A/N: Wow! It has been "a while"… I'm really sorry, but college barely leaves me time to sleep, let alone write. So hopefully I'll get some writing done while on vacation. Thank you to everyone who has listed this story as a favorite, it truly means a lot! Hoping not to disappoint!

Chapter 8 – Reaching Parth Galen

It took them ten days to reach Parth Galen. The sun was setting over the Anduin as they made camp on the green shores. After a quick dinner, the hobbits had fallen asleep; their People were not fond of water and the Great River had been unforgiving. The others sat in silence around the fire, the weight of the choice that was yet to be made falling heavily on their heads.

Arwen was the first to speak.

"We cannot long halt here. The enemy is on the eastern shore, we know; but a shadow and a threat has been growing in my mind and I fear that the Orcs may already be on this side of the water."

"We have yet a decision to make…" – reminded Gimli.

"I think we should wait for the sunrise. We cannot make such a decision without hearing what Frodo has to say." – said Aragorn.

"Why cannot we decide and so help Frodo?" – asked Boromir.

"He is the Bearer appointed by the Council " – reminded Legolas.

"This quest is about more than carrying the Ring! You would rely on a hobbit on matters of war?" – insisted Boromir.

"None of us is under any oath or command to go any further than we wish." – said Aragorn – "If it is your desire to return to Minas Tirith…"

"Minas Tirith is the safer road. You know that." – interrupted Boromir – "From there we can regroup. Strike out for Mordor from a place of strength."

"There is no strength in Gondor that can avail us." – replied Aragorn.

"You were quick enough to trust the Elves!" – attacked Boromir – "Have you so little faith in your own people?"

Aragorn looked hard at Boromir.

"You don't know what you're talking about…"

"I know there is weakness. There is frailty. But there is courage also, and honour to be found in Men. But you will not see that."

Boromir stood up. His face was tainted by both pain and rage.

"You are afraid! All your life, you have hidden in the shadows. Scared of who you are, of what you are."

And even though Boromir spoke closer to Aragorn's heart than ever, he couldn't help but match Boromir's rage with some of his. He too rose from his seat.

"I would not lead the Ring within a hundred leagues of your city!"

"Is it really the Ring you want to keep away from Minas Tirith?..." – Boromir replied.

There was a brief silence. They all knew he was talking about Arwen.

"Maybe your father should have thought about it before doing what he did…" – Aragorn hissed.

"My father is a noble man..."

"You could have stopped it!"

"It was not in my hands, Aragorn… He now looks to me to make things right and I would do it. I would see the glory of Gondor restored. But that's not in my hands either…"

The glowing pride on Boromir's eyes mixed up with hurt as he walked away towards the black shadows of trees. Aragorn stood in silent for a while before walking towards the river. The other remained seated is silence. Arwen felt for Aragorn, knowing his heart so well, knowing how torn it was. But she worried about Boromir; she feared the Ring was taking over him, even though she believed his intensions were good. She had no sympathy for those in Minas Tirith responsible for the enslaving of her People, but she felt Boromir's words hid a cry for help – for his People, for himself.

Arwen stood up and walked towards Aragorn.

"He shouldn't be wandering alone…" – she said.

"He is a skilled fighter; he knows how to protect himself." – he answered, not turning to face her.

She got closer, now standing before him.

"Boromir needs your help, and I know you would go with him…"

"I made a promise to Frodo." – he interrupted – "We all did."

"I know…" – she said, touching his face lightly – "But I fear the Ring is taking over Boromir…"

Aragorn met her eyes; fear clouded his gaze briefly.

"We must rest." – he said stepping away and walking towards the others.

But she knew her troubled mind wouldn't let her.

The fire faded as the Fellowship lay around it; Gimli was watching out for the Enemy while the others slept; but Boromir was still nowhere to be seen. Arwen found no rest; she had wanted to go after Boromir, but knew Aragorn wouldn't let her. She feared his mind, and not the Orcs' blade, would be his doom.

