Note: Thanks to all the people who reviewed! Sorry if the last chapter was kind of crappy…

Wings of Eternity

By: Lost-Remembrance (Red Tail)

Her eyes flickered open, sunlight that managed to flitter through the wooden blinds hanging in the room sparkling as it danced along the dust lingering in the air. The hot room was musty, the air stiffling hot even more with the temperature increasing it as no circulation occurred.

She wrinkled her nose, prepared to scream until she head the creaking of a wood board behind her. Her eyes narrowed into slits for a minute second, becoming normal once more as she pretended that she didn't know someone was behind her.

Another creak.

Did they think that she was that stupid or something? She snroted, pretending it was a sneeze until the dust tickled her nose once more. She sneezed and jerked around to catch a glimpse at her assaulant.

To find herself looking at perked, and twitching, cat ears as a person with slited irises looked curiously at her.

"Stop that!" An elder woman cried, shooing the younger offspring out of the hut as she opened windows, letting in a warm spring breeze to fill the room and replace the stale and sweaty air wrapping around her.

"How are you feeling?" Relena remained silenet before looking at the woman once more to take in the odd assortment of clothing and style of hair. She looked down and gasped, staring at her newly refurnished clothing that looked like a spin off of the Japanese kimono.

She distantly wondered what Heero would think she looked like before shaking her head to clear her thoughts.

"Well?" She chuckled when she saw Relena gazing at her new wardrobe. "Aah, don't worry. Your clothing was soaked through by the time we got you here." Relena sneezed.

"I'm fine, thank you."

The woman chuckled once more and she held a sympathetic look in her eyes when she handed Relena a tissue. "A storm came along on the way back says the men." Relena nodded, "Spring cold's come fast and leave even quicker."

The old woman was right about that at least, the feeling of sickness left her body rather quickly as soon as she began to move around a bit and check her surroundings.

"Um…" The white-haired woman with somewhat pointed ears looked up to hear what the sentence from the strange girl would be. "Can you tell me where exactly I am?"

"Well, Gaea." The woman chuckled, "That was simple enough, was it not? It was important not to give away their clan's location or place of hiding. Human's had dragged them into the war and that didn't mean that they would try to again.

"Gaea?" Relena whispered to herself as she stared out the window after the woman had left her alone to collect her thoughts and come to a conclusion of her destination or how long she would stay with them.


Author's note: Sorry, I had to do another 'Relena' centered chapter. I'm sooooo sorry for it being as short as it was :gets down on knees: Forgive me—I'll try and make the next chapter longer than two pages.

Love, Red Tail