AN: Okay…this is the finale chapter, I hope you'll like it : ) Thanks to everybody who reviewed! Your reviews made my day : )

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Tanks to: Everybody who reads this story: )

Thank you !

arguments and kisses

Grissom didn't say a single word to her for the whole ride to the restaurant. She sat on the passengers seat, not taking her eyes off of him. He is still angry…If I would just know what to do…

He pulled the car into the parking lot, stopped and left it without waiting for her. He walked over to the entrance, not caring whether Sara was following him or not. She ran after him, her shoes making dull sounds when she did so. She caught up with him at the entrance door. She was out of breath and tried desperately to calm down until they reached the table where the others were already waiting for them.

"Sara! Hey!", Greg jumped up from his seat and hugged her impetuously.

"Hey you.", she smiled warm at him.

Warrick, Nick and Sophia were the next ones that stood up to hug Sara. Catherine didn't move at all…but Sara actually didn't care about this. Grissom sat down next to Greg, and Sara sat down next to Grissom.

"You're late.", Warrick said grinning.

"We were delayed by something…important.", Sara said softly, looking at Grissom, hoping he would react to what she said…she didn't care how, she just wanted a sign that he was at least listening to what she said.

"Whoa…something 'important'…how important was it?", Greg asked grinning.

"Sara got a job offer…she's going to work for the San Francisco Crime lab.", Grissom said bitter.

Did he just say this! Did he just say this! Haven't I told him that I wont leave!

"But I thought the two of you…", Catherine started.

"…well you know Catherine, this is what I thought too…but she thinks otherwise about this."

Is he really saying this? This must be a nightmare, a bad joke…is he really saying such a crap!

She was speechless, everybody was staring at her, she didn't know what to say.

"You will leave Vegas?", Nick asked softly.

Sara shook her head. "I wont…", now everything was blurting out of her. "No I wont leave Vegas, and I told you this Gil! How the fuck can you just start telling such a crap here! I told you that I wont leave! I told you more than once that I wouldn't take this job! I told you that I would stand by you, I told you that you are my life and that I could never leave you! Why are you telling them such a shit!"

The others were staring from her to him, back to her and again to Grissom. No one knew what to say. Grissom bite on his bottom lip, staring on his fists. "Oh come on Sara, let's face the truth! You wouldn't be happy with me, knowing that you could have had that job! We both know that."

"What!", she sounded as desperately as she was. "You know that you are the only one who can make me happy!" hell doesn't he know that!

"You know what…we should maybe…leave you two alone and…I mean, you two really need to talk.", Warrick said softly.

"No…No you will stay! We are going to have this damned dinner now!", Sara said angry. "Just because he thinks that he can let out his frustration , about only God knows what, on me, you are not going to leave. He wont destroy that evening.", Sara said angry.

During the dinner everyone was quiet, it was an awkward situation for everyone. Neither Grissom nor Sara said at least one word for the rest of the dinner. When they had finished and everybody was about to leave, Grissom went to the rest room. Only Sara and Catherine remained at the table.

Catherine swallowed hard, looking at Sara who was staring down on her hands. "Hey…he will calm down."

Sara sighed. "I don't understand why he…why he reacts like this…I didn't give him any reason for this. I told him that I wouldn't leave…I told him that I love him more than anything else, I told him that I can't live without him, I told him that he is my world, my life…but…he…he got totally crazy…he freaked out…and I don't know why.", she felt tears running down her cheeks, the pain in her heart increased.

Catherine reached out for her hand. "Hey…I am sure he will calm down…don't worry…I think he is just concerned…he is afraid to loose you…he doesn't know how to deal with this…he never had a relationship like this to any woman before and…he just doesn't know it better….and in addition to this he really had a bad day."

"What happened?"

"He had an argument with Ecklie…I don't know why…I think it had something to do with the teams…I'm not sure…I wouldn't tell me…his mood just changed from good to horrible…that's all I know."

