Summary: When people find out that the two last princes of the angels and demons walk among them and learn of the power each holds, new threats begin to arise…

Rating: PG-13

Pairings: 1X2, 3X4, possible sallyX5

Warnings: Possible Relena and Hilde bashing, violence (…what can I say? U.U I'm a violent child ), and maybe some torture while I'm at it. (oh, yes and the really long author's note at the bottom, beware…!)

Disclaimer: Don't own Gundam Wing…never have….never will…but if I did… .


Duo smiled and looked at the picture of Heero he held in his hand. He had found, after the war, that maybe being a salvager wasn't what he wanted to do with his life. And once he came to that conclusion, he had also decided that he wanted to find Heero.

Finding Heero was hard, after all J didn't train him to disappear from enemies for fun. He was the "perfect soldier" after all.

Well…the perfect soldier wasn't so perfect when he found him. Sure, he was still on his feet financially, but it was obvious to Duo, and seemingly no one else, that Heero didn't care anymore. He didn't care about his life or anything.

In fact, Duo thanked Shingami that he was there when he was…he saved Heero from committing the worst mistake in his life…

Perhaps beginnings should start at the beginning then, hai?

"Hilde," Said girl turned around and looked at Duo Maxwell and tilted her head a bit. "I think I'm going to go and leave."

"What!" Hilde questioned, eyes wide. "Why!"

Duo sighed, bangs falling over his cobalt eyes. "Well…" He drawled slightly to make her calm down a bit, "I decided that I want to find Heero."

Hilde scowled slightly, she turned around. "And what makes you think that he'll want to see you again?" She threw back darkly at the teen.

"Because I hope that he'll forgive me." Duo replied, guilt pulling in his chest as he remembered the hard to forget moment.

"He won't want you back, Duo. Just stay here with me." Hilde said, putting and arm around Duo's shoulder as she tried to give him an embrace.

"I'm sure that Relena would want you more any ways…" Duo mumbled, "She obviously likes you."

Heero looked slightly hurt, "Duo…" He whispered as he stared at the braided boy.

"I'm going to go and live with Hilde. I'm sure that you'll be fine." Duo turned away, leaving Heero staring at him.

Too bad he didn't know that after he left, Heero didn't go to Relena like he told him. Too bad he didn't know about the depression…

"What are you doing!" Duo screamed, shaking the former Wing pilot back and forth by his shoulders. It was almost impossible to get through to the guy. The lightly done (and luckily not too deep) slashes on the wrists were bandaged haphazardly in Duo's rage.

"Leave me alone." Heero said, turning away from Duo as he pulled sharply out of his grip.

"…Heero…" Duo said, choking back on tears. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Would it have made any difference?"

"I didn't mean to hurt him…" Duo whispered to Quatre who looked at him on the verge of tears.

"Of course you didn't Duo." Quatre whispered, handing the braided boy a cup of hot tea to help sooth and calm him.

"I said I didn't mean it…" Duo said, 'I never said I was sorry…'

"He probably just needs some more time to think things over." Quatre explained.

"What…what do you feel from him, Quatre?" Duo questioned, looking at the blonde haired boy with grief-filled eyes.

Quatre sighed, lowering his head as he placed his empty cup of tea on the table, "Regret….loneliness…it's like a never ending depression in his aura." He said, looking up at Duo now, "I don't think it was just you leaving."

"But I hurt him. More than any one else." Duo whispered back, head hung as he bit his lip.

"Leave me alone."

"No! How can I leave you here—"

"You did before." Heero said, getting up from his spot and walking to the door.

"Heero, don't walk out on me…!" Duo said, a sort of pleading sound in his voice.

"No." Heero turned to look at the braided boy he once loved coldly, "That's your job."

"He'll come to his senses." Quatre explained, pulling Duo back from his memories. "Besides, you two were meant to be."

"What do you mean?" Duo questioned, tilting his head.

Quatre looked up, blushing slightly, "W-well, you read about it all the time. You know… an angel and a demon…" Quatre said in a sort of shaking voice.

