. : Muichimotsu : .

: . By Akikazu . :

. : Chapter Thirty Four : .

It had been three months since he last saw her.

Granted it should have been four months. At least it would have been if he hadn't snuck over to visit her every couple days during the first month, with a little help from an apologetic Yusuke of course.

From said detective, Kurama also learned that Sesshomaru had yet to find Hiei. This was very good news since the Jaganshi (master of the Jagan) had a lot to do with Kagome and Kurama making up. It was near impossible to find Hiei when he didn't want to be found. Kurama himself found the task difficult and he had been friends with Hiei the longest.

Yusuke had been extremely helpful over the last few months. Kurama knew that he wanted to stay with Yukina and her daughter but the young man had made the time to come over and relay letters from him to Kagome and vise versa. That was all that could really be expected after the "incident".

Kurama paused to glance at the clock briefly before resuming his musing.

He supposed that he could have snuck visits the whole four months had the "incident" not occurred. But after Yusuke had crashed into his home yelling that Kagome was panicking and no one could get close to her, he really had no choice but to go to her side.

M . M . M . M . M . M . M . M . M . M .

Kurama knew that Sesshomaru could plainly see him as he rushed immediately to Kagome's bedroom. He didn't care that Sesshomaru would no doubt know that he had been secretly visiting Kagome for the past month and would undoubtedly move her so it would be impossible to contact in person. All that mattered was that he could feel her fear hanging in the halls.

Seconds after bursting into the palace, he was at her side. When she saw him she launched herself at him, Kurama held her close and did his best to calm her down.

"Kagome, what happened?" He asked softly, ignoring the glares boring into his back from the doorway.

"Sesshomaru tried to kill me," she whispered.

"Your brother? When?"

"It was one of those memory dreams. I was scared, he looked so cold and cruel." Kurama could feel her shivering at the remembrance.

"It'll be fine Kagome, you've only remembered the beginning of your journey, people change over time. I'm sure that when you look back on the beginning after having regained your memories you'll be able to see the difference," he assured her.

Kagome smiled up at him and replied, "I'm sure you're right Kurama. Thank you for being here for me when I freaked out."

"I love you Kagome, I'll always be here when you need me."

He winked and she giggled. Kagome was leaning up to give him a kiss when they heard the obnoxious sound of someone clearing their throat. Kurama looked over and found two glaring faces, still in the doorway.

"Although this Sesshomaru cannot begrudge you this particular visit, I believe you are in violation of the terms we have agreed upon."

Pressing a goodbye kiss to her forehead, Kurama stood and, when a certain pair of glaring youkai (demons) moved, left the room.

M . M . M . M . M . M . M . M . M . M .

And that had been his last opportunity to see her. Kurama glanced at the clock once more and found that it was nearly time, so he briskly left his house and headed for the palace.

He had received word early this morning that Kagome had regained the last of her memories. Apparently, Sesshomaru's plan to separate them hadn't worked for she had immediately demanded to see him. To that point Sesshomaru invited him over for dinner, Kurama had been commanded to show up on time and not a moment sooner.

The fox didn't particularly care to be ordered about but to see Kagome, he would do nearly anything.

M . M . M . M . M . M . M . M . M . M .

As soon as she saw him, Kagome launched herself at him. She had been waiting for him at the door for the last half an hour. It was still too early for him to come and so no one was waiting with her, though she had no doubt someone would be coming along in a few minutes. Kagome was pleasantly surprised when Kurama had shone up early despite Sesshomaru's threats.


Strong arms wrapped around her and she hugged her beloved. Her eyes grew wet with unshed tears as she looked up to meet his eyes.

"I've missed you so much," she managed to sniffle before burring herself back in his hard chest.

"I missed you too," he murmured into her hair.

"I love you, don't leave again."

"I won't."


There was no more time for words for at that moment his lips came crashing down upon hers.

M . M . M . M . M . M . M . M . M . M .

Yusuke grinned as he peered around the corner at the kissing couple. He had felt guilty for leading Sesshomaru to Kurama a couple of months back but with the result of this fairytale he would no longer have to worry about either of his friends.

"We did good work," Yusuke called back to his partner.

"I would not call us partners, for if I had been given a choice I certainly would have taken one far more suitable that yourself," a cool voice replied.

The young spirit detective looked over his shoulder to glare sarcastically at Itsuki, whom was leaning against the wall and staring off into space, clearly uninterested in the actions of the enamored couple around the corner.

"Don't try to pull that one on me. We both know very well that you can change fate to suit yourself with that one book you have."

M . M . M . M . M . M . M . M . M . M .

Itsuki sniffed disdainfully, "I have had enough of changing fate. I have, after all, gotten everyone who matters in a favorable position."

