I don't own these Characters or the names of the places or things used… or well pretty much everything I don't own… I just make them all dance to my imaginations tune.

It's my first FanFic so please be nice and helpful.

Chapter one: The New Kid Meets and Greets

The New Kid, a title no one ever wishes to possess if avoidable. Tsukushi Makino was not as fortunate as she took in the sight of her new school. It was overly extravagant and just screamed richie-rich.

'How big does this place need to be? It's not even comparable to North Senior High.' Tsukushi contemplated as she scanned her map.

Kush's transfer from the public North H.S. did not sit well with her, or anyone except her mother. She was poor, and from the wrong side of the tracks. Eitoku was a very elite High School, tailoring to the needs of the wealthy youth of the city. Her mother, Chieko Makino, suffered from delusions of grandeur that were often hard for Kush to take. Her father, Yasukichi Makino,was an out of work bum who had serious problem with his temper that was heightened by excessive drinking. Kush found herself on the wrong end of his wrath more times than she cared to remember. But Kush was not the only one to suffer at her father's hand. Her younger brother Susumu also dodged the bullets of insults and beatings. Just pleasing her family was a Herculean effort. But now she finally did it, she had the grades to nab up one of the coveted scholarships to Eitoku High. It took her three years to get this position and took more effort to keep a clean record for that long. Violence begets violence is such a true statement. Tsukushi Makino, aka the Weed, had problems staying out of fights. She took her personal problems to the streets, though she worked hard enough at not getting caught.

Enraptured in her thoughts Kush accidentally brushed the shoulders with another girl as she turned another hallway corner. Mumbling a somewhat recognizable apology Kush turned to leave.

"What the Hell? Watch it, Bitch!" Yuriko Asai snapped. Tsukushi turned back once again to face this girl. She was a bit shocked at the harsh tone that was used to address her. It was not as if she had knocked the girl down or even hurt her in the least. So what was with this hostility?

"Sorry." Kush said in a more pounced way this time. Not wanting a fight her first hour of her first day.

"You think that's good enough?" Yuriko sneered. Asai had appraised Tsukushi's look and found no signs of wealth about the girl, giving her full right to lay into her as much as she wished.

"My goodness, they sure are lowering the standards to get in I see." Asai's friend Eriko Ayuhara commented.

"Yeah, unless the 'trailer-park trash' look is in." Minako Yamano laughed. She was obviously bitch number three in their little group.

"I am not trailer trash! And I don't dress trashy at all!" Makino bellowed back. She's knot one to sit back and take it, her temper was far too explosive to allow that. Her look consisted of black baggy-legged cargos that fit well around her waist and allowed free movement in the legs. Her T-shirt was dark blue and fit well on her slim figure the words 'Soccer kicks ASS' was written across the chest and 'Your Ass' was written on the back. Her hair was limp and not done in any fashion style. It was normal clothes, but compared to the Gucci tops and mini's that these girls were displaying I guess she looked underdressed.

"She's right," Asai stated. "She sports more of the Hobo ensemble if you ask me." That resulted in another wave of laughter off her companions. Then not waiting for Tsukushi's comeback they departed noses in the air and giggling like, well, the school girls that they are.

Looking about Kush noted some students were laughing at her and others were gawking at her appearance.

'I knew I'd stick out, but I didn't expect the circus freak treatment.' Kush sighed mentally as she once again continued her trek to class.


She struggled all morning to find each room. At each turn she made she found unfriendly faces waiting to glare at her, it would be like wishing for the moon to expect someone would help her out.

'Thank God for lunch time.' Kush thought as she went up to the lunch lady. Flashing her student ID she was handed the free lunch special that was available due to her financial status. It was a basic cafeteria lunch. (chicken, potatoes, creamed corn, milk, pudding cup) Nothing really wrong with it unless compared to the other meals served. Rich foods of all kinds were available for purchase. Foods Makino has never experienced and as life has shown her, she never would. Taking her meager tray she headed towards the tables. Scanning the room before she mentally scolded herself. She knew she would not recognize anyone but it was a force of habit to look before moving to an empty table.

Her table choice was her down fall. As many know students tend to migrate in repetitive patterns with or without instructions to do so. Seating charts in class or without students always tent to sit in the same spot day after day; even tendencies to be pretty territorial over said spot. Tsukushi had no idea that her new lunch table was marked by the very territorial F4.

