Not All Thing Seem As They Appear To Be

Summary: Harry's in his 6th yr. and everything starts to change. He's defeated Voldemort and with no help from anyone, then no one helps him, but one person, when they send him to Azkaban. What will happen to him, what is this he has a dad? Who is the one person that believes in him and wants to help? What is this strange new power he seems to have? Who saves him from a place worse then hell?

Warning: Slash, abuse, language, cutting, rape

A/N: Ok this is a slash story and if you don't know what it is, it's two people of the same sex holding hands, kissing, making love. If you don't like don't read, but it won't be till later in the story. This story also has vampires, so if you don't want to read then bye.

Ok This is an Updated Verson of this chapter also chapter 2 has also. I just added details. I've tried to fix some of my mistakes. I need a Beta so if anyone would like to be my beta feel free to e-mail. Thanks. Chapter 3 is on it's way:) Finally! After One year I'm back and ready to write! lol.

Chapter 1- The Vision

"Listen to me Potter, you are my son."

"No I'm not, I can't be..."

"Well you are."

"No I'm not."

"Look all the proof you need is in that box right over there," said the person, claming to be Harry's dad. He pointed to a small violet box sitting on a bed. Harry walked over to the box and sat down on the bed. Before he could get a good look in the box, everything started to go black...

...Harry was standing at the corner of a dark street, with what looked like perfect little square houses. Cars looked clean and grass looked like it was well kept on the entire street. He slowly looked towards a house that also had a sparkling car, even in the dark the car sparkled like new. The grass was cut, and the hedges were symmetrical. The low garden fence looked to have been painted earlier that same day.

"Master should we attack now?" Asked some one behind him.

"No just wait, we will get are chance to kill him just wait," hissed a raspy and high pitch voice, that sounded like the person hadn't used it much. Then all of a sudden it hit him, that wasn't his voice that was the voice of...

Harry awake with a start, soaked to the bone in cold sweet. His scar was burning like hell, and his head felt like it was going to spilt in two at any moment. 'Merlin what the fuck was that?' Harry thought, 'Oh My God that was Private drive! But wait we haven't cut the grass or the hedges. The fence defiantly hasn't been painted. Well not yet at least.' Harry thought turning so he could see the clock, on his bed side table. 'Great, just great, it's only 2:30 in the fucking morning. I don't have to get up at least until 6:30 and no way in hell am I going back to sleep. Not after what I just saw. I wonder if I should write to Dumbledore or Ron or Hermione? No I don't think I will. Dumbledore I hate him any more since the end of last year. Him telling me that I can't die unless Voldy kills me or until I kill him. I can't believe he kept that from me, for all those years just because he thought I wasn't old enough to tell. Bullshit, I wonder if there's anything else he hasn't told me? Hmm I bet there is.

I can't tell Ron or Hermione because they would say Voldy's just playing tricks with me again, like he did with Siriu... No don't think about it.' He told himself firmly. 'I don't need to think about it, it just makes me feel more alone. Well I wonder what I'm going to do, for one I don't even know when they're attacking, or how many Death Eaters there's going to be. Well for now I guess I'll just have to be careful and not make Vernon mad at me. The last thing I need now is to be, to be beat up to fight Voldy, which would not be good. I have to kill him and revenge my parents, Cedric, Sirius and all the other people he killed just because of me. But I still don't know how I'm going to do that; we can't fight with wands because they don't want to fight each other since they, the wands, are related. So how the hell am I going to bet him, I can't do wand less magic, well not that I know of anyways.'

Harry laid there in bed for about 10 minutes thinking about what he was going to do. He had to find a way to kill Voldemort or be killed. He didn't feel like dying, well not at the moment. He wished he could after all of this mess was straighten up. He didn't think the Ministry would be able to defeat Voldemort, on there own because they were too stupid to see what was right in front of them. But he did wish he was dead, all too many times that summer. He had tried to cut himself so maybe he would bleed to death, but his Aunt, Aunt Petunia, had found him and yelled at him.

Flash Back

Harry was sitting at the end of his bed in Dudley's second bedroom which the Dursleys was so nice to give to him. 'Ha yea right they only gave me this room because they were too scared that my kind was watching the house.' He thought as he played with the pocket knife in his hand. He had to laugh at the thought of the Dursleys being nice to him, he was a freak just a freak that was all he was to them.

It had been a week since the end of his 5th year, and a little longer since he had lost his godfather, Sirius. He hadn't told the Dursleys about it, they wouldn't care and they would just work him harder and be more abusive towards him. They were abusive enough he didn't need anymore, of it. Because they were too scared if they killed him or did too much to him then his Godfather would come and kill them. Harry had to laugh at the image in his head, he wished it was true but now it would never happen.

