Hello! This is the 5th chapter of Lament. Enjoy it! Well I see that I have new revewiers and some that are just to shy to reveiw:Pokes:

Well again I would like to thank all you reviewers who are so kind and caring! Who I shall type now in bold:

Yusuke's gurl Botan - Thank You so much! Your a nice person who really cares

about YB and I like that! Your my new friend! Thank you!

Evilchik - Yay! Thank you so much! Your the best! What, no! Your the

one of thebest reveiwers I ever had! You keep me going, and

you e-mail me to make sure I update, and you give me links to

places your a great friend and a great reviewer! Wow! Thanks!

Your like my sister! Best friends forr ever! Aww, your so sweet

too! Your like the sister I never had! Well :Steals evilchik: Your

my sister and Best friend now! Your my best reviewer:Hugs:

Hiei's Ice Maiden - Thank you, Thank You, Thank you, your the best too!

reveiw a LOT of my stories and your a superb friend! I'm

very thankful! Thank you sooo much! (And the story is not

over yet!)

Heartluv - Thank you! Your so sweet! You reveiw in my stories to keep me

going! I'm really Thankful! And your my friend weather YOU


Hiei'scutegirl - Yay! You updated the most in this story! Wo0t! Your better

thanthe best! Your the GREATEST! You keep me going!

And your nice to me! You don't flame! Thank you, your a

very great person! And a sweet friend! And I mean it!

Little Sakura 87 - Well, well, well, a new reveiwer I see! Thank you, your too

kind! Thank you soooooo much:Hugs: Your the best!

And your my new friend weather you like it or not!

Shaded Emerald-Eyes - Another new reviewer! Thank you! And i'm so happy

to see that you like Yusuke and Botan (YB) now! I

feel so happy! And thank you for the review i'm

sooooooooo greatful! Your a great person and a

superb friend! And your my new most greatful, sweet,

kind, lovely friend! Weather you like it or not!

Thank you. everybody who has reviewed! And all that I typed, I really meant it.



Story Title: Lament

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: YusukeXBotan, KuramaxBotan, HieixBotan (only a lil bit of those two sorry!)

Summery: Read and find out...


Botan flung her eye's open, as if she had a terrible nightmare. She held her forehead tightly and brought her knees up to her chest and groaned loudly, she was not looking up the ceiling but she was facing the sleeping Yusuke.

Yusuke opened his eye's slowly and smirked as he looked at botan (their lying on the bed, together, remember?).

Slowly his smirk turned into a worried frown.

"Botan, whats wrong" Yusuke asked worriedly.

"My head it hurts, I think I have a headache, and I think I have a fever too." She said trying not to groan again. Botan's face looked like a blushy face, and her skin was very pale, not that she looked ugly or anything. She just looked sick. Her body was very warm too.

"Botan, I'll stay home and take care of you, were both not going to school." Yusuke told her as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"But yu"

"No buts, Botan, were staying i'll be taking care of you mom's not home, and the case can wait, we don't know where to start or anything! We'll just have to wait, ok" Yusuke said as softly and gently as he could, still lying on the bed with her.

"okay, thank you." She said to him with a smile.

"No problem." He told her as he kissed her forehead.

She smiled and closed her eye's as he kissed her forehead. She slowly opened her eye's as Yusuke said,

"I'll go get some medcine for you okay? You stay here." He said as he got off the bed and walked to the kitchen.

She nodded was looked out the window.

It was such a nice weather outside.

She slowly got up and opened the window. The fresh wind blew on her face, moving the bangs off her face.

She giggled.

She frowned as she heard yusuke's footsteps come closer.

"Botan, you should stay in bed." Yusuke told her.

"okay sorry, love." Botan said.

"its ok." Yusuke told her with a smile.

She smiled back.

"Now here, take this pill, its suppose to help you." Yusuke said and gave her a pill with a glass of water.

She nodded and took it.

Yusuke grinned as she made a sour face, she looked so cute!

"Yuck, I hate medcine" Botan said and took a huge gulp of water.

"Well, at least it helps you." He replied.

"Yeah well thats the only good thing. Hmm I feel much better than before! I guess medcine that taste nasty helps you much better than the ones that taste kinda good." She told him with her hand on her chin looking up at the ceiling.

"Yeah, guess so." He said with his hands on the back of his head.

She slowly felt tired and closed her eye's then drifted to sleep.

Yusuke smiled.

"Oh yeah, it makes you sleepy too." Yusuke said as he picked her up and made her confertable on the bed and left to watch tv..


