Hermione hurriedly packed her bags. She would never graduate from Hogwarts, even though it was just two weeks until the big day. No, for Hermione the big day would come in about 9 months when her son or daughter was born. But no one in the magical world would ever know, maybe not even her parents. He would certainly look for her, and her parents would be the first place he went. Yes, even her parents would be clueless as to where she was.

She was very happy when she found out she was pregnant. Still she was happy, just very sad her child would grow up without it's biological father present.

'Malfoy was right though,' she thought to herself, 'I'm just a muggleborn. He's pureblood, even if it doesn't matter to him. He deserves better.'

Her plan was to live in muggle America as a journalist, have her child and raise him or her on her own. With her mind set and her suitcase in hand, she set out to meet the Knight bus at the gate.


"Please can we go, Mom, please?" Begged Maddie. She and her sister, Stacie, had just been invited to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They knew their mother was magical, but it was an unspoken subject in the Granger home. Hermione knew that her old life had returned quite unexpectantly, when the large, tawny owl landed outside her kitchen window.

"Yes, you can go. I hate the idea of going back, but I do miss it and the teaching job would bed nice," Hermione would finish her last two weeks during the summer then would teach Charms at her old school, "Go pack your bags, Professor Dumbledore is expecting us."

Within two hours, Hermione Granger and her twin daughters were popping their heads out of the fireplace in Professor Dumbledore's office.

"How nice you could come, Miss Granger," the old wizard welcomed her. "Professor McGonagall will show you where you will all be staying, that is until the young Misses Grangers are sorted. And to let you prepare yourself, he, is working here, along with Harry and Ron."

In their rooms, Stacie asked the question both she and her sister had been thinking since they left the office. "Mama, who is 'he' that Professor Dumbledore mentioned?"

"Come here girls. In about a week, I imagine, you will meet your father. At Christmas you will meet his family. Of course you'll meet his brother Ron much sooner. Ron and I used to be best friends along with Harry Potter. You must not blame your father for not knowing you. It was my fault for leaving. He's going to be your flying instructor and will probably teach you the game of Quidditch. You get your red hair from him. You must call him Professor Weasley during school hours, after that whatever you fell comfortable with, Dad or Fred."

"We get to meet our Dad?" Maddie asked in a very low tone. "WE GET TO MEET OUR DAD?" She repeated this time very excitably.

"Yes, you get to meet your Dad. I think you two should meet him first. Just go up to him and start talking, don't let on who you are or who I am when he asks your names, proudly say your first and middle names, then before he can ask for it say your last name. I never told you this but your official last name is Granger-Weasley, this is the name they will call at the sorting ceremony." Hermione instinctively knew that her girls didn't know how to approach this man who was so close, yet such a stranger.

"When does her arrive?" Stacie asked.

"In one week."


The girls were walking out of the great hall, just after breakfast, when they heard the front doors of the castle open. A tall man, about 6'3" walked into the entrance hall of the castle.

"Hello. Do you work here?" Maddie asked.

"Yes, I work here. I don't believe you do though. What are two, very young students doing in school so early?" He asked.

"One of our parents work here," Stacie replied, "Who exactly are you?" She knew who he was, but thought it best not to let on.

"I'm Fred Weasley, Flying instructor. And you are?"

"I'm Madeline Molly," said Maddie.

"And I'm Anastasia Guinevere," said Stacie.

"Better known as Maddie and Stacie," Maddie explained further.

"Yes, but just who exactly do you belong to? Last time I checked no one would touch Snape with a ten-foot pole. And Dumbledore and McGonagall are too old. Neither Harry nor Ron is married. And you're American, I don't know any Americans that are working here." Fred tried to narrow it down.

"Well, we belong to two people who work here actually," Stacie went the long way about telling who they were, "So who do you want our mother or our father?"

"Who's your dad?"

"Well . . . we're looking at him for the first time right now." Maddie spoke this time.

"You can't be, you're looking at me. I'm not your father, not that I remember. I think that I'd remember if I fathered two eleven year old girls."

"You remember our mother. She used to live here. She went to school with our Uncle Ron. Do you know now?" Stacie asked.

"The only one . . . no you can't be . . . she can't have . . ." He was rambling. And he felt stupid.

"Hello, Fred. Nice to see you again." Hermione walked down the grand staircase to the entrance hall. Fred looked on in disbelief as his ex-fiancé walked towards him. "I see you've met my daughters, your daughters, our daughters."