When Sirius had died it was like apart of him had died along with him. It was the part of him that believed that someday Sirius would be free and Harry could go and live with him at 12 Grimmable Place. But that dream would never come true now, Sirius was died and never coming back, never! He would never come back in human or ghost form. He wished that he would come back in ghost form that way at least he would have that form to talk to.

He stared down at the knife in his hands, which Sirius had given him. 'Maybe I should just end it now. No one would miss me, they just need me to save they're sorry arse from little old Voldy. I should just end this; they can get Dumbledore to protect them. He's stronger then me, and I don't really care if he lives or dies anymore. He's kept too many secrets from me, for me to care what happens to him anymore. He sent me to live with my abusive relatives, well manly just my Uncle but still they're abusive they have been since as long as I can remember.' he thought.

He slowly brought the knife up to his wrist and slowly ran it across his skin. He didn't cut deep enough to draw bleed, but just enough to feel it cutting like you would if got a paper cut. He bit his lip from yapping in pain. He raised the knife again and this time cut deep enough to draw blood, this time he had to bite hard on his bottom lip so he wouldn't yell out in pain and cause the Dursleys to come up there to see what all the noise was about.

He looked down at his wrist and watched as the red liquid slowly ran down his pale skin. He felt like all the pain, the heart ache, all his troubles in the world was slowly leaving his body. He raised the knife again and started to cut his wrist over and over again. After a few minutes he had cut all the way up to his forearm to where his arm bent. He just watched as the blood rolled down his arm and fell on to the floor. He looked at the blood on the floor, there was a pretty good size puddle, and he was just starting at it when the door to his room suddenly opened. He didn't even bother looking up, he figured it was Vernon, home from looking for a job or drinking, and now he was in trouble, he'd get it now. And then there was a shirk, and he looked up, and saw that it wasn't Vernon, but his Aunt Petunia.

"What are you doing!" She yelled at him and he didn't even bothering answering her, he just looked back at the puddle of blood. "Look at me when I'm talking to you, boy. You will clean up this mess right now, if you wish to have anything to eat tonight," she yelled at him and walked out of the room and came back minutes later with the first aid kit. She grabbed his hand and started to wipe up the blood on his arm and slowly wrapped it up in a bandage. "You better not try that again, boy. You better hope I don't tell Vernon, you freak," She said and walked out of the room, and brought back a bucket of soap and water, with a rag. "Now clean up this mess," she yelled and left the room slamming the door behind her.

End of Flashback

Surprising he actually got food that night and his Aunt didn't tell Vernon. Harry wondered why she hadn't told on him, and got him into trouble? He thought she loved to see him in pain. But actually she seemed to stand up to Vernon some. But if she stood up to much then she would get abused and in the same ways as Harry. As Harry was laying there thinking, he decide he would have to be very careful and very quite the next few days. He did want to live to kill Voldemort, and get revenge. By the time 6:30 came around he still didn't know what he was going to do. He didn't even know it was 6:30 until he heard the lock on his door being unlocked and saw a big fat face in the door way. "Get up, boy! Breakfast better be on the table by the time I finish my shower," His Uncle hissed, quietly so he would wake Dudley in the next room.

"Yes Uncle," Harry said and got up and quickly pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Both of which had belonged to Dudley at one time. After Harry got dressed he quickly walked downstairs and into the kitchen, to make breakfast. He finished just in time, because his uncle walked into the kitchen.

"It better be good, boy," His uncle said sitting down at the table. "Go wake your Aunt and cousin," He yelled.

"Yes Vernon." Harry walked up the stairs and to his Aunt and Uncles room to get his Aunt. "Aunt Petunia? Breakfast is ready," Harry said and he opened the door a little.

"Thank you," she said and sat up in bed. Harry just nodded his head and walked to his cousin's room.

"Dudley breakfast is ready downstairs."

"Fine," he said. Harry just shuck his head at Dudley and walked back downstairs. His uncle was reading the newspaper waiting for the rest of his family to come down. "Did you get them up?"

"Yes sir," Harry said, "Is there anything else I can do?"

"No!" Harry just nodded and started to clean up some of the morning dishes before he got too many. When his Aunt and Cousin finally came down it was 20 minutes later. Harry got the food out of the oven and sat it on the table. Once everyone was done eating Vernon left to go 'look' for a job. Dudley went into the living room to watch his shows and Petunia put the dishes in the sink. "Is there anything I can do AuntPetunia?" Harry asked.

"Yes, you can cut the grass, cut the hedges, and paint the fence before you Uncle gets home tonight," She said not turning her back away from the sink. Harry gulped he had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Uh-oh. This can't be good. He thought and said, "Alright," a little uneasy.