A/N: Sorry bout the lateness of this Chapter, I had a bit of trouble writing it, so yeah its not the best, some of you may be disappointed with the wedding flashback but that was the way this chap was going so I had to stick with it.

I hope you guys have enjoyed this story, look out for more of my stories in the future, I've got two in the works, but I might take a break before posting.

Anyway, thanks heaps to everyone who replied, you guys are the best and this story wouldn't be here without you guys, so thanks to: DeuCe628, EVCLGSB, PrincessSparkle09, kursk, SUMMERAN1, Riley313, Doves30, Nels6354, piperleo4eva and Little Ms.Vixen.

Disclaimer: The O.C is not mine so please don't sue

7 years later

"Dad! Can you please for the love of god tell Lucas to leave me alone!" 15-year-old Jacob Cohen screamed down the hall. He was sick of his younger brother running in and out of his room yelling about random stuff.

Jacob was the eldest of 5 kids. There was Lucas, who at 6 years old managed to annoy the hell out of Jay at least once a day. Then there was Melly (Melanie) who had just celebrated her 4th birthday. She was as cute as pie but boy did she have a pair of lungs. Next came Samantha (2 years old), the cutest little girl you had ever seen. Dad said that was because she looked like Mom but she disagreed saying she had Dad's eye and his cute little dimples (her words, not Jacob's) Then there was Liam, the youngest of the Cohen clan at just 10 months old. He complained about them a lot but really he did love his family

"Luke, get out man" Seth chuckled "cut him some slack Jay, he just wants to see his older brother"

"Yeah well I'm trying to work" Jacob shot at his Dad

"Bridget's on the phone by the way, but don't talk to long, dinner's in 10" Seth handed him the phone

"Thanks Dad" There was a pause "Hey Bridget"

"Hey Jay" He could hear yelling in the background, then a groan and "Jamie wants to say hi"

There was a muffled silence and then "Hi Jacob" Jamie's little voice rang out through the phone

"Hey Jamie, how's it hanging?" He asked the little guy

"I'm good, Dad say's that you and Luke and Melly and Sam and Liam and Uncle Seth and Aunty Sum are coming over tomorrow, is that true?" He asked his cousin

"Yeah man we'll be there," He stated simply

"Ok, Bridge is yelling at me so I gotta go, talk to ya soon Bye" He said

"Cya" There was silence and then "Hey again" He said to Bridget

"Sorry about that, you know what he's like though, lets just be thankful that Dave cant string together a proper sentence yet" She laughed, thinking of her youngest brother

"You know I love the Boys Bridge, how could I know, there my cousins," He told her

"Yeah I know, Mom says we were exactly the same at that age, but anyway I only rang to see if your absolutely sure you cant come tonight, you know that Dylan wants you there" She pleaded with him

"Three's a crowd Bridge, you and Dylan are all over each other lately and I really do not wanna watch you two making out all over the place," He told her plainly

"We so wont Jay" She shot back

"Yeah well all the same, Mom's cooking and I'll see you tomorrow anyway, tell Dylan I said hey, but I gotta go, ok?" He asked

"Ok, Cya tomorrow….bye" She whispered

"Bye" He replied, hanging up the phone and dropping it on his bed, he walked downstairs to find everyone already seated at the table

"What did Bridge want?" His mom asked as he took a seat"

"Just asking about tonight," He told her coolly

"You could have gone Jay," She said to him

"I didn't wanna watch them two making out all night, it weird, he's my best mate and she's like a sister to me" He told her

"We all thought you like Bridget actually….your not blood related so it could have worked" Seth butted into the conversation

"Like I said she's like my sister" Jacob replied

"Yeah well you can't forget that she was your first kiss" Seth said with a laugh

"Here we go again, why dad? Tell me why you always have to bring that up, we were what 8 years old?" Jacob said

"Don't even pretend like you don't remember Jay, it was at our wedding and I know you remember that…." Seth trailed off


The Bridesmaids were all dressed in beautiful blue dresses, the flowers were all lain out perfectly and after weeks of preparation the Newport wedding of the year was finally here. Summer Roberts and Seth Cohen were about to be married…Jacob dressed in a black suit with tie and all was standing next to Bridget, dressed in a cute blue dress, they were all set to walk down the isle, Summer finally entered the room in front of the church and the kids overheard her hurried conversation with Marissa-the maid of honor

"I cant believe this is actually happening Coop, this is like a dream, I still cant believe its real, I cant believe I'm about to marry Seth Cohen" She whispered

"Well believe it cause its happening, you've got nothing to worry about Sum, Seth loves you so much and you've got Jay and everything is absolutely perfect... plus you look so beautiful Cohen wont be able to take his eyes off you" Marissa told her with a grin

Summer laughed, "Thanks Coop, I love you"

"Love you too babe, now get out there" Marissa replied

The music started playing, Jacob took Bridget's hand and they walked down the isle together…

The service was beautiful and incredibly sweet, a lot of people cried (which Jacob didn't understand) but it was great, the limos had picked them up and now they were all gathered at Kirsten and Sandy's place for the reception, music, dancing and laughter could be heard from miles away. The bride and groom had just shared their first dance to Ryan Adam's Wonderwall, Jacob remembered his Mom mentioning something about it being special to them, something to do with dancing in Dad's room.

A couple of meters away from the dance floor, Bridget and Jacob sat under one of the tables, scoffing their faces with stolen chocolates, unaware that everyone could see them…

"This chocolates tastes weird" Jacob commented

"Duh, its got minty stuff in it, Mom told me we shouldn't eat it and Uncle Seth said the same" Bridget replied matter of factly

"I'm hungry, there was no good food, it was all icky grown up stuff" Jacob said

He pulled a face that made Bridget laugh

"I'm so glad that Aunty Sum and Uncle Set got married, I bet you are? Cause I guess this means that you got a real family now" Bridget told him

"Yeah dude, its awesome, my mom and dad are really happy, I mean I never seen mom smile so much since Dad's been back" He laughed "I remember one time I asked him why he was laughing and he said that mom's kiss tasted like chocolate"

Bridget suddenly dropped her handfuls of chocolates

"What?" Jacob asked confused

"Well Dylan tried to kiss me the other day, he said he wanted it to taste like Chocolate" She told him

"Well did it?" Jacob questioned

"Yuck Jay! I didn't kiss him, boys are icky"

Jacob grinned, "Yeah well girls have cooties"

"We do not!" She protested

"Yeah well there's only one way to find out," He told her

"How?" She paused realizing what he meant, "Oh, ok then, when I count to three, 1..2..3…"

She leaned in, as did Jacob, he could smell the mint on her breath as they got closer and then there lips mashed together in a perfect, slobbery kiss.

When she pulled back she said "Minty" before hopping up and leaving Jacob alone under the table…


"Ok Dad, I get it me and Bridge kissed, big whoop, we were like 8, move on already" Jacob shot at his father

"I'm sorry son but that's a moment I will never forget and that I'll constantly remind you of" Seth told him, sending a grin Summer's way

"Great…just great" Jacob commented

"Daddy where was I then?" Melly asked innocently

"You weren't born yet sweetheart," He told her

"What's born mean?" She asked

"Something that I'll explain to you when your older babe" Summer cut in before Seth said something stupid

"Ok" Melly replied

"Well eat up kids, before it gets cold" Seth said

The next day the Cohen's were gathered at the Atwood's place, which just happened to be only a couple of streets away. The kids were scattered all over the house, Jacob and Bridget in her room, Lucas and Jamie in the lounge and Melly, Sam and David out in the backyard, while baby Liam was upstairs sleeping. All the adults were out back; Ryan and Seth round the BBQ

"Jay told me that you brought up the wedding kiss again, you know he hates it" Ryan reminded him

"Yeah I know, but I don't get it man, its weird, Sum thinks that he still likes Bridget, but Jacob said he's freaked out that there like 'cousins' even though they aren't blood related" Seth told him

"Well Bridge seemed happy with Dylan, but they broke up yesterday and she didn't even seem upset infact she seemed relieved, Marissa thinks she likes Jay as well" Ryan filled Seth in

"Yeah well I reckon they'd be cute together," Seth said

Ryan raised his eyebrows and gave Seth one of his trade-mark looks

"Yeah ok, it might be a little weird but hey you can't help who you fall for right?" said Seth

"Right" Ryan agreed

Seth grinned, his life was so perfect and he had never been happier, he occasionally thought about how things would have turned out if he hadn't left all those Summer's ago but he knew now that he couldn't change the past, he could only alter his future and right now- he was happy with where his future seemed to be taking him.

Ryan brought Seth back to earth

"..we've gotta go upstairs and get Bridge and Jay man, Sum and Maris are setting the table" Ryan said

They walked upstairs and didn't bother to knock as they entered Bridget's room….however what they found wasn't expected; Jacob and Bridget were lying on her bed making out. Ryan stopped dead in his tracks, but Seth just laughed, they had said they'd deal with those things when they came and now that they had Seth knew there'd be a repeat of his holy awkward encounter with his own dada after his and Summer's 'fish sex' but he knew they'd get through it, because they were a family, and that was all anyone ever needed. Seth got it now, no they weren't anything like the way they once were but frankly-this was better.!

The End