Pulling out the battered book that had lead him here of all places, the yaminade (demon that can move through dimensions) tossed it at Yusuke. He took a small amount of satisfaction when the book smacked the back of the detective's head.

Straightening away from the wall, Itsuki smirked at the detective one last time before saying, "Have a look for yourself."

With those departing words, the youkai sauntered off to find Keiko.

M . M . M . M . M . M . M . M . M . M .

Yusuke glared at Itsuki's back for a moment, rubbing the aching spot on the back of his own head before hauling the book into his lap.

"The fate of my friends, I guess," he grumbled.

The impatient Yusuke waited but a second before immediately flipping to the back of the book. The words had barely begun to form on the blank white pages.

And they lived happily ever after.

Yusuke stared at the words incredulously at the cliché line for a moment before shrugging and closing the book. After all he got what he wanted so it worked for him.

He tossed the book over his shoulder and headed off down the corridor, whistling.

M . M . M . M . M . M . M . M . M . M .

A Year Later

Fate had been kind to the people in his small corner of the universe.

Shippo smiled as he watched his mother and her husband kiss each other. It had taken his new father time to win back his trust but seeing how happy the older kitsune made his mother, there was really no other option but to forgive him for his mistake.

They had married as soon as Sesshomaru had allowed. It had been a small, traditional wedding and as his adoptive parents bound themselves together for life, Shippo had seen how happy they both were. Kagome could not stop beaming and though Kurama's expressions had been much more subtle, Shippo could tell that he was just as ecstatic.

And soon after, they had announced that Kagome had conceived. Shippo had been worried at first. After all, if they had their own children why would they need him? His worries had been pointless for both Kagome and Kurama had taken him aside to explain that even though he was not their son by birth, he was still an important part of their family and that they wouldn't ever kick him out of the family even if they had a million kids. Shippo had calmed after that and told anyone that would listen that he was about to become a big brother.

His mother's brother hadn't been too happy at the marriage but after seeing how happy Kagome was with her husband and mate, Shippo could tell that Sesshomaru was coming to accept Kurama.

Hiei had not been received so easily. Sesshomaru had refused point blank to have the Jaganshi (master of the Jagan) in his home. Of course Kagome's tears had convinced him to allow Hiei into the palace in time for her wedding. Still, Sesshomaru did not trust Hiei in the least even though over a year had passed since he had taken Kagome to Kurama.

With a small nod, Shippo left his parents to themselves and went to find Yukina and her baby, Lixue (Chinese name meaning "pretty snow"). Lixue was a very good playmate, though she couldn't do much at her age. Plus Yusuke was usually hovering over his daughter and he was really, really fun to play with.

Keiko always watched Lixue when Yusuke couldn't. She wasn't very fun because she had to be careful since her baby was almost going to be born. Shippo enjoyed feeling the baby kick around in Keiko's tummy though and he couldn't wait till his little brother or sister was doing the same. Itsuki liked to hover about Keiko, as Shippo had noticed most of the elder male youkai doing to their mates, but sometimes he had to go away. Sesshomaru had put Itsuki in charge of watching Epsilon.

Shippo shivered as he thought about the Death youkai. After Kagome had gotten her memories back he started trying to kill her. Sesshomaru had explained to him that it was instinct, since Kagome had bound him before. After a while Epsilon only tried to kill Kagome on the rare occasion that he was asleep, that's why Sesshomaru made Itsuki watch him.

The first time Epsilon had attacked Kagome, she had gotten a cut. Sesshomaru had summoned his healer to look at it, just in case, and Shippo was surprised to see that the healer was the weird scientist guy from Sensui's labs. Kurama had immediately demanded an answer and Sesshomaru had explained that he was not in charge of what his staff did during their spare time.

In the end it hardly mattered. Kagome was happy, Kurama was happy, everyone else was pretty much happy, and Shippo was definitely content. Shippo also had the advantage of knowing that his family was going to remain happy, even if his family was going to get bigger, because Itsuki said it was going to be that way and Sesshomaru had said it was true. And everyone knew that Itsuki was nearly always right and that Sesshomaru never lied.

. : End Story : .

: . Author's Note . :

It's over. After a year of late updates and character toiling it has come to the end. And there's not much more to say than thanks to all the reader and my more than wonderful beta, Amin Vanima Mellonea.

I hope you've enjoyed this story and will continue to enjoy this pairing.

Till next time,


. : Beta's Note : .

Wow. It's over. That's kinda sad. This is the first story that I've beta-ed that has actually finished. The other ones I've beta-ed I've either been abandoned or it has yet to finish. But I hope you all enjoyed this story. I know I did. Don't forget to review, 'cause I know she loves them

Amin Vanima Mellonea