If You Only Knew …
By gilmoregirl1979

Friendly disclaimer: I own nothing no harm no sue!

A/N: A ONE SHOT feel good pick me up fic! (or so I thought….) Well on the same theme here is another chapter, I was inspired!

R/R please…….

LUVZ: thanks for liking this idea... and for helping the insomnia over the hiatas, GRRRRRRRRR! (HUGS)

Some one wanted more… HERE YOU GO!

7777777777 Purple Power Baby 777777777777777777
Chapter 2:

Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?

Lorelai was escorted into the grand Gilmore living room by a maid. "Mrs. Gilmore?" Lorelai smiled. Emily looked up to see Lorelai hastily crossed to the couch opposite Emily, "Thank you for seeing me on such short notice."

Right away, Emily knew this was serious. They only adopted the third person speech for when they had important things to discuss, and did not want to end in a judgmental shouting match.


"May I sit?"

"Of course." Eying her daughter, noticing immediately, something was … different.

"Well, as you know, I don't exactly have the best relationship with my mother."

"You have told me so before.'' Trying not to take offense and focus solely on her daughter's problem at hand.

"Well, you see, we have these Family Friday night dinners. And they have been going better now. I think she's finally accepted Luke as … my husband, and as Rory's step-dad, well as part of the Family. You know, and everything seems really good."

"So what's the problem?"

"Well, I sort of want to invite another person to these dinners and I don't know how she will react. You may know reputation as a party planner. She is always so careful with food selection and place settings; but if anything, in this case, you'd think she'd not only appreciate the advanced notice but would take advantage of a balanced table, right?"

"I see," Emily figured Lorelai was here on behalf of Rory, possibly to invite a new Beau, "… Well, are you going to give her enough notice?"


"About how much notice?"

"Oh, six months." Lorelai offered casually.

This is ridiculous, "Well, I don't see why she would be upset."

Lorelai smiled broadly, "Thank you Mrs. Gilmore, you've really made me feel better."

"I'm glad to help, I would suggest you ask your mother at the next available opportunity. So she can make her 'meticulous preparations'."

"I will, thank you, have a good day Mrs. Gilmore." And with that Lorelai got up and left the living room.

Emily was always puzzled by her daughter's games, but they didn't yell, they didn't shout, and they didn't fight with this method. All in all, it went well. It was preferable this way, more civilized. A few minutes later Emily noticed Lorelai standing in the door way again."Oh! you almost gave me a heart attack." Then Emily noted Lorelai's expression. It seemed like she was gaging Emily, waiting for her to react to something.


Lorelai walked over to the couch with sat beside her mother.The close proximity concerned Emily, she had actually called her mom, they weren't playing roles any more, Lorelai really wanted to tell her something.

"Yes, Lorelai?"

"Mom, I'd like you to start setting an extra place at Friday night dinners."

Now we will get down to it! "Certainly, who is this for?"

"Well, for someone I think has earned a place at our table?"

"Luke is welcome anytime, you know that."

"I know, and we appreciate everything; the invite, the understanding, the genuine courtesy when he comes now." Lorelai took a deep breath "Well, another member of Luke's family is coming to town, … in about six months, and we thought it be nice if they met you."

"It's not Jess, is it?" Emily said sternly.

"No, not Jess. " Lorelai had to laugh.

"Then who?"

Lorelai swallowed hard. "Our baby," and Lorelai waited for the words to register.

Baby? Emily's eyes went wide at what her daughter was disclosing.

"I'm pregnant, Mom. Luke and I are having a baby."

Another grandchild! "Oh, Lorelai?" and Emily hugged her daughter.Six months? "How far along are you? " Looking at her daughter's stomach.

"Just past the first trimester, we wanted to be sure everything was … okay, before we told anyone. I'm not a teen anymore!"

"Thank God!" and you are married.

"We just told Rory last night. You're the second to know. … I wanted you to know."

"Lorelai," Emily admired her only child; she touched her daughter's cheek, moved that she was making an effort to let Emily be involved with her second child, from the beginning.

"Mom. We aren't going to have tiffany baby rattles or satin sheets."

"Whatever you want, I'll keep out of it," Emily was just happy to be let in again.

"No,The whole point is for you to be in it! I want this baby to know his/her grandparents from the beginning, the way Rory never really got to. And you know, both of Luke's parents are gone, and he wants to make sure you and dad were .. involved. He wants his child to have ... grandparents."

"Lorelai," Emily hugged her daughter again, no other words seemed to fit, " … congratulations."

"What's all this then?" Richard entered the room, unable to understand the reason for the giggly, teary pair in the living room.


A/N: how do you like the Kinder Gentler Emily? LOL
A/N: this was inspired by how my sis told us my nephew was on the way… she sent out an email to all the family, with the sonograph, the caption read, GUESS WHOSE COMING TO DINNER?

"that was all God given talent..." why thank you Luke...
R/R: PLEASE, I like to better myself. To quote The Princess Bride,
"...Remember this is for posterity, ... so be honest."

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