Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma ½ and for the love of god don't steal my character. Thank you and enjoy my paranoia.

Author's Note: Last chapter. The final update on a story that I truly enjoyed, but struggled mightily through. Please be kind and if you have constructive criticism please tell me. Well, the pairing votes are in. Drum roll please! (someone plays a kazoo) Urhm… Not what I had in mind but… Okay! The lucky "couple" is! Ranma/Kasumi & Nabiki! What an upset! Strange idea, but it works! Okay then, on with the show!

Demon's Crossing


Several months later…

Ranma lay in his room thinking about the past few months. His injuries from the major battle were long healed, but his ears were still ringing from his family screaming at him. So it wasn't quite the best idea he had in mind, but at least everyone was safe and sound. The trauma from fighting his sister didn't last as long as he thought it would. She was safe and seemed happy. The green-eyed girl had taken off on a long training trip with Akane of all people. The blue-eyed boy reasoned that if she didn't like boys then maybe she liked girls. That thought was disturbing, especially how well he accepted it. There were other things to think about anyway. Last night would be a prime example of how crazy things could get around here. Soun had dropped by with something to talk to his mom about. The pigtailed wonder still couldn't believe what he had heard. The once spineless patriarch, that had miraculously become a warrior, had asked his mom on a date! He smiled at the memory of her blush and say yes. Perhaps the two lonely people could get together. Certainly a pleasant thought to the martial artist.

The problem with the Tendo girls on the other hand still made him scratch his head. Why consult Ranma when they could just decide themselves? At first he was offended until he realized just what they had in mind. He flushed so red it matched his girl form's hair color. There was still going to be a problem since a person could only have one wife, but they were going to hammer that part out as well. When he asked what they meant, they said they were going to decide who married him and who was a mistress. The two had drawn staves and he decided to let them handle it on their own. Strangely enough, it didn't bother him. He knew how he felt for the two girls and how they felt for him, so let them figure it out in a way they can live with. Either he was growing up or he was going crazy. His sister, before she left, told him it means roughly the same thing. Comforting thought.

Shampoo and Ukyou were also prominently in his mind as well. The two girls had truly started dating seriously. It bothered Mousse at first, but seeing how happy his childhood friend was finally got to him. Too bad he took it the wrong way and thought his attentions had turned her into a lesbian. He left for China a little over a month ago and had managed to defeat both Ling-Ling and Lung-Lung by a total fluke. All that was known was it involved a cheese sandwich, a barrage of chains, and an ill-placed flower pot. Ranma's mind shuddered away from that thought. The old ghoul, Cologne, has continued to train him. She seems unusually pleased with about the whole situation. In return for his training, however, she did ask one favor. When the girls decided they wanted children, would he donate sperm? He had been eating at the time and almost lost his lunch. Yet a Saotome vomiting good food was unheard of. He decided to get his mind off of that for a bit as well. Though the two did make quite a cute couple.

Ryoga, strangely enough, hasn't become lost in the whole time after the battle. He started attending school with Ranma and Akane shortly after he discovered his newfound sense of direction. The Former Lost Boy was also pretty good in school as it turned out. His shyness around girls made him somehow really cute to said fairer sex and the notes piled up on his desk repeatedly. The boy had decided, however, on being with Akari as soon as he could find her home again. Ranma still frowned at that. The pigtailed boy felt bad for his former rival. Ryoga had finally made his way to the pig farm only to find Mikado there with Akari doing an act straight from a hentai. Not much to say on that except that the dirty half of the Golden Pair wouldn't be figure skating for quite a while. Just when the boy had reached critical mass with depression, a girl in their class finally got through to him. The two went on their first date a couple days ago. Ryoga's Shi Shi Hokodan has been rendered useless, he just can't work up the depression for it anymore. Thank Kami-sama for that.

For reasons still not quite understood, Happosai has taken to molesting penguins. That was an unsolved mystery of the bizarre kind. The pigtailed boy was glad he didn't have to solve it, even if zoo officials were worried. His pop was missing too. Mom had come into a sizeable sum of money recently just after said zoo gained a new panda. Was there a connection? Ranma chose to turn a blind eye on that mystery as well.

A final look at the time let the weary boy know that it was time for bed. The young man kind of missed being able to roll over, but he didn't want to disturb the two girls using his chest for a pillow. They still couldn't agree who would do what, but they both agreed they wanted him. He knew that a few months ago this kind of thing would freak him out, but that was then and this is now. With a last kiss on their foreheads, he snuggled in and went to sleep.


Author's Notes: It doesn't need to be long to be good or to answer questions. I hope you enjoyed this story all ye who have stayed on since the beginning. I got the Happosai/penguin thing from a fanfiction called "Girl Days" by Kenko. Look it up, it's truly great if you like to laugh. Well, I'm sad it's over, but don't cry! There will be plenty other stories to come! In the mean time please read my earlier works, k? Ja ne!