Digging into her lunch Kush tried her hardest to ignore the stares she received from her fellow students. People had stared at her all day so she didn't think anything about it now. Not even hearing the whispers that wafted the cafeteria.

"How could she?"

"She's nuts!"

"She's so dead…"

"The F4 table, she's disgracing it…"

Makino was even completely oblivious to the sudden hush that filled the room with the approach of the infamous F4.

F4 with food trays in hand stalked up to their table and simultaneously slammed down their things, startling the wits out of Kush. Looking up in a daze she first locked eyes with Rui Hanazawa the quite and emotionless member of the F4. He was directly across the table from her. She then drifted her eyes to her left noticing the dashing looking playboy Soujirou Nishikado. Soujirou was giving her a what-the-fuck look that held in some amusement. Turning her head once again she noted Akira Mimasaka who also held amusement in his eyes as he sized her up in a glance. Pretty boys the lot of them. Lastly she lifted her head directly up behind her stood Tsukasa Doumyouji with a very pissed off fuming aura about him.

"What the Hell do you think your do'n!" Tsukasa Bellowed down at Tsukushi. "This is the F4's table."

Staring at this tall, well built, handsome, angered, young man Tsukushi smirked before replying "Eat'n."

This only irritated Doumyouji even more. "Get out of my seat!" he growled. Tsukasa leaded over her even more making himself look even more menacing and powerful by dwarfing her in her seat.

"Geeze, FE-FI-FO-FUM what beanstalk did you fall from?" was her only reply. The playboys Soujirou and Akira muffled their laughter at Tsukasa's stunned expression. His face reddened with anger and humiliation before he slapped Tsukushi's lunch to the floor.

"Hey! I was still eating that!" she yelled.

"Not anymore. Now you have no need to be at this table." He replied with a deadly angered stare.

Kush shot out of her seat, fists at her hips glaring with just as much hate as Tsukasa.

"ASS!" she shot back. Turning back to the table she grabbed Soujirou's juice box and Akira's cookie before turning to leave.

"Hey," Akira complained, "why my food? Tsukasa is the one yelling." Makino didn't reply verbally she just looked at Akira before nodding and smacked Tsukasa's lunch tray to the floor next to her own. She then proceeded in exiting.

Tsukasa was so pissed he couldn't speak, till the cafeteria started to buzz with gossip. Flinging his gaze across the room he shouted, "You want to die?" Everyone shut up.

"That wasn't boring." Rui stated.

"You only say that cause she did nothing to your lunch."

"Buy more." Rui replied with a partial yawn. He then sat down with no more comments.

"She needs a red tag." Tsukasa growled.

"Yeah I agree. I mean she took my cookie after all." Akira piped up. Soujirou gave him a whatever look. "But it was chocolate chunk." He pouted.

"I want her name." Tsukasa mumbled.

"Makino, Tsukushi Makino." The F4 looked up to see Yuriko Asai smirking. "And if you need any help getting her you just have to ask 'Kasa-darling." She smiled as big as a birthday clown and bated her eyes at the four dashing young men.

"Don't call me that, EVER!"

"Sorry…" she murmured. Knowing she crossed the line.

"Feh, if sorry was useful what are police for?"

With that remark she retreated in a very submissive fashion.

"Makino huh? This could be fun."

After School

'God that sucked a duck' Kush groaned slightly as she exited the public bus. She still had a few blocks to walk before she was home. Even the bus system didn't travel too far into this area.

Broken glass glittered in the afternoon sun lightly illuminating the sidewalk before her. Graffiti decoratively signified that she was once again on the north side of the train tracks. The local gang symbols marked the territory as off limits to outsiders. And exiting the alley dead ahead of her was several young hoodlums; tattooed, pierced, and dyed hair gave each a unique and thuggish look. Kush never faltered in her step as she neared them.

"Well, well, well. Looky what we got here."

"Hey Kush."

Silence greeted them as Tsukushi made no attempt to acknowledge them.

"What? You think your above your old cronies now? That richie-rich school gone to your head in the course of a day?" The young man was now blocking her path preventing her from walking by.

"Now we just want a little chat Kush. Come on…" He never finished that sentence as she tossed her book bag into his arms and kicked him full in the abdomen. She then did a speedy roundhouse kick slamming him to the pavement. Glaring daggers at the remaining thugs she bends down to pick up her book bag.

"I am 'The Weed' never forget that! I know who I am so should you!"

"Yeah… sure." They all nodded heads in agreement.

"Now I'll see ya all when I see ya. Is that clear?" she spat.
