Harry immediately transported back to his room. Ginny could see the anger on his face

"Whats wrong Harry?" she asked

"Ron and Hermione are in the order" he said, "the old fool let them join, I bet to keep an eye on me. did you know Ron was ordered to be my friend?"

"No. I wasn't told a thing about that, but I was asked to report on you?"

"I'm sure some of my friends have been reporting me to Dumbles. The only one I'm not sure of is Hermione. She wasn't asked to be a friend, but I don't know if she is spying."

"you know I'm not spying on you Harry, I never have been spying on you."

"I know you havn't Ginny and I thank you for it. So down to business."

"Right. Which order member shall we kill first?" Ginny asked

"Mrs Figg, she won't expect it. We'll go now while a meeting is on"

Ginny nodded and grinned. Harry and Ginny left the Dursley's house and walked over to Mrs Figg. Remus Lupin the order guard on duty followed them, hidden under a invisibility cloak. They knocked on Mrs Figgs front door which was opened minutes later.

"Hello Harry" said Mrs Figg

"Hi Mrs Figg" said Harry

"come in both of you. Would you like some tea?"

"Yes please" said Harry

Mrs Figg made tea for three, Harry, Ginny and herself. She brought them back to the living room. While Mrs Figg was clearing a space to sit, by moving one of her cats, Harry added a potion to her tea. It was a truth potion, not as powerful as vetiserium, but good enough. After Mrs Figgs eyes went glazed, a sign the potion was working, Harry started asking questions.

"There's something I want to know. Did you know how I was treated at the Dursleys?"

"Yes I did. I told Albus but he told me to leave you there and forget about it"

"He knows I was abused and did nothing?"


Remus hearing this was shocked. He couldn't believe that Dumbledore would leave James and Lily's no Sirius and Lily's son to be abused.

"Why would he do that?" asked Ginny, eyes narrowing

"He said he wanted you easier to control. He wants you to look to him as a saviour from them."

"old fool" spat Harry, "its only driven me away from him.


"yes I'm fighting against Dumbledore. He caused everything to happen to me, everything I had to put up with at the Dursleys."

"I warned him, but he never lisened to me"

"Thank you Mrs Figg" said Harry smiling coldly, "as you know to much you need to die, Avada Kedavra"

Mrs Figg fell dead.

"eradico" said Ginny pointing her wand at the prone corpse that was Mrs Figg. The curse made the body be destroyed, therefore leaving no trace of a crime. Harry knew that the ministry wouldn't be able to trace him as he had removed the tracking spells on his and Ginny's wand.


From the book Illegal Potions Harry followed the instructions of a potion. The potion had no name but the book said what it did, it nullified the tracking spells placed on any wand or person.


Blood of the wizard/witch

2 finely chopped mandrake root

Crushed bezoar stone

Single phoenix feather

Poison from snake (any snake will do)

Crushed leaves of a cicuta.

Fill a cauldron half full with the blood of the witch or wizard that want the tracking spells removed. Add the mandrake roots, stirring clockwise as you do so

Sprinkle in the crushed Bezoar stone, once added remove the cauldron from heat and stir ten times in an anticlockwise direction. The potion should turn navy blue. Leave to cool for three hours. Once cool add to the potion the phoenix feather and a drop of poison from a snake. The final ingredient added is the powdered leaves of cicuta. Once added stir clockwise 2 turns then anticlockwise for a single turn, repeat stirring clockwise twice, anticlockwise once until the potion turns black. Once potion is black place your wand in the potion. The potion will change colour. Once potion has changed colour remove wand and bottle into a single vial. Drink the potion and now all tracking spells are removed from your wand and person (if any).

This potion is a temporary measure. Tracking spells can be re-applied so be careful, if taken too often potion will be ineffective

Harry followed the instructions carefully. He knew he was a good potions student but with Snape breathing down your neck, it was easy to make mistakes. Once he had brewed the potion for them both, they drank it. That was five days ago.


Remus was shocked, he just heard Harry kill Mrs Figg. Remus didn't know what to think. With the news he just received he wasn't happy with the headmaster, he was letting Harry be abused. Making up his mind Remus pulled off his invisibility cloak and entered the room.

"Hello Harry" said Remus as calmly possible

"Did you hear me?"

"Yes, I don't blame you Harry for killing Mrs Figg, she knew what was happening but did nothing to help. I'm not comfortable with you killing her but it's understandable."

"Thanks Remus, unfortunately you know too much so you must die"

"Wait Harry, at least tell me your plan first, I won't be telling anyone"

"Fair enough, you wont live long enough to tell anyone. At the moment I am in league with Voldmort. I still plan to kill him as he killed my mum. I do have good news for you though. Sirius will be coming back. Belatrix serves Voldemort and as I have joined him told me Sirius is still alive. My father is a vampire, a daywalker to be exact, so will be able to come back from the veil of death, as he is already dead, if you know what I mean"

"Sirius is still alive?" Remus interrupted

"I plan to kill Dumbledore, Ron and any others who hurt Ginny" continued Harry ignoring the interruption

"I will serve you Harry. Dumbledore has a lot to answer for. Especially after that letter you showed me."

"how can I trust you?"

"I will take a wizards oath"

"Fine then, make the oath"

"I swear on my magic and on my life to follow Harry and not reveal any secrets or plans without consent, this I swear by my magic and my life"

"Thank you Remus. In a few days time I will be sixteen, I may then gain some vampiric traits."

With that Harry returned to Privet Drive with Ginny.

'what have you done Dumbledore?" thought Remus to himself, 'I will follow Harry in this no matter what side he chooses, I owe him that much'

Remus left Mrs Figgs house and returned to his post outside the Dursleys, waiting to be replaced by mad-eye Moody.

Eradico destroy, get rid of

AN. sorry for not updating. im now at uni so dont have that much time.