Sara sighed. "I shouldn't have told him about the job offer. I shouldn't have said anything…but I thought I'd have to…I mean, he trusts me! We live together…we…we love each other and…I thought he should know… I thought he would maybe be proud of me…I mean I was their first choice…I thought he'd congratulate me…I mean…I thought he would know that I wouldn't leave him…he should have known…I told him…and…and then he starts telling such a shit to all of you…he it totally out of his mind….He…I don't understand why he did this! If he would have freaked out like this at home…okay, I could have understand it, maybe…but this…this was too much! I mean…who does he think he is! I don't understand why he is doing this to me!"

"Give him some time to calm down."

"It's just that I am so angry."

Sara saw Grissom returning, she looked down on the table again, not trying to hide her tears from him. He looked down at her, signalising Catherine to leave them alone. Catherine nodded and left.

Grissom sat down on the chair next to Sara, taking her hand into his. He caressed her fingers with his thumb. He turned his chair so that he was now facing her side. "Look at me.", he said softly.

She turned to him, biting down on her bottom lip. He caressed her cheek and wiped the tears away. "I'm sorry…I overreacted…it's just…"

"…I don't want any explanations…and I don't care if you are sorry…sorry, but…I don't want to hear this now…do me a favor and take me home…just take me home and stop touching me.", she stood up, grabbed her jacket and waited for him to stand up. Grissom sighed, he left his seat and followed her out to his car.


Grissom had prepared the couch for himself, he knew Sara wouldn't let him sleep in the bedroom tonight. He had heard her taking a shower half an hour ago, he had snuggled himself into the cushions of the couch, trying to focus on something else but her, but it was more than impossible. Why have I done this? Why? I should have known better, I hurt her so much with that…it's no wonder that she wasn't willing to forgive me! I am so stupid! Suddenly he heard the bedroom door opening. He heard the sound of her bare feet on the ground, he heard her coming closer to him. She stopped next to the couch. "Come to bed Gil…this is ridiculous.", she said softly.

He sat up slowly. It was dark, but he could see a soft smile of her lips. She lend him her hand and he reached for it. He stood up and followed her into the bedroom.

She stopped at the bed , he twined his arms around her waist, kissing her softly. "I'm so sorry for everything I said Angel…I am so sorry…I was s stupid! I was more than stupid! I wish I could make it up to you…I would do everything…I am so sorry."

She caressed his cheeks. "It's okay…it's really okay…just…believe me when I tell you that I will never leave you…okay?"

He nodded. "I…I should maybe explain why I…was in such a bad mood…I…I was talking to Ecklie, asking him if…I mean you said you wouldn't work for Catherine, so I tried to convince Ecklie to let you work on my shift again…but he…he wouldn't let you, so…I was frustrated…because all I want is…that you are by my side…always…and…when I came home after this conversation with Ecklie…I had swallowed the frustration because I was looking forward to hold you in my arms and…and then you tell me that they offered you a job in Frisco and…somehow my whole world broke down in that moment…I…overreacted…I was disappointed, I…I'm sorry…and this thing in the restaurant was…more than…I mean…I would hate me for this if I were you…"

"…I could never hate you! I love you much too much to ever be able to hate you."

His hands slipped under the jacket of her track suit, he caressed her skin and kissed her passionately. They sank down on the mattress, kissing and caressing each other. Sara snuggled against Grissom's chest, his arms holding her close to him. "I love you…Sara I love you so much…I thought I would loose you again…I was always afraid that I would loose you again…I am 15 years older than you…I thought it would be impossible that you could ever love me…that you might ever want to be with me…I am so afraid to loose you again…Sara you are my life!"

Sara rolled on her back, Grissom caressed her now bare stomach. Looking down on her. "Gil…you once said that…you would want to be…the father of my children…do you still…want to be …the father of my children?", she could feel her heart beating faster…she had thought about asking him this questions since weeks.

"Yes.", he whispered softly, kissing her passionately.

His lips loosened from hers minutes later. She caressed his cheek with her thumb. "Thank you for saving my life…thank you.", she whispered, deepening the soft kiss that he gave as response moments later.


Thanks to everybody who reviewed…I know the end was somehow lame….but I promise the sequel will be online too and…there will be much more angst and much more emotions : )