OK so it wasn't before the end of the month, but it was only a day or so late! Here it is the full first chapter of 'Strong Enough'. Hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think.

NOTE: I regret to announce that for the first five+ chapters, our only correspondence with Vegeta will be by mail. The rest of the story will be written entirely from Bulma's side of the story. Vegeta's location is secret, as are his doings so we'll just stick with Bulma for a few more chapters. Sorry guys. But don't worry. Vegeta WILL be back soon.

Chapter 1: Memories

"Geez, Chi," Goku moaned. "Could you squeeze a little more gently?" he requested as his wife crushed his hand.

"Well I'm sorry Goku, but you helped create this baby-" Chichi broke off as another contraction overpowered her. "And you're sure as hell going to share some of the pain!" Goku grimaced from his seat by Chichi's hospital bed. Bulma smiled at Goku as she dabbed her friends forehead.

So much had changed in the two years since Vegeta had left. Krillin had moved to Tokyo a year after school had finished. Last they'd heard he was doing really well. 18 had gone to a local college to study law. She and Krillin saw each other most weekends and were still an item.

Chichi and Goku were married a few months after Vegeta had left. It had been a really nice quiet wedding with close friends and family. Chichi had discovered she was pregnant not long after.

Then there was Vegeta and Bulma. They had been corresponding by mail since he had left but Bulma had been steadily feeling that they were growing apart. She had kept her promise to Vegeta not to see any other guys but being without close male company (Goku had been too busy to really be there for her,) she was beginning to miss Vegeta so much more.

Chichi screamed in pain again and Bulma shook all thoughts of Vegeta from her head. This was Chichi's and Goku's moment.

"Alright one more push should do it," the nurse told Chichi kindly. Chichi cried out in pain and Bulma stroked her friends cheek.

And suddenly, the screaming stopped and a small cry filled the room.

"Congratulations," the nurse told them. "It's a boy." Chichi looked at Goku, tears in her eyes as the nurse handed them their baby.

"Congratulations," Bulma smiled. She hugged Chichi, kissed Goku then left the two new parents alone. Bulma made her way down the labyrinthine corridors to the front door. She pushed it open and stepped into the cool evening air, breathing deeply. She sat down against the hospital wall.

She missed Vegeta so much the pain threatened to consume her. She was really happy for Chichi and Goku. They were so lucky to have each other and their son. She and Vegeta were worlds apart and seeing Chichi with their family so together, so whole, brought it home to her that she wouldn't see Vegeta for another five years. A single tear ran down Bulma's face.

"God," she cried, "I miss him. I miss him so much. I think I'll break down if he doesn't come back soon." More tears streaked down her face. "Bring him back," she whispered. "Please."

One Year Later

Bulma sat down at her lab desk, cutting the letter open with a knife. Excitedly, she pulled out the letter, opened it and read.

Vegeta Ouji



How's Japan? Any different from last time I wrote? Probably not. It's the same over here. George Bush is making a mess of his country, but he seems to have got some of his priorities sorted out lately. Police college is hard. Another guy was kicked out yesterday. That's seven in the three years I've been here. There's only eleven of us left now.

Three years. It's hard to believe it's been that long. I miss you, woman. I ask God every night to take me back to you. And He will one day.

There's something going on here. I don't know what it is, but they're planning something. The high-ups are meeting and I'm confident something's going to change. I'll let you know as soon as I do.

I have to go now. Target practice again. Say hi to Kakkarot and the others for me.

God Bless,



Bulma sat silently, tears welling up in her eyes. Four years. Four years before she'd see him again. Bulma quietly folded the letter up and put it back into the envelope. She placed it in the drawer to take up to her room later. Not long after Vegeta had left, she had conceived the idea of going to visit him. Eagerly, she had asked him to talk to his superiors about it. They had squashed the idea absolutely. Because the training was done low key, no one but the trainees and their superiors were allowed into the area. After hearing this, Bulma had suggested the idea that Vegeta come back to Japan on holidays. He had liked the idea until he had discovered he didn't have bulk holidays. His weekends were considered his holidays so he was allowed no additional time off.

Fresh tears sprung to Bulma's eyes. Reshuffling her papers, she wiped them from her eyes and took a deep breath. She had work to do.