Silently she got up. The Dwarf's ears can easily spot any foe, but not the light movements of an elf. She headed towards the trees, hidden in the shadows of the night. For a while, she walked with no clear direction, the only sound being that of the light breeze brushing past the tall leafs. Until she heard something else a man's voice, it seemed; its tone was dark, his troubled words rushed; it was Boromir. She found him among the trees, pacing restlessly. Sometimes he would stop, staring at the ground, breathing hard. A disturbed mind.

"Boromir…" – she called, her voice soft, her expression of concern.

He looked at her startled, still mumbling whatever words tormented his mind.

"It is mad no to use it, to use the power of the Enemy against him. What could not a warrior do in this hour, a great leader? What could not Aragorn do?... What could not Boromir do?"

"There is no hope while the Ring lasts…" – she said.

"I ask only for the strength to defend my People!" – he snapped,; his lips started to shape a twisted grin – "Would you not use it? Would you not set your People free?"

"My People are free!"

He moved closer to her, lowering his voice.

"You think you're wise, my Lady… But you fool me not. I can see it. How you long to become the Queen of Men, to overpower us all…"

"Boromir!" – she interrupted – "You are not yourself!"

His face softened as he started to walk way. A fear grew on Arwen's mind – that he would act on it, that he would try to take the Ring from Frodo.

"You must rest…" – she said, her eyes pleading.

But he continued to walk away, disappearing once again in the night.

"Don't do it!" – she yelled, before turning back towards the camp – "Please, don't do it…"

A new day was rising. The lawn of Parth Galen glistened with the first rays of sun that shone in a windy sky. They could go no further without choosing between the east way, through the Emyn Muil, and the west, towards Minas Tirith. The last stage of the Quest was before them.

When they had eaten, Aragorn called the Company together.

"The day has come at last," – he said – "the day of the choice which we have long delayed. What shall now become of our Company that has travelled so far in fellowship? Shall we turn west with Boromir and go to the wars of Gondor; or turn east to the Fear and Shadow; or shall we break our fellowship and go this way and that as each may choose?"

There was a long, dead silence between them. Boromir had returned during the night and was now quiet, no evidence of the torment of the night before on his face.

"Well Frodo," – said Aragorn at last – "I fear that the burden is laid upon you."

Frodo did not answer at once. Then he spoke slowly:

"I know that haste is needed, yet I cannot choose. The burden is heavy. Give me an hour longer, and I will speak. Let me be alone!"

"Very well, Frodo," – said Aragorn – "you shall have an hour and you shall be alone. We will stay here for a while. But do not stray far or out of call."

So Frodo got up, leaving the Company behind as he disappeared among the trees at the foot of Amon Hen. The others sat in silence for a while and then tried to talk of other things, but all their minds wondered about Frodo's decision.

Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli sat together, discussing their options.

"If we were to vote," – said Gimli – "I would choose Minas Tirith; though I understand your concerns…"

"The power of the Ring is too strong… Even Lord Elrond said so." – continued Legolas – "Taking it so close to Men would compromise our mission…"

"Boromir is right… The Ring is not my only concern." – Aragorn pointed out. He was looking away and they noticed he was watching Arwen as she sat with the hobbits, probably telling them stories of the old ages, judging by the delighted looks on their faces.

"She will be alright, Aragorn." – said Legolas as Aragorn turned to face them – "The Fellowship will protect her too."

"Taking two elves to Minas Tirith would raise too much awareness. What little secrecy remains to this quest would fall completely." – Aragorn explained.

"As you said, none of us swore to go any further than we wished." – reminded Gimli – "Lady Arwen would not have to follow the Company to Minas Tirith."

Aragorn smiled thoughtfully before speaking.

"Her stubbornness matches her courage, Master Gimli. She will never stay behind…"

They remained silent for a while. Legolas looked around the camp. As Arwen, he feared Orcs already walked on the western shore. Only then did he noticed something odd…

"Where is Boromir?"