Minutes past and Botan still haden't woke up, she must of been really tired.

Yusuke was just sitting on the couch..bored.

Knock Knock!

"What? Wonder who that can be.." Yusuke said as he walked to the door.

It was Kurama!

(OK I'LL GIVE YOU THE URL TO HOW HE LOOKED O.O Note: In this story they don't look like they do in the anime, well they do but they look more howt and cutterrr o.o except for keiko lol! Here's the URL http:tn7. there! ENJOY! I'll try to find a pic of botan..you guys can image botan right? Well anyway just don't picure kurama in those clothes in the pic kurama's wearing blue jeans, and a black shirt..ok o.o;;;)

"Kurama, what are you doing here" Yusuke asked surprised.

"Um. Hehe. Well I came to see you and I heard from Koenma that Botan was here so I wanted to say Hi, to you guys its been a long time." Kurama said smiling.

Yusuke smiled too.

"Well Hi kurama, and Botan is sick and she's sleeping but when she wakes up i'm sure she'll be fine and then you both can say your little Hi's." Yusuke told him.

"Oh, okay. Hi to you to yusuke" Kurama told him back.

"Come in Kurama, I won't bit." Yusuke told him.

Kurama came in and laughed.

"K-k-kurama" Botan said tiredly. She woke up obvously.

"Hi, Botan." Kurama said with a cute smile.

Botan ran and gave him a huge bear hug.

Yusuke raised his eye brow. obvously getting jealous.

"Kuramaa you've gotton cuteerr" Botan said playfully peaking her hand on his check.

Kurama blushed and smiled.

"feh.." Yusuke mumermurd.

"What was that Yusuke" Botan said.

"Oh nothing, just goin to keiko's, I just love going there.." Yusuke told botan.

Botan stared at him. Was he trying to make her jealous?

"Oh. Bye Yusuke.." She told him, he left.

Botan let out a sign.

Kurama held Botan.

Botan opened her eye's wide.

"Kur" Botan got cut off bye a kiss.

"Shh.." Kurama told her.

"I missed you Botan." He told her.

She looked at him.

Kurama lemme go! Ack! Why is he holding me so tight! I have Yusuke! Botan thought.

"Kurama um please let me go, your holding me too tight." She told him.

"No, Botan. Remember the last time 1 year ago? The last time that all of us were together? Remember the last time when we were together" He asked her forcing her to look at him.


Kurama laid Botan on the Bed.

A shiver went up her spine.

"Botan, I love you." Kurama told her.

"K-kurama! You..me..love? What! I, don't know what to um, say." Botan told him. She loved Yusuke, but Yusuke still had Keiko back then.

"How about, I love you, too" Kurama said with a grin.

What is a girl suppose to do? She loves somebody, but he loves somebody else, and then a hot boy loves her and you don't know what to do! Go for the one you love, or get over with it and get on with your life.

She was hesitating, she had to say SOMETHING.

"I..love you too, Kurama.." Botan told him.

He smiled.

They were both alone..

His face got closer to hers. Then they started to kiss..

Kurama's tongue swirling in her mouth like a tornado, Botan's tongue moving around in his mouth trying not to think of yusuke.

Kurama nibbled her lips and then nibbled her neck. Botan let out a moan. Kurama smirked, and than licked her lips and sucked them hard. Botan moaned louder. Botan's hand were on his chest, and Kurama took botan's small hands and brought them to his shirt buttons. She blushed hard.

"Botan, unbutton my shirt." He told her.

"Um, o-k.." Botan said and unbuttoned his shirt. Her eye's grew wide as she saw his well-built chest. She blushed even harder when Kurama took her hands and brought them to his chest harder.

She knew what he wanted her to do. So she showered kisses all over his chest and smiled. He smiled back and kissed her forehead.

Her smile vanished as he was unbuttoning her shirt.

"Kurama..don't.." She told him.

He stopped and looked up at her. "Whats wrong" He told her.

"Not, yet..i'm not ready..sorry." She told him.

He nodded.

"Alright, maybe next time" Kurama asked her.

"Maybe next time." She told him back.

They both got up and left to Genkai's where everybody was. So, they both left from Kurama's house...


She looked at him and said,

"Yes, I do, Kurama but, I have Yusuke now, sorry." Botan told him.

Kurama frowned.

"Oh, I see.." Kurama said looking away from her.

"But kurama we still can be friends" She told him with her puppy eye's.

He nodded and smiled.


