A/N: I'm sorry this chapter took so long, but I wanted it to be perfect. Thanks for faithfully reviewing my story! I hope you all enjoy this 11th and final chapter. It's been a pleasure.



Ever so slowly, Tony's consciousness began to creep back. The first thing he became aware of was the stiffness that enveloped his entire body. There was a noise, a beeping. He made an attempt to groan, but then he became aware of a pressure on his chest. Something that pushed in and out, in and out, making his chest burn with pain every time it pushed. What the hell is happening to me? Where am I? He started to panic, tried to open his eyes, and heard the beeping increase in speed.

Then he caught a scent that was familiar and intoxicating all at once. He recognized it instantly. Kate. He relaxed. If she was here, everything must be fine.

He opened his eyes slowly. They almost felt as though they had weights on the lids, they were so heavy. He blinked a couple of times to clear the haze in front of his vision. Where am I? There were machines everywhere, blinking and beeping. Worse, there were tubes coming from his throat. His gag reflex started to kick in and his eyes started to burn from the stinging in his throat. Closing his eyes, he forced himself to calm down and the burning slowly stopped.

There was Kate. She had her head rested on his shoulder, fast asleep. Her face was so beautiful when she slept. He looked at her, and knew in that moment that he wanted to wake up to this woman every day for the rest of his life. Nothing on this earth could make him happier than that. He reached down and gently squeezed her hand. Kate moaned and stretched slightly before opening her eyes. She looked confused for a moment, then recognition dawned in her eyes.

"Tony! Oh God, you're awake! Wait…" she hit the nurse call button. "Don't try to talk until they take your respirator out, ok?"

He nodded and squeezed her hand again. She gently squeezed back, grateful to have him back.

The nurse entered. "Hello, Agent DiNozzo. I'm Nurse Ivans. I'm going to remove your respirator for you. Exhale for me."

Tony coughed, making his sore ribs ache as the nurse guided the respirator out. Kate gave him a cup of water with a straw to help wet his parched throat.

"Easy, Tony, you're going to be ok," she whispered, holding his head up as he drank. When he'd finished drinking, he settled back against the pillows. "So, what happened?" Tony asked, his voice scratchy. "The last thing I remember is getting myself shot, and seeing you." He grimaced as he settled back down on the bed painfully.

She sat back down in the red chair. "Well, you have Abby to thank for finding you. She really did a great job putting together all of the evidence. I'll let her tell you all about that, though. I wouldn't want to steal any of her thunder. She wouldn't talk to me for weeks."

Tony chuckled, albeit weakly. "Can you imagine Abby not talking? I wouldn't say she wouldn't talk to you for weeks. I'd give her 20 minutes silent, max."

Kate smiled. "Probably so. Anyway, she did a great job. She told us exactly where we could find you. And then Gibbs called for a helicopter—"

"A helicopter? For me? Did I gett to ride in it? Probie is going to be so jealous!" Tony's familiar grin stretched from ear to ear.

"Yes, Tony, you got to ride in it. You were airlifted to he hospital. Not much good riding in it if you don't even remember it now, is it?" Kate laughed, trying to get the memory of the ride out of her head. The memory of her, holding Tony's hand in the helicopter, willing him to stay alive as they flew to the hospital. But he was fine now. Or at least, he was going to be fine. "You went into surgery, and well, you know the rest."

Tony's eyes fluttered tiredly. "How long have I been out? Is there anything wrong with me? Well, anything other than this bullet hole in my side, that is? And this sore throat from that damned respirator." he said dryly.

She nodded. "You have some broken ribs and a punctured lung. You know what that means, don't you, Tony? You're going to be taking it very easy for quite a while." He raised his eyebrows mischievously at her.

"I mean it, Tony! You'd better be very good, or I'm gonna get all Special Agent on your ass!"

He laughed at her. "Come here, you." She leaned in to him until their noses almost touched. "Kiss me," he whispered. She gently placed her lips over his and savored his warmth.

"Guess you're feeling better, DiNozzo." A voice behind them said dryly. Kate turned. It was Gibbs, two cups of coffee in hand.

"Hey, Boss!" Tony said cheerily.

Gibbs handed up cup of coffee to Kate. "Kate, you've been in here for 27 hours and45 minutes. Go get something to eat for dinner. I'll stay with Tony. You look terrible."

"Well thanks, Gibbs," Kate said sarcastically, "you know, you sure have a way with the ladies." She gathered her messy brown locks into a ponytail and got up. "Fine. I'll be back soon, Tony."

