Title: Burn In My Light (Randy Orton's Theme Song: "Burn In My Light" by Mercy Drive)

Author: RKOxLegendKiller

Disclaimer: I don't own anyone in my Fan-Fic!

Note: Although this is my first fan-fiction, I want honest reviews plz!

Also Trish is a good guy in this fic and Raw and Smackdown! Superstars are on both shows. The shows separating never happened (It screwed the WWE up)

Chapter 1: Two Cheaters: A Night to Remember

Trish Stratus had a Women's Championship match coming up in less than 5 minutes against Gail Kim. She was physically and mentally ready. She was also really confident knowing that Edge would be at ringside. Trish and Edge (a.k.a. Adam) dated for about two months now. Now that she thought about it, Edge was at ringside the whole last month every time she had to compete with Gail Kim. Edge was so supportive of her. Gail was getting on her nerves. She was such a slut. Always launching herself at men that were married or dating. Slash that… she threw herself at everyone. Edge, the Intercontinental Champion always supported Trish 100 as far as she knew.

Trish's music enveloped the arena as she came out ready to retain what was rightfully hers, the WWE Women's Championship. As she walked down the ramp and into the ring, Gail waited for Trish's song to end so the match could begin.

Ding-Ding-Ding, the match had begun. Punch for punch, blow for blow, smack for smack, both divas didn't back down a bit. The divas grew tired and were ready to end the match any second now. Trish went for the chick kick, but Gail ducked and Trish hit the referee.

"Oh fuck!" Trish thought.

"Shit", she cursed!

Gail saw that it was the perfect opportunity to take advantage of the ref being knocked out, so she did what she knew how to do best. She cheated and opened a turnbuckle. Gail soon threw Trish's elegant face into the exposed turnbuckle. Gail woke the referee and in less than a heartbeat, Gail became the new WWE Women's Champion.

Trish walked back to the lockerooms to go find Edge. She felt horrible about losing the championship. She had Edge's keycard since he gave it to her before. She went and found Edge's lockeroom. She swiped the keycard and entered. The room was dark and she didn't see Edge there. She was about to leave when she heard familiar laughs and giggles and it came from the showers. Her conscience told her to turn back, but Trish had always been headstrong and never listened to her conscience. She went on with her original plan to find out who, where, and why the giggles and laughs came from. She went to the showers and could see a silhouette of Edge through the curtains and he was with another woman, but she couldn't tell who it was. She opened the curtain and found Edge and Gail Kim making out and some more. Her dreams of her future with the man in front of her came crashing down on her. Trish tried really hard to fight her tears back, but she couldn't hold it in any longer.

She whispered, "Go to hell". She said loud enough for both Edge and Gail to hear.

"…And take that slut with you!" Trish added.

Trish ran out of Edge's lockeroom crying. Over a million questions popped into her mind as if her computer didn't have spam control. She thought. Why? How could he? I loved him. Did he love me? At this point Trish past the women's lockeroom desperately looking for a place to be alone. She couldn't go to her lockeroom because it was near everyone else's and people were bound to see her shattered form. As she ran she slammed into someone. The person caught her and held her tight afraid that she was going to step all over him accidentally while she ran if he let go. He saved her from falling and himself from becoming road kill.

"Trish, are you okay?" he whispered into her ear.

Trish couldn't stop sobbing. All her tears fell on his chest. The young superstar took Trish into his private lockeroom. Her savior had a deep masculine voice, strong arms, and a well-built body (seeing the imprint made by her tears to his T-shirt), but she was unfamiliar with him.

Trish looked up after what seemed to be hours of crying to see a famous infamous grin. To her it was the most striking smile in the world. She soon realized that she bumped into the young Randy Orton.

"Hey, I thought you'd never look up." Randy said.

She tried to smile, but she just started sobbing again and jumped into his strong arms. Randy took off his T-shirt because it looked as if it had fell into a raging ocean full of crashing waves and forceful rains. Trish apologized for the shirt, but Randy just laughed and showed her how many more he has in his bag. There must've been at least 100 shirts were going to get autographed and given to his fans.

Randy was getting ready to leave the arena while Trish cleaned up after herself. Randy knew Trish was in no condition to head back to hotel alone so he offered her to stay at his place since Monday Night Raw took place at St. Louis, Missouri, Randy's hometown. Trish didn't want to ruin anymore of Randy's evening and told him no thank you and that she already messed up his evening enough. Randy was also headstrong and wouldn't take "no" for an answer and to make it so that she couldn't refuse so he told her he'd make her dinner.

Trish's mind flew out the window. "Randy Orton…cook…no way!" she said in utter disbelief.

She had dated many men but she never met one that could cook. "You lie!" she added.

"Come home with me tonight and you'll see" Randy responded cockily.

He couldn't help but grin his infamous grin. Trish was stunned. She had heard things about Randy Orton some good and some bad, but being with him seemed to make her believe that everyone was lying to her. Randy Orton was sweet, caring, protective, and he could cook. She might open her heart to him fast than she opened her heart to anyone this fast especially after what happened in Edge's lockeroom.

They got ready and jumped into Randy's black Ferrari. Once they got there, Randy gave Trish a grand tour of his bachelor pad. Trish had fell head over heals for Randy as soon as he caught her even though she didn't know who had caught her at the time. Before, Randy was just some guy. After the tour, Randy told Trish to watch television on the big screen while he did his magic.

Trish just watched Monday Night Raw over and over and over again just so she could see the mistakes that she made so she can fix them on her next title match because on Trish's new contract as of New Year's Revolution stated that if she were to lose the Women's Championship, she would get an automatic rematch on her terms. That meant that she would get to pick the match and the date. Trish didn't have to choose now for she didn't want to have anything to do with the women's title right now because she was happy being with Randy for the time being.

Randy made dinner. He had made dinner in what seemed minutes, but that's maybe because Trish was thinking of Raw that night. Randy had made delicious spaghetti with even more delicious spaghetti sauce. Trish was the type of person that would never lose her manners, but tonight she ate like there was no tomorrow.

"Oh my god! You cook pasta better than I do. Where'd you learn to cook like that?" Trish asked.

"Trish, just between you and me that's all I know how to cook" Randy chuckled.

Trish was more than impressed she was in fucking love with the hottest fucking guy she had ever laid her brown eyes on. Speaking of eyes, Trish couldn't help but stare at Randy's sapphire like eyes. Randy was almost intimidated.

"Trish, umm what are you doing, why are you staring at me like that…" Randy said trying to be confident.

Trish almost didn't hear the question, but she quickly said that he had the most alluring eyes she'd ever seen. Randy couldn't help but laugh.

"It's the most beautiful curse god gave me" Randy said cockily for every girl he'd ever dated said something about his eyes on their first date.

It was getting late and Randy offered Trish his master bedroom. Trish loved the fact that he cared so much about her. She really need someone special in her life and Randy was that special someone that happened to be at the right place at the right time. Randy was actually kind of glad Trish bumped into him back at the arena or he would've spent tonight by his lonesome. Trish, once again, apologized to Randy fore she had felt that because of her and her problems she had ruined Randy Orton's time, evening, food, and shirt. She felt like a ticking time bomb ready to go of at any second.

"Trish, don't apologize, I'm glad I can help you, and honestly you saved my from a lonely evening." Randy said softly.

They were going to their beds. Randy had to sleep on the sofa since he offered her the bed and he thought that she should be alone to recover from whatever made her cry so much. He didn't want to ask her about it yet because he knew she wasn't ready and he didn't want to pressure her into telling him anything she didn't want to tell him.

"Randy, please sleep with me tonight, I don't want to be alone" Trish said in a voice that sounded almost frightened. Trish finally kind of smiled and it was a genuine bright smile. Randy nodded. It was the first time she smiled in hours.

"Yo, Trish, I hope you don't mind, but I sleep with only with my boxers on" Randy said laughing. Trish giggled. Trish got into bed.

"Goodnight, Trish!" he said happily.

Before Randy was able to turn around to his side of the bed, Trish grabbed his arm. She then placed her lips against his and kissed him. Randy was immobilized from the sudden action. He had no defense. He let her take control. After a long breathtaking kiss, Randy seemed to be in sheer shock. Trish just made out with him and he didn't even try having sex with her. He thought to himself "I'm goooood!"

"Thank you, Randy and sweet dreams" Trish said.

She snuggled into his protective arms and they both silently thought this was a night to remember.

I hope you enjoyed this story. You guys review and I'll update. This chapter is short and sweet, but believe me this fan-fic will get interesting and this is not the last you'll see of the double-crossing Edge. Heated rivalries while get even hotter while new rivalries will begin. I'll make the next chapter longer. Bye1!