"Hey Mum," Bulma greeted as she entered the kitchen. She had finished work out in the lab for the day and was looking forward to dinner. The letter from Vegeta was in her pocket. She was going to write back to him later that night.

"Evening dear. Where's your father?"

"Out in the lab still. He said he'd be in in five," Bulma told her mother. Bunny nodded and went back to whatever she was tending on the stove. "I'm going to go upstairs and change. I'll be back down soon."

"Alright, don't be too long. Dinner's nearly ready." Bulma nodded and walked rather dispiritedly up the stairs to the top level. When she reached her bedroom she opened the small shoebox of memorabilia she kept. Inside it was all her letters from Vegeta, photos of her and her friends and other stuff of the sort. She placed the letter in the box. In the light a flash of gold caught her eye. Pulling it out, she realized it was Vegeta's cross. The golden ornament hung from a simple gold chain. The cross was roughly as long as her little finger and about as thick. Bulma held it in her hand, looking at it.


"I love you Bulma, if I never say it again, know it now. I'll never forget you and I promise you I'll be back."

"I love you too Vegeta. I'll be waiting." Vegeta clasped his hands on her cheeks and kissed her forehead. Vegeta reached around his neck and pulled off a chain. A small cross hung off it.

"This was my brother's," Vegeta told her as he placed the necklace in her hand. "He was a Christian. I never wore it; I never believed any god could be so cruel. But I look at my life now and I know He's up there. I want you to have this for now, Bulma. Look after it until I come back." Bulma nodded, in tears, and Vegeta picked up his bag and Bulma started crying again. Vegeta looked back at her, smiling.

"I love you," he mouthed. Bulma said nothing but covered her mouth with her hand and wrapped the other hand around Vega who stood next to her. Vegeta looked at the others and nodded, raising his hand to his head and then waving it down, in military salute. Then he turned, bag on his back, tears in his eyes, shoulders held high and walked towards the gate. He paused as the woman looked at his ticket before letting him through. Then Vegeta turned and looked at his best friend Goku, his friends 18, Krillin and Chichi, his sister and then to the woman who had changed his life, who had rescued him. The one he now knew he loved with every fibre of his being. Bulma. He lowered his head to them before turning and walking out the gate, out of sight and out of their lives.

End Flashback

For the second time that day, tears welled in Bulma's eyes. She unclipped the cross and fastened it around her neck. Bulma sighed, wiping the tears and started changing.

"That was excellent," Teddy Briefs sighed as he leant back on the chair. Bulma continued to stir the remaining quarter of the food on her plate. Her mother picked up her plate and took them all into the kitchen. She returned a moment later with bowls and ice-cream.

"I don't want any, Mum," Bulma said. Bunny nodded and sat at the table, dishing ice-cream for her and her father.

"How are you enjoying working for Capsule Corp?" her father asked as he started on dessert. Bulma smiled.

"It's great. I can't believe you actually let me work for you," she laughed. Teddy smiled.

"You are my daughter. And a genius daughter at that. Any father would be silly not to offer you the opportunities I could." Bulma smiled her thanks. Her father was great. She remembered when he had first found out about her and Vegeta in the hospital wing. Vegeta had asked her father's permission to go out with her and Dr. Briefs had begrudgingly agreed. Bulma had a sneaking suspicion her father had been hesitant because he had believed her and Vegeta to be sleeping together. The suspicion had sprouted from the uncomfortable but totally innocent situation he and his wife had intruded on. It had involved herself sleeping lying on top of Vegeta. Both teens had been incredibly embarrassed when they were awoken and realized their situation.

"How's Vegeta?" Bulma's mum asked. Bulma smiled.

"He's great. Doing target practice, all that guy stuff," she laughed. Dr. Briefs smiled.

"I think I was wrong about him. I started to change my mind when he asked my permission to go out with you. And he was always so respectful towards me. I can appreciate that. I hope for your sake he comes back soon." Bulma smiled sadly.

"He will. But not for another four years." A strange silence fell at the table. "I'm going up to bed," Bulma told her parents. She excused herself from the table and went upstairs.

Bulma walked out onto her balcony, leaning on the rail. It was a cool night. The stars were slightly visible through the clouds. The full moon bathed the balcony in an ethereal light. The slight smell of rain was detectable in the air. A slight breeze rippled through Bulma's hair. The loose cerulean blue locks waved gently.

