Emma's POV

As she stepped off of the plane, Emma Nelson couldn't believe she was back. She pushed a strand of hair out of her eyes and took her little girl, Tiffani Shae, by the hand. "Mommy," the little girl asked, "why are we here again?" Emma thought about the question. Why am I back here? What am I thinking? I know that coming back here is nothing but a mistake. Nothing good can come of this trip, but bad memories that have haunted me since the day I left. "Because, Honey," Emma replied, bending down to her daughter's level, "This is Mommy's ten year reunion. I wanted to come back and see how everyone is doing now." She knew it was only half true. There was only one person that she wanted to see. Her thoughts were interrupted by her daughters squeal. "Grandma Spike! Grandpa Snake! I've missed you so much!" Tiffani screamed running towards her grandparents. "Hey Mom, hey Dad." Emma said walking over to her mom and step-dad. Her mom, Spike, looked the same except for the few age lines that were beginning to show. Then there was Snake, Mr. Archie Simpson, who had now grown a full head of hair that was streaked with silver. The age was beginning to show on him too, but his smile was still warm and welcoming. Emma hugged them both. "So," Emma began, "Where is my bratty brother? Probably off making trouble."

" Actually, he is in college now," her mom replied.

"Really? That's great!" Emma said, " I am so hungry. Can we please leave this place? I am sick of flying!"

"Sounds good to me!" Snake said as he grabbed their bags, and they headed for home.

Sean's POV

Sean stood up and wiped the grease on his already filthy shirt. He was beginning to get hungry, especially after working on cars all day. Sean now owned a garage in the south part of town. Sean had moved back to Toronto after a bad fight with his parents in Wasaga Beach. He had lived there ever since and had graduated from Degrassi. Sean went into his home, that was an apartment above his garage, to fix himself some supper. He walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. "Empty," he said aloud, "I guess you will have to go out to dinner tonight, Sean." He shut the door and went to clean up. Right before he was about to walk out the door, the phone rang.

"Hello?" Sean asked. There was a long pause before some one answered.

"Hi, um," the voice said nervously, "is there a Sean Cameron there?"


"Hi Sean! This is Emma."

"Emma? As in Emma Nelson?" Sean asked. It can't be.

"Yep," Emma replied cheerfully, "the one and only."

"Wow," he said, still in shock, "so, um, I um, I don't know what to say. This is sudden."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called. It's just that I'm back in town and all-I'm sorry I called." Don't let her go again.

"No don't be. I'm glad you did. Look I'm about to go to the Dot, would you like to come?"

" Yeah, I'll meet you there!" After she hung up, Sean went to change.