After making sure she was out of the room, Tony addressed Gibbs. "Hey, boss? I have a favor to ask you."


Kate returned quickly, having quickly eaten a sandwich from the hospital cafeteria. When she entered the room, Gibbs had gone already, and Tony lay sleeping soundly. Kate suddenly worried that she'd worn him out with the conversation, but then she thought better of it. The more he sleeps, the faster he'll recover. She sat down and settled in for the long wait.

The next thing she knew, Gibbs was shaking her awake. "Good morning, Kate."

She yawned. "Good morning. How's Tony?"

"Tony's doing better." The voice came from the hospital bed.

Gibbs cleared his throat. "I'm going to go get some breakfast. Want anything, anyone?"

"I wanna know when they're going to let me out of this damn place! I'm already sick of being here." Tony complained, his throat still scratchy.

"I'll take that as a no." Gibbs left quickly, the door swinging shut behind him.

"Kate, get me out of here!" Tony whined, giving Kate a look with his green eyes that would have melted the will of someone less adamant than Kate.

"Good morning to you too, Tony," Kate said, "and if you try to move one finger to get out of that bed, I'll make sure you stay in this place for a month. And I mean it."

Tony laughed fondly and pulled her close to the side of his bed. "You're bossy."

She squeezed his hand. "Tony, what am I going to do with you?"

"Well…" he picked up a small box from his bedside table, "...you could marry me." Tony opened the box and held it out. A dazzling square cut diamond shone forth from its ornate platinum setting.

Kate was speechless.

Tony hurried to explain. "It's an antique. Itwas my grandmother's. I had Gibbs bring it from my apartment. I know this isn't a romantic proposal, coming from a laid up guy in a hospital bed. I mean, I can't even get down on one knee! You don't have to say yes now. I mean, I know we haven't been dating very long, but we've known each other for a while now, and we could have a long engagement if you want. I just—I've never felt this way about anyone. I know that's cheesy, but it's how I feel about you. I want to wake up with you beside me every morning. I want you for the rest of my life. I love you, Kate. I know it might seem like we're rushing things, but—" He was rambling, badly. She thought it was the most adorable thing she'd ever seen.

"Tony." She reached out and put her fingers on his lips, effectively hushing him. She leaned close. "Yes."

Relief watched over his face quickly. He smiled, pulled the ring from the box, and slid it over her slender left ring finger that she held out. The he grinned cockily. "I knew you'd say yes."

"Cute, Tony," she said, pulling him into a kiss that bound them together. Earth and time disappeared and there was nothing and no one but the two of them.

Outside, Gibbs watched with a slight upturn of his mouth. He was happy for them. Abby came up to him, offering him a cup of coffee. She turned to see what Gibbs was looking at, and did a double take. Her eyes opened wide in shock. "Gibbs—did what I think happened just actually happen?" she asked incredulously.

"Well, I'm not sure what you think just happened—" Gibbs began jokingly. Abby smacked his arm. He looked injured. "Ok, ok. Tony just proposed to Kate. And from the looks of things, I would venture a guess that she said yes." He grinned at the look on Abby's face.

Abby squealed, jumping up and down a couple of times. Gibbs, pretending to be annoyed, put his hands over his ears. Abby sighed contentedly. "Look, Gibbs, aren't they so cute?" She put her arm on his shoulder and rested her head on it. Gibbs looked down in surprise, then slowly smiled. He put his arm around her.


I want to thank everyone who reviewed my story! Please let me know if you've enjoyed this last chapter! Jennifer Paris Morgan, I threw in a GABBY shot at the very end just for you! I hope you enjoyed it.

Thanks to gotmilk, shiri, Shannon,Tami, angelbird12241, weing1, Anonymous 327, ArodLoverus2001, warrior of the shadow, RT4ever, devil3567, Silent Cobra, starryeyes10, grim001us, xobabygurlxo, ballymay, Wolf Jade, Jennifer Paris Morgan, StrawberryBlondeHazelEyes, WBH21C, LillyRush, highonscifi, Sydney Bristow, TATE foreva, kbandy, tinkoo, Fans, cheezmunkey, shirik, Florence1, belgianbabe2974, angeleyes, angels122, leggy9591, ladc, Lorency, jtbwriter, Mo, stonedtoad, freitazal, Dreamy-Orion, frostfalcon, jewelbaby, Dragula, EquestrianBabe, Patty, and WiseDreamer. Thanks!