Title: Possession
Author: Spinny Roses
Fandom: Bleach
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Yuri (Tatsuki/Orihime, implied Chizuru/Orihime), het (implied Ichigo/Orihime)
Spoilers: Chapter 41 of the manga
Disclaimer: Don't own.

By Spinny Roses

Her first impression of Inoue Orihime was of warmth.

It had been her depression that had called out to her. But the sadness and loneliness in her face rivaled the warmth in her eyes and short hair. It had been that warmth that had pushed Tatsuki into action.

She didn't want to see such a beautiful face cry again. She would protect Orihime forever.

But even when Tatsuki had met her, Orihime had started to develop physically. It continued, until Orihime's body was the perfect curvy wet dream. Tatsuki had noticed the impressive change, and sadly enough, she wasn't the only one.

Chizuru had been the second person to notice, oddly enough. She had made an offhand remark about how "cute 'Hime was starting to become beautiful." Tatsuki had cornered her one day, demanding to know what she meant about that.

"Don't you see them" Chizuru had said. "She has lovely breasts. Oh ho, don't tell me you're jealous. 'Hime has the right to date whatever girl she oomph"

Tatsuki had quickly shut her babbling up with a fist to her gut. It wasn't that she was jealous. She just knew she was the only person who wouldn't make Orihime cry.

Don't touch her!

The men had quickly noticed after that. Orihime... Oh, Tatsuki felt bad for thinking it, but Orihime was too caught up in her dream world to notice the attention the men would lavish on her. She was too spacey to realize what the men wanted in return for buying her all that food. It was only luck that it was combined with such a sweet temperament and Arisawa Tatsuki as a guardian.

Don't make her cry!

Chizuru was the only one who still flirted with Orihime. It wasn't that she hadn't learned her lesson, oh no. She had this wild idea that it drove Tatsuki nuts, and made her jealous.

But Kurosaki Ichigo messed all of that up.

Tatsuki knew he wouldn't make Orihime cry. She remembered seeing how devoted he was to his mother, and how her death impacted him. He wouldn't make Orihime sad, or leave her. She knew how Orihime felt about Ichigo, and she knew that the girl would be only too happy with him. And, perhaps, Ichigo would smile again.

The mantra that had constantly rolled through her mind changed whenever Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Orihime.

Don't touch my Orihime!

It wasn't Chizuru and her constant lesbian flirting that made her jealous.

It was Ichigo's sheer presence.

Yes, I'm possessive! But I don't ever want her to cry. Ever again. Don't touch my Orihime.

"Tatsuki-chan, it's lunch time."

Tatsuki looked up at Orihime's smiling face. She looked up at the warmth that had been untainted by the attack the day before, and suddenly felt ashamed.

I made her cry.


I promised to never make her cry. Orihime, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry...

The End