For half an hour Bulma stood there, leaning on the railing and looking across the city. She wondered what time it was in America. She had no idea how far behind them or ahead of them America was.

Bulma walked inside, thinking vaguely about ringing Chichi, but deciding against it. She and Goku were so busy with their son, Gohan, she hardly ever saw them. Their busy schedules were part of the reason she didn't go and see them. The rest of it was jealousy. She was jealous of their happiness, their marriage, their son, their family. She was totally happy for them, but on a deeper level, jealously lingered. Every time she saw them together, she thought of Vegeta. Whenever she saw Gohan, she thought about what sort of life she and Vegeta would have led if he'd never gone to America.

Sitting down at her desk, Bulma pulled out her stationery and began writing.


I got your letter this morning. Japan's pretty much the same. 18 and Krillin are engaged! How cool is that? They're getting married as soon as 18 gets out of law college. Krillin proposed in a restaurant. Romantic ha? Did you enjoy your target practice? You're gunna be an amazing cop one day. I can't wait til' you get back. Chichi's and Goku's son is one next week. They're really busy with him but he's so cute. He's going to be really smart one day. Chichi fusses over him so much. It's quite cute really. I wonder if 18 and Krillin will ever have any kids? Has anyone else been kicked out? You must really be biting your tongue if you're still in there. We both know the tendency your mouth has to run away on you. Maybe they've taught you some manners lol.

Bulma took a rest, leaving her letter unfinished. What she had just written ad made her think. What would Vegeta be like when he got back? Would he have changed? Would he still be the Vegeta she remembered? Had she changed? Would she be the same when he got back. She'd never considered the fact that they'd both be different people when they were reunited. What if they didn't click anymore?

Bulma shook her head. That would never happen. She and Vegeta had been too close. Bulma took a smile. It could be worse.

Suddenly, a scream unlike anything Bulma had heard before, rocked the entire compound. Bulma swiveled round I fright as the horrified noise became a heart wrenching scream.

"Noooooo," shrieked the voice. Bulma ran from her bedroom, taking the stairs five at a time. Her heart was racing as she bolted for the kitchen. She skidded round the corner, heart pounding in her throat, horrified at what she might find. Terrfied, she peered into the dining room.

"Oh God," Bulma whispered, silently praying. Raking sobs filled the air and Bulma watched in horror as her mother collapsed next to the motionless body of her father.

"Nooo," Mrs. Briefs cried, rocking the body. Tears sprang to Bulma's eyes, a horrible feeling rose in her stomach.

"Dad," she whispered, tears leaking down her face. And then she collapsed, sobbing. Bunny clutched the body of her husband, crying over it. Bulma gave a choking sob and lifted her head. Her father's lifeless eyes glared up at the ceiling. "God," she whispered. "Why?"

Oh God help me, Vegeta. Dad died last night. He collapsed in the kitchen of a heart attack. One minute mum was talking to him and then……….. I heard her scream from upstairs. I can't believe he's dead, Vegeta. I won't. I'm not old enough, not smart enough to run Capsule Corp. I still need my father in my life. He's gone Vegeta! It hurts so much. Why can't you come back? I need you here, Vegeta. Mum's gone into a depressive state, she won't talk, won't eat. She hasn't said anything since he died. Come back Vegeta. Please.



Bulma didn't even try and suppress the sobs that escaped her as she sealed the letter. In shaky writing, she wrote the address on the front.

Vegeta Ouji

C/O America Military Department

It was almost illegible, as her sobs shook her body and the pen. Angrily, Bulma crunched the envelope in her hand and walked from her room.

The house held a deathly silence. Tears ran down Bulma's face as she walked through the dining room, images of her father's lifeless body flashing before her mind's eye. Bulma stepped out of the house. And then she ran. She had no idea why, but the pain in her heart was all-consuming. She had to escape the pain. Run away from it. She couldn't bear it any longer.

'How could you leave me, Vegeta,' she thought as she sprinted towards the nearest postbox. 'When I needed you most.' The tears flew back, caught in the wind. Bulma reached the postbox and thrust it into the postbox. She collapsed on the concrete and cried.

Author's Note: What you think? Let me know guys!