Kurama and Botan quickly turned to the window to see Hiei..slammed into the window..with a huge sweat-drop.

Botan and Kurama had a huge sweat drop of their own too.

Botan went to open the window.

"HIEI! Are you ok? Hi! Long time no see" Botan told him with a playful wink.

He blushed.

"Yeah, yeah, onna. Now hide me" Hiei commanded.

She quickly hid him in the closet, she wondered why he told her to hide him. Then she saw a bunch of fan girls.( ok hiei looks diff. imagine hiei like this http:tn8. thats teh URL enjoy that, love me o.O;;)

"Fangirls" Botan whispered.

"TELL THEM TO GO AWAY, I'M NOT HERE" Hiei whispered back to her.

She nodded.

"WHERE IS OUR HIEI, MISS" The leader of the fangirls called.

"Who's Hiei? Well, anyway, this "hiei" which you speak of is not here, for I am alone and I saw nobody..unless your refering to a cute little boy running allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the way over there :points: to Kyoto, to see his girlfriend..then yes." Botan said pointing with a inoccent smile.

The fangirls turned pale and mumbled,

"Thank you for helping.." then left.

Hiei cme out and signed.

"Thank you ferry onna.." Hiei said.

"No problemo" Botan cherped.

Hiei smirked.

"Annoying onna, I heard you got drunk." Hiei said smirking some more.

She blushed so hard that her eye's were little black dots.

"Um..yeah, sake, yusuke's mom, atsuko, umm, err." Botan was too flushed to say anything.

Kurama but in too.

"You got d-d-runk" Kurama said with an innocent face.

"Um, change the subject please." Botan said waving her hands.

Yusuke opened the door and came in.

"HI BOTAN" Yusuke said drunkly.

"oh god, don't tell me you went to the bar instead of Keiko's" Botan yelled.

"Awww cheer up babe! Hey hiei hey kurama" Yusuke said as he swung an arm around Botan.


Hiei Botan, and Kurama sweat dropped.

"..Your an idiot.." Hiei told him.

"OK WHATEVERRRRRRRRR" Yusuke told him back.

"Yusuke, your emmbarising yourself go sleep." Botan told him as she pushed him in his room.

"ok, but only if you sleep with meeeeeeeee, again! Last time it was fun I get to be on top this timeee" Yusuke said as he took her hand and dragged her into the room.

She let his grip go.


She was blushing madly as hiei and kurama stared at "Their life, together" how romantic.

"Yeah, but you were asleep I couldn't help it you looked so hot" Yusuke whined.

She blushed again.

Now she kicked him playfully in the room and locked him in.

"hentai no baka" She yelled back at him.

"What a lier." She said.

"What a life." Hiei said laughing.

"Hiei, your full of it" Botan said.

"Uh-huh." Hiei said in a I-don't-really-care-because-I-know kind of way.

"Kurama we should go and leave the detective and ferry onna alone for their "Time together" we wouldn't want to ruin that now would we." Hiei said grinning. Kurama nodded and headed for the door. Instead of saying bye to botan he winked at her in a cute way. Botan blushed.

They were gone now.

"Hm..wonder what I should" Botan got cut off by a loud


She heard in from Yusuke's room and quickly ran to his room.

She opened the door but it wouldn't pen because she had locked it.

"Yusuke open up. Whats wrong? What are you doing? Did you drop something" Botan said calmly.

No answer.

Botan then went to find a knife so she can put it in the key hole to open it. (It works i try it all the time) She got the knife and began to stick it in the key hole. Sucess! It opened! She stopped. Her face..softened.

Yusuke fell off his bed while he was sleeping. He was on the floor the blanket was under him and half was on him. He looked so cute and hansome. His lips were shiny, his coco eye's were closed, his bangs were covering his closed eye's, and his hands and feet were stretched out facing the ceiling. He didn't even wake up.

She slowly moved his bangs from his eye's and kissed his forehead. Instead of going and doing something like watching tv etc. She decided to sleep with her one and only love.

She cuddled closer to him, she felt him, she saw him, and she loved him so. She wouldn't trade him for the world. She would die for him. Tears slowly went down her cheeks, no, they weren't tears of sadness. Goodness no! They were tears of joy.

Botan slowly closed her eye's until.


"What" Botan said as lowly as she could and quickly pulled out her conacting thingy that koenma gave her for them to contact eachother.



YAY I'M DONE! XD! Review the next chapter will come soon! Sorry if it took long its because of school T.T;;...