was another way around this, but he knew it was the only way.

"This," Quistis sweeps her hand around the room, "Is a really stupid idea!" She puts her hands on her hips and gives Seifer a stern look. "Now let me go and talk to Rinoa like a normal person would!"

"I can't… I promised, her, that I'd get all of you together here in Galbadia." Seifer pauses on the word her.

"Promised whom?"

"Here, let me take you to her."

Quistis reluctantly follows Seifer out the door. She sees them heading to one of the bigger rooms. As they enter, the door slams shut behind her, it makes her turn just in time to see two soldiers stand in front of it.

"Seifer, what's going on?" She hisses at Seifer.

"Just wait."

Smoke engulfs the room as a lady in black enters slowly, seemingly floating. Quistis is transfixed as she watches this mysterious lady walk towards her. Quistis finds herself frozen on the spot as the lady is now standing just inches away in front of her. The lady lifts her hand and caresses Quistis' face. Quistis suddenly faints and almost drops to the floor if Seifer hadn't caught her.

"Take her to the holding chamber. Lock her in chains." The lady says coolly, her face cold as ice.

Squall looks like hell. This is Irvine's first thought when he entered the room.

"Hey." Irvine calls Squall's attention. "Did you get any sleep last night?"

Squall only shakes his head and continues brooding.

"Listen, we're all really pissed and worried too. But you need to get some rest or else you'll be no good to us. We're here to follow a leader. And right now, you're not going to be an effective one."

"What do you want me to do, Irvine? Sleep soundly while Quistis is out there being tortured?" Squall yells at Irvine.

"Just get some rest, Squall. We've already made the plans once we catch up to Galbadia. We've still got 12 hours before that happens" Irvine advises him.

Squall heads back to his dorm room realizing that Irvine was right.

When he enters his room, he starts feeling angry again. I'm going to kill that Seifer if he harms a single hair on my Quistis! This is Squalls last thoughts before sleep finally takes over.