"You…you didn't tell Heero about my secret did you?" Duo questioned after hearing the word 'demon', looking at Quatre with dark and foreboding eyes.

"No…of course not." Quatre replied easily, for he didn't tell Heero. That was Duo's job to do. "Did you tell Heero?"

"No…" Duo mumbled to himself, loud enough though that Quatre could hear him.

"…Well maybe he'll forgive you if you tell him."

"Now why would he do that?" Duo retorted back with a jester face back on. His mask.

"Well…" Quatre said with a thoughtful look on his face as he mused for the moment.

"Are you sure Trowa?" Quatre asked with giddiness.

"Yeah…" Trowa replied, Quatre acting like a little kid going to the zoo, even though they were at the zoo. Well, more like the travelling circus Trowa hid in, but close enough.

"The trailer's this way." Trowa said, pointing at a silver trailer as Quatre followed with a smile on his face.

OZ had control over the world and Quatre was surprised when he got a sudden call from Trowa, saying that he had Heero in his care.

They both walked into the trailer to look at the comatose Heero, barely moving but alive none the less with bandages covering his weak, and severely wounded body.

"He's alive!" Quatre replied merrily, happy that the pilot that self-destructed was alive and not dead like he, and the other's minus Trowa, had thought. Some sort of golden aura twirled round the silent teen, like a red one for Duo Maxwell. "…And unconscious?"

"He's been in a coma since I brought him back." Trowa said simply, looking at Quatre as he managed to hide a blush. He always did like the blonde, there was something about his kind and caring presence. "He's very injured and lost a lot of blood."

"Oh…" Quatre nibbled on his lip as he looked at the slumbering pilot. He couldn't sense that aura and he missed it.

"What are you doing?" Quatre questioned, looking over Trowa's shoulder as he saw Trowa flip Heero over carefully to not jar any of his numerous injuries.

"What's that?" Quatre said with wide eyes as he saw Trowa cut some bandages on Heero's back. The white cloth uncovered an odd symbol in the middle of the teen's back.

"The sign of an angel."

"Well?" Duo asked impatiently, tapping his foot.

"I'm sure that if you tell him everything will be all right." Quatre said with a smile, glad that he encouraged Duo to go and talk to the former pilot.

"Quatre…" Duo questioned, sensing that the empathetic teen was up to something.

"I'm sure everything will work out perfectly fine." Quatre repeated, closing the door with a smile as he turned to look back at Trowa who was hiding in the shadows.

"Did you tell him, love?" Trowa questioned as he wrapped his arms around Quatre's smaller frame.

"No. Duo should tell Heero first." Quatre said, sighing as he relaxed into Trowa's embrace. "Heero's was gold."

"Yes, that means that he's of the royal ones."

"Lucky." Quatre laughed as Trowa kissed him lightly on the neck. "Duo's was red," He continued.

"Most Demon's have black." Trowa replied.

"So he's royal also?" Quatre replied. It had been Trowa to find out Heero's secret (which the pilot didn't know Trowa knew about) and Quatre who had stumbled upon Duo's secret.

"Yeah…" Trowa whispered, kissing Quatre again.

"Well," Quatre said with a smile as he kissed Trowa back. "They're meant to be together in more than one way."

"Agreed, Quat, agreed."


Author's note:

Woot! Yes…another story to put up (yea?). So many new stories I'm working on…my mind thinks way, way too much…. Arg!

This is the story behind this story: got bored, got a cold, was extremely sick with high temperature (delusional?) and thus slept a lot. Mind wanders in the sugar plum dreams of mine mingled with war and thus sprouts a new story.

I hope people like this; there may be some Relena bashing. See, a friend of mine who supports 1X2 pairing doesn't like R so she'll be helping me with this (thanx Vrunka for the support! Glad I got ya hooked on GW). Don't kill me for that. Oh, and there may be some Hilde bashing. I kind of made her evil in the chapter. Or at least that's the impression I got…

That's about it, I think at least. . There will probably be more 1X2 than the other story that I did (Life's Pain, which I think sucks . my demon child) Ahem… any ways…. Auf Weidersehen!

Liebe, Red Tail