The Woman from Sound

By chrryfiona

Chapter 1: Enter Sake

Kakashi couldn't decide whether she was stupid or arrogant. The headband on her forehead proclaimed her to be from the Village of Sound and given the devastation Leaf had recently suffered under Orochimaru, she must be suicidal to come here. Especially on the day of the Third Hokage's funeral. Because he was no longer as hotheaded as he used to be, Kakashi did not step forward to kill her. Besides he didn't want to reveal his hand should she be part of a trap. So he waited for her or someone else to make the first move. He did not have to wait long.

Every ninja of Leaf watched incredulously as the woman from Sound continued walking forward toward the shrine. They saw her and noted her identity but they were momentarily stunned into silence with disbelief at her audacity. The woman looked neither to the left nor right, her focus on the picture of the Third placed in the center of the temple. She clasped her hands in a buddha's palm formation and bowed low. Once, twice. She was interrupted before she could finish the third bow.

"How dare you!"

"I come only to pay my respects to the Third Hokage. I wish to cause no trouble."

The woman who had stepped forward to challenge the stranger from Sound spat at her feet. Kakashi saw without surprise that it was Yuuhi Kurenai. She had always been short of temper and the years had not changed her as it did him.

"The Sound did this to our village. How can you say you wish no trouble? And to have the audacity to enter this holy temple. Are you trying to mock our loss?"

"I have just as much right to be here as you. Perhaps even more. I am …"

The stranger halted her words as she flipped backward to avoid Yuuhi's attack. Left, right. The woman from Sound continued to dodge her opponent's kicks and thrusts. She had been pushed back so much that the room around which she could move became smaller and smaller.

"Hey, Kakashi sensei." Naruto whispered. "Shouldn't we do something? That woman from Sound seems so weak. Yuuhi's going to kill her."

Kakashi shook his head. "Yuuhi is not her equal. That woman from Sound is hiding her true strength. Look."

And indeed, although the stranger could no longer move as her back was now only a few steps from the wall, none of Yuuhi's blows was able to make contact with the target. The stranger was in a peculiar stance. Her right leg was back, its heel against the wall as if to stabilize her upper trunk. The only parts of the stranger that were moving were her upper extremities which she used to catch each of Yuuhi's attacks. And although each of her blocks were defensive in nature, the stranger was moving fluidly, almost slowly while Yuuhi began to breath harder and harder and her parries became more erratic and less precise. Yuuhi, enraged as she realized she was being toyed with, concentrated her Chakra into her legs and while she feinted a right uppercut, struck out with her left foot. For a nanosecond, she thought she had made contact as she felt the stranger's hair brush against her leg but then realized the hard surface under her right foot was the wall. The force of her Chakra had been strong and she had punched a hole through the bricks but somehow the woman from Sound had dodged the blow.

Fast. Yuuhi thought, incredulously. Almost as fast as Kakashi. Horror dawned on her as she felt two fingers pressed lightly, but threateningly nonetheless, against her carotid artery.

"I tried to play it your way but I find my patience has come to an end. That last move was intended to kill me, wasn't it?"

"So now you reveal your true colors," Yuuhi smiled smugly. "Do it. I dare you to kill me in front of all the ninjas of Leaf. Do you really think you'll escape this village alive?"

The stranger sighed. "So true. But at least I'll have the satisfaction of having sent you to Hell first."

Yuuhi gasped. What kind of a person was this woman from Sound? She was no ninja that was for sure. No ninja would have such a narrow focused mentality. To put one's own gratification above everything else was simply unthinkable.

"What is this ruckus!"

The stranger and Yuuhi looked up at the Elder who had spoken so angrily.


The stranger looked embarrassed and awkwardly dropped her hold on Yuuhi's neck. She bowed deeply in respect. "Elder Jin."

The older man walked toward her and clasped her tightly with joy. "I can't believe you're back, my daughter!"

Naruto looked at Elder Jin and then his head turned toward the woman from Sound only to swivel back at Elder Jin again. "What? Elder Jin has a daughter from Sound? I thought he was an inhabitant of Leaf?" His head was beginning to hurt.

"Kakashi-sensei." Sakura asked, "Do you know what's going on and who that 'Sake' woman is?"

Kakashi shook his head. "I've never seen her before but her white hair and features remind me of someone."

"Who?" chimed Naruto and Sakura eagerly, but Kakashi had turned silent again, lost